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my former church/deciding my ministry, gifting, calling

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:34 pm
by ArisenShine
I'll shorten this up as much as possible.

It was in what seemed like my former church, yet much larger, and much different. Several of the leadership were present...the pastor, his wife, one female worship leader and her husband, one male group-leader. Only one woman showed up that was not in leadership..just a member, a she was the one wanting to attack me at one point. It all seemed very professional, a huge operation, and spiritual, not religious. There Sunday service I knew was also televised, and took place at the front desk area.

The gist of the dream was that I was sort of visiting and meandering through all the rooms where various ministries were going on, and being encouraged to take my time and find/discern my part in it. At first I feared I would be put to task to lead something which I didn't like and trapped there with no sense of 'fitting'. Like being forced into something you aren't even called to do.

But then I realized they knew that my true spiritual gifts would be 'quickened' to me as I just spent time in that atmosphere, and I would know and they would also perceive it.

THE ATTACK: The pastor's wife came to me privately and warned me she knew of an attack by a jealous woman who hated my 'face', and the plan was to harm my face w/a weapon.
Then the woman came in. Though she greeted me nicely I saw she carried a large pair of scissors and knew she was the potential attacker. As she came at me a shot rang out and I saw a small explosion at her head area, and was amazed that the pastor's wife had shot her in the head! :shock:

Long story short, as I went through the ministry rooms (skipping details here)I did not want to participate in what was presented to me, though I respected that it all was being done by some.

THEN<SUDDENLY: A small kitten of a very rare breed had appeared cradled in my left arm....and I recalled this had happened once before. This kitten and the previous one had been placed in my care to get them off to a good start in life, which not everyone was able to do because of the extreme exactness of their every need. It took precision and complete accuracy and attention to detail. The whole future of the breed dependended on their survival as they would be the foundation (there were so few of them) for future generations of this breed.
THE RARE BREED: I knew it to have begun as a mutation within the Siamese breed. But the fur was muliticolored with rich greens, purples, and wonderful array of rich colors....yet the eyes were still notably Siamese.

This was my calling...and I loved it...They were so gorgeous, and too tiny to not be with their mother. They wouldn't make it without this special help. I felt it was similar to a magnetic force which brought these into my arms. The magnetic force was all part of the gifting, for I was not the one doing it.

Those are the most important parts.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:56 pm
by ArisenShine
I'm thinking this may just be a dream caused by something I ate. (?)

Someone gave us a ham for Christmas. We rarely eat ham, but have for a few days and I'm having long, somewhat interesting, detailed dreams the past few nights.

Hmmm...maybe too much salt? Retaining water (on the brain?) :wink:

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:21 pm
by kimibrew
Hi Lee,

Well, you know I don't typically get much interp, but the one thought I did have was I'm glad the pastor's wife actually warned then protected you. She must have really been wanting you to find your place and was not jealous of your 'face'.

Oooh. Just got thought number two. I love cats...have one...but they are wierd and really sensitive to spirit realm. I mean they don't conform well. Could the Lord mean He is drawing you to nurture people who don't fit well in our normal christian culture,but are very spiritually aware and will need careful attn and nuturing in order to bare the fruit they are called to bare?

ok...if (that's a BIG IF) that is what the Lord is saying I think you would be such a blessing to people like me. I don't fit well. I love the Church, it is so beautiful with all the different expressions, but have never felt I fit in a great way. Thankfully, i'm surrounded by people who help me fit anyways becauase of their love and acceptance of me, but what about all the others who haven't found acceptance for their uniqueness? Those kittens were 'rare' but beautiful and you were going to help them grow and prosper.

If I missed it and it WAS least I came into some understanding of how valuable that kitten lovin' role is... :lol:


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:09 pm
by ArisenShine
thank you kimi,
I love cats...have one...but they are wierd and really sensitive to spirit realm. I mean they don't conform well. Could the Lord mean He is drawing you to nurture people who don't fit well in our normal christian culture,but are very spiritually aware and will need careful attn and nuturing in order to bare the fruit they are called to bare?
I love cats too(usually, lol) and have one. They are fascinating creatures. They don't miss a thing, either...the faintest sound, the smallest movement, etc...will go and investigate. (at least my cat does) The term "fraidy cat" might be undeserving of them, and a misunderstanding of those 'sensitivities' which you mention...they just 'pick up' on everything and aren't naive (like some dogs, lol).

A few interesting facts about Siamese (from wikipedia)..'Siamese are extremely affectionate and intelligent...vocal and have a low pitched voice that has been compared to the cries of a baby...extrovertish..persistent in demanding attention...more dependent of humans [than most breeds].'
I don't fit well. I love the Church, it is so beautiful with all the different expressions, but have never felt I fit in a great way. Thankfully, i'm surrounded by people who help me fit anyways becauase of their love and acceptance of me, but what about all the others who haven't found acceptance for their uniqueness?
I can relate...but I think we both fit fine here, :wink: don't you?

Thanks, ((kimi))...ya done good! I don't think it was the ham after all...heh...the ham is gone and I'm still dreamin'.

Bless you much,

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:19 pm
by ArisenShine
Something just came to me. Quoting what I said in my last post..
They [cats] don't miss a thing either...the faintest sound, the smallest movement, etc....will go and investigate.
This suddenly reminded me of DREAMERS...those who become aware of God speaking to them through dreams. They [unlike some Christians] take dreams more seriously, record details, study metaphors and how the bible uses them, seek God for interpretation, and don't want to miss a case the LORD is speaking.

Wondering if cats in my dreams represent this type of believers. (at least sometimes)Have had plenty of cat/kitten dreams in the past..I'll revisit a few. there ANYTHING more ADORABLE than a tiny kitten????

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 3:45 pm
by ArisenShine
The multicolored coats remind me, also, of Joseph's coat of many colors....and multi-gifted.