Reciting the Consequences of Sin

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Reciting the Consequences of Sin

Post by AnnA »

I was lying in bed with a man. He was talking to another man that was standing in the doorway. They were talking about sin. I interuppted and said something about the penalties of sin , we have Christ but that does not the negate the fact that there are still consequences. I said you could still contract an STD and something else I don't remember now. I guess we were talking about sexual sin. I wasn't fully dressed under the covers. Also I think I had a baby or small child sleeping on my chest.
Last edited by AnnA on Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by naveah »

Perhaps Prayerfully consider

a ministry, an open door or opportunity to tell someone close to you to expose the truth yet covered in the blood of Jesus and another possibly(man) thought about the elder, deacon or pastor of the church (because standing up) about the problems associated with sin. How it effects the intimacy with the Lord.
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by AnnA »

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Post by bjcollin »

Personally I feel there is a lot going for holiness. We need holiness in every day life as well as the once for all that Christ died for that lead us to salvation in the first place. He shed his blood for the present day as well if we will accept it and walk in holiness due to our love for Him. Not a direct intrepretation, but I think the thought in your dream is the same idea from a different angle.

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Re: Reciting the Consequences of Sin

Post by christianfireman »

Anna, I was immediately impressed with the directness of your dream.
I was lying in bed with a man ... I wasn't fully dressed under the covers.
The image above is an extremely personal one, not generic at all.
They were talking about sin.
Reminds me of an occasion in the bible where there was also "two" people" that were talking about sin:
And the tempter came and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread."
But he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'"
Then the devil took him to the holy city, and set him on the pinnacle of the temple,
and said to him, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down; for it is written, 'He will give his angels charge of you,' and 'On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.'"
Jesus said to him, "Again it is written, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God.'"
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them;
and he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me."
Then Jesus said to him, "Begone, Satan! for it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'" Matthew 4:3-10
It seems that the two people in your dream were not discussing sin for their own benefit, as the discussion was taking place directly in front of you.
I interuppted and said something about the penalties of sin ,
Good for you!
we have Christ but that does not the negate the fact that there are still consequences.
Yes there are, as the consequence of our having inherited Adam and Eve's sin was that our physical bodies will die, and the consequences of unrepented sins up to the moment of our death is is Hell.

And I'm very glad that you pointed that fact out in your dream!

As to the image of the baby, it could be symbolic of how an "innocence" of sorts is involved/being tested here - as it relates to the discussion of sin between the two "people".

All in all then, I sense the Spirit might be suggesting that the dream could be pointing at/be indicative of the possibility of a moral conflict (close to you or directly within your vicinity).

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Post by AnnA »

WOW. Thank you both for responding.

Christian Fireman that was really healpful and I do beleive pretyy accurate. After 10 years in the faith (8 years of purity) the enemy has been trying to get me to blur the line in this area.

Thank you for your insight..

BTW your screen name reminded of a dream I had.... ... 05&start=2
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Post by Joy2dream »

I was lying in bed with a man. Speaks of intimacy. He was talking to another man that was standing in the doorway. Seeing this as an open door of opportunity to minister. They were talking about sin. People who minister have to talk about sin or sinners do not see where they have sinned. I interuppted and said something about the penalties of sin , we have Christ but that does not the negate the fact that there are still consequences. The penalty of sin is death, Spiritual death. Christ did bear our sins, sickness, ect. but if we continue in sin we can have consequences happen in the physical body as well as the spiritual body I said you could still contract an STD and something else I don't remember now. I guess we were talking about sexual sin. STD's would be a consequence of sexual sin. I wasn't fully dressed under the covers. Being undressed under the cover may mean that you were vulneable or open to this kind of ministry. Also I think I had a baby or small child sleeping on my chest. The baby on your chest may mean you have a heart or the nurturing for the ministry.

Interp: Prayerfully consider if the Lord has led you to begin speaking to your friends or people close by regarding the consequences of sexual sins and the penalty of any sin that is Spiritual death and separation from Jesus Christ. I feel like the Lord may be or going to give you an open door to witness to someone regarding a situation like this.

Blessings to you AnnA,
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

and the consequences of unrepented sins up to the moment of our death is is Hell
REally? If a Christian dies with an unrepentant sin on them, they then go to Hell? Is that what u meant here?
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Post by christianfireman »

AnnA wrote:Christian Fireman that was really healpful and I do beleive pretyy accurate. After 10 years in the faith (8 years of purity) the enemy has been trying to get me to blur the line in this area.
And that's the devil's job, to blur the lines. But stay tough and hang tough!

Rebuke that nasty serpent in the name of Jesus' Precious Blood!

Continue reading Scripture and (by pleading God's authority of it) place it before him.

In his cunning, Satan will try to give answer to those claims (as he did to Jesus in the desert) but just ignore him completely!

And tell him that you are God's creature - mind, body and soul!
BTW your screen name reminded of a dream I had.... ... 05&start=2
Dreaming about fireman now, are we? Ha Ha!

Poor you!

Well, I took a look at your post. But seeing how I can no longer post a comment on that specific thread, I decided to reproduce it here and attempt to offer some thoughts on it.

Hope that's ok ...
Fire Door Safety Patrol
June 28th, 2007, 5:55am
I was standing on a sidewalk looking up at a building. There were several fireman dressed in civilian clothing taking pictures. They were standing in a wide elevator on the outside of the building. It looked like the lift window washers use but it was enclosed.
Firefighters are always associated with their uniforms/gear. How unusual to see here how they are out of uniform? (more on that to follow)
I heard one say "They have the Sears Tower up there lets get a shot of that". So the elevator shifted to the left towards me like a typewriter carriage when it is hanging off the side of the typewriter and needs to be pushed back. I got a ittle nervous because there were so many of them and they were no longer protecetd by the building but a few railings and they were leaning out to take the picture. I thought it was strange that they said the "Sears Tower" because I thought we were in NY (I might have assumed that since I live in NY).
Fireman leaning out to take pictures? Seems like we're always taking risks (even when we don't have to!).

The typewriter carriage effect seems to show a definitive swiftness to their actions. The Sears Tower thing is odd, symbolic maybe of how fireman everywhere are trying to keep things safe.

*I'm thinking now that the fireman could actually be symbolic of something else - a higher spiritual force representing protection. And their casual attire might indicate that the action of these protecting forces are not always obvious/readily apparent to everyone.
The scene changes and there is another fireman on a train platform checking the firedoor underneath the platform. Except the the firedoor came above the platform. He waved his hand underneath it as it lowered. He smiled because it was safe.
These fireman (spiritual entities?) are on the job, looking at everything ... everywhere. Smiling indicates that they are joyous in the spirit, and that they are happy to do their work!
He is being interviewed by me I think. He smiles and turns his wide video camera towards me as he looks down at into it the way you would when you are video taping. It had a wide label on it that read "Fire Door Safety Patrol".
More smiling fireman (a good thing!) who are pointing the camera at you I think means just that - which is: These people (spirits?) are happily keeping a close watch over YOU.

"Fire Door Safety Patrol" says to me a few things:
1) "Fire Door" could be the emergency doors (paths) out of life's bad situations.
2) "Safety" is just that. No interp needed there!
3) "Patrol" shows that it is an ongoing work, always keeping an eye out for trouble.

So put all that together and they seem to some type of guardian angels, especially there for us if an emergency should arise.
All of the fireman were smiling and taking pictures like tourists. Somewhere in the dream someone shows me a 10 year old photo of the fireman when they were new to the unit.
Still more "smiling" (!), and then they're "taking pics" shows they're taking a good survey of their "work". A "10 year old photo when they were new" kind of shows that there mission/assignment is a recent one.

Does any of that seem to ring true for your dream?

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Post by christianfireman »

Manassehs_Warrior wrote:
and the consequences of unrepented sins up to the moment of our death is is Hell
REally? If a Christian dies with an unrepentant sin on them, they then go to Hell? Is that what u meant here?
Different Christians look at this in different ways, and I'm not here to engage in a scholarly dissertation on sin/death.

I could have been more specific about it, but I purposely kept it generic so as to not have to delve into it that much.

Be that as it may, if another Christian doesn't adhere to my specific faith beliefs ... then that is all well and fine by me.

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Post by AnnA »


Thank you ChristianFireman! That interp not only rung a bell but checked in my spirit. It wasn't until I read your post where you quote the 10 year old photo that I thought how I have been saved 10 years! Guardian Angels who started on their new!

Praise Yahweh for interpertation!

More importantly, thank you for the sobering instruction on dealing with the temptation of the enemy. Sometimes intercessors can get distracted and spirtually doze off. Whew! Thank you for the rescue brother! :D
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Post by Manassehs_Warrior »


It was just a question I asked you, for clarification on what u meant.... that was all. No dissertations were requested 8)


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Post by christianfireman »

AnnA wrote:Awwweeeesssooooommmmeee!!!!!

Thank you ChristianFireman! That interp not only rung a bell but checked in my spirit. It wasn't until I read your post where you quote the 10 year old photo that I thought how I have been saved 10 years! Guardian Angels who started on their new!

Praise Yahweh for interpertation!

More importantly, thank you for the sobering instruction on dealing with the temptation of the enemy. Sometimes intercessors can get distracted and spirtually doze off. Whew! Thank you for the rescue brother! :D
Glad I was able to help sister!

I think God was showing you that dream for a reason, but only time and prayer can fully will reveal/confirm a dream to it's fullest.

Just continue in keeping your spiritual eyes open, and Rejoice in God Our Savior!
Manassehs_Warrior wrote:Christianfireman,

It was just a question I asked you, for clarification on what u meant.... that was all. No dissertations were requested 8)
No problem M/W!

But a small "dissertation" is exactly what I would have needed to further explain the matter, and I didn't want to steal any thunder away from Anna's thread.