clock tower/13 year old daughter driving

Archives for 2007
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clock tower/13 year old daughter driving

Post by LarrytheDreamer »

This dream starts out where I was driving down a highway. It was sorta dark out and I really couldn't see the road for some reason. I knew there were 3 lanes and I was in the center lane. There were many hills and I was going by cars and realizing that I had no fear of bumping into another car even though I couldn't really see the road well.
I was going up another hill and when I was coming over it, I saw a huge clock. No specific time on the clock stands out but it did have Roman numbers. I said "Wow, a clock tower". Now this building and clock were maybe a 1/2 mile wide and took up alot of sky.

Scene changed and I was driving an suv. It was daytime and I knew my 13 y/o daughter Lauren was behind me in another suv. I came upon another car that was sitting on two spread out red blankets. I was upset because I saw an old woman sitting on the blankets waxing this car. When I saw her I knew it was an old lady who died maybe about 10 years ago. She went to my families church in Virginia and her name was Christine.
I went around her and barely got around her so I was now in front of her. I got out of my suv and was now standing in the street guiding Lauren around her as well in her suv. She made it fine and the dream ended.