man using mascara?

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man using mascara?

Post by ReBorn »


I saw my husband sitting in a chair looking in a mirror
He was painting eyebrows on his face using mascara.

(usually mascara is used to darken the eyelashes-Not the eyebrows!)

Anyway, I thought it looked funny because he had thick painted eyebrows that were very black

(note: he is blonde haired and fair skin irl)
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Post by jeff »

When I saw the title to this dream, I heard in my spirit
"Masking his intentions."


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Post by ReBorn »

Thanks Jeff.
that does bear witness with my spirit.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

I understand that Jeff hit on something, but I had this view of your husband looking in the mirror, a fair haired/skinned man.

Eyebrows are functionally to protect the eye, as well as very important to communication and facial expression.

So this expression of very dark eyebrows would look mean or angry to me, personally..intimidating maybe scarey.

So a protective thicker brow...

It is make-up..or made-up perhaps hiding fear or sadness.
To keep people from getting too close?

Just some thoughts...

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

You're right on too Piano! I know he is full of fear also. I don't know how to help him if he lives in fear. it is sad but what can a person do for someone fearful?

Thank you :|
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

I saw a man with dark painted eyebrows in a dream last night too.

What keeps coming to my mind is the "fear of death" instead of Fear of God, which IS dying, (to ones self).

It takes much more courage to admit ones wrongs, then it does to commit them, and this courage, I believe, is a gift that can only come from The Lord.

Dear Jesus,

You know everything.
I pray for the forgiveness of my own sins, and praise You for hearing my plea this morning.
I ask for Your will in regard to these prayers, knowing that You show mercy to those You love.
I believe in Your deliverence from the enemy and salvation unto YOUR glory for those who You have chosen from the foundations of the earth to serve You.

I thank you for opening the eyes of those blinded by a spirit of pride, or worldly fear, or any other spiritual enemy, who are following after other gods, that belong to You and have been deceived.
Bring them back from the depths of the sea Lord, that You might receive all glory.

Set those held captive free, that the enemy might be brought to shame.
May these dear ones be fully open to YOUR Truth and Grace, and desire in all humility and willingness to serve you.
May they receive You as Lord and Savior over their lives, that in their gratitude praise might spring forth from their mouths to You throughout the heavens.

Show those who do not know You that You are the only God worthy of Praise and Adoration.
Crush the idols created that have no power, and set Your chosen free.

Lead and guide me according to Your Will, that in no way I would thwart Your heavenly plans.

Your Mercy endures forever,


Psalm 20

To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David.

1 May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble;
May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;

2 May He send you help from the sanctuary,
And strengthen you out of Zion;
3 May He remember all your offerings,
And accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah

4 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
And fulfill all your purpose.

5 We will rejoice in your salvation,
And in the name of our God we will set up our banners!
May the LORD fulfill all your petitions.

6 Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With the saving strength of His right hand.

7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
8 They have bowed down and fallen;
But we have risen and stand upright.

9 Save, LORD!
May the King answer us when we call

Peace to you,

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

Thanks Piano,
What keeps coming to my mind is the "fear of death" instead of Fear of God, which IS dying, (to ones self).
don't ya' wish all of the unbelievers would just go ahead and do it! (that is die to themselves already!!!)

(of course, i know i also have to die daily and pick up my cross)

I remember there are scriptures which speak about

how there will be no cowards in heaven (can't remember which scripture at the moment)

Courage is a gift!

I heard a sermon this morning about how some of the disciples were overcome with timidity

until the power of the Holy Spirit came over them and only when the Spirit was allowed to flow through them were they able to begin proclaiming their faith with all boldness!

Also, the preacher said if the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, He (the Spirit) also sees what we see, etc.. so He warns that we should be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit by the things we look at.

that part of the sermon reminded me of this kids song: Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.........

Peace sister, (seeing a man with dark painted eyebrows in your dream is somewhat startling isn't it?)
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by Prophet4888 »

Do you put on a mask of anger, resentment and dissatisfaction towards your husband instead of the love you really have for him?

I'm understanding that he is mirroring what he sees in the reflection. Husband and wife are reflections of each other.

What I understood the masking of the brow in this dream to be are anger, resentment and dissatisfaction. Could this be what he sees when he sees you? Your true nature is love, but what he sees from you is this mask.
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Post by ReBorn »

Maybe he does or did see me that way.

i only know he sees me as someone he despises. (i believe this is due to me being a Christian)

that's really no news to me at all. he hates me and himself (and everyone else for that matter)

I had this dream in 2010 so things have changed a little bit.

I believe in forgiveness. i believe if i forgive my husband, the Lord will forgive me. I also believe if my husband forgives me, the Lord will forgive him also.

i don't believe my husband will ever forgive me though


I'm trying to look forward to the changes coming in 2012 (which i believe are starting to come together now)-

i have no choice but to move on and move forward- i can't force him to love me and the kids- and i know it all too well- ouch!
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by ReBorn »

rather than continue to dwell on the negative of this dream,
i would rather meditate on this psalm:

Psalm 147

New International Version (NIV)

How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

4 He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.
6 The LORD sustains the humble
but casts the wicked to the ground.

7 Sing to the LORD with grateful praise;
make music to our God on the harp.

8 He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He provides food for the cattle
and for the young ravens when they call.

10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
11 the LORD delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.

12 Extol the LORD, Jerusalem;
praise your God, Zion.

13 He strengthens the bars of your gates
and blesses your people within you.
14 He grants peace to your borders
and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.

15 He sends his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.
16 He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?
18 He sends his word and melts them;
he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.

19 He has revealed his word to Jacob,
his laws and decrees to Israel.
20 He has done this for no other nation;
they do not know his laws.

Praise the LORD.
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
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Post by Prophet4888 »


The Lord never gives us a negative dream. God is continually molding us in His image and many times, it hurts but we're always better when we surrender and seek instead of resisting. If it was easy, it wouldn't be cherished.

I am a firm believer that God can change a person's heart in an instant. I've witnessed it and I will keep witnessing it.

Faith is believing that under all other circumstances, it's impossible to accomplish what God can do.

Here's a story of a woman who was very unhappy with her husband. He was a drunk and a husband who couldn't hold a job. She was very angry with him and so, he drank even more. About the time he usually comes come drunk, she started to praise God in her prayers about her husband. She thanked Him for a husband who doesn't beat her, a companion, gave her children and so on. She prayed for months this way. What she didn't know was that her husband was listening to her prayers. He would do something nice for her and see if she would notice and thank God in her prayers. She would mention it in her prayers of how thankful she was and that gave him the confidence to do more. It took years, but now he serves the Lord with all his heart. He was listening to satan and all his lies in his head, but the prayer of a thankful wife freed his heart to experience love. Her prayers made it possible for him to reach the door to Christ and accept His love. If a wife who has seen the worst of him can praise God for someone like him, then maybe Jesus would accept him too.

When we plant seeds, it must be watered and nurtured against bugs, drought, and so on. Keep watering your marriage and see what God can do.

Sometimes, God allows things to be impossible so He can be the possible!
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Post by discerning »

Hey, sis. I have a bit of a differerent perspective for your prayerful consideration..
it is sad but what can a person do for someone fearful?
I'm sure you intended this to be a rhetorical question because you know the answer: pray. I believe I can safely assume you have been faithful in this regard :wink:

That said, on to what I see. Eyebrows function to protect the eyes/vision. Mascara is used to enhance the eyes. So, applying mascara to the the eyebrows enhances them. Enhance means to : heighten or increase... to increase or improve in value and/or quality.

Bottom line here, I believe this is a word of encouragement for you. Himself has heard your prayers for your beloved and is protecting AND increasing your husband's [spritual] vision by your example.

I hear Papa saying, I shall change his heart in the twnking of an eye.

Press in, sweet girl, press in. Do not lose faith when breakthrough is on the horizon. Can you see it?

blessings in abundance on you & your beloved,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

I apologize for not replying sooner, or giving a better explaination as to why I felt lead in prayer without giving much information.

I have a post called Oddities in Dream questions.
It relates a bit to this question.

When I went to sleep monday evening, I prayed
(as always very specific prayers concerning what He shows me, devoid of flesh, and only what He wants me to see)
This question was still on my mind.

The next morning (Tuesday) is when I had the dream that included a man with dark eyebrows. I recalled your dream immediately.

I was in the dream, and even though it could relate to something in my life, the main thing that I was drawn to, was prayer, no matter how general, for those who have been called as His own.
I also believe it could very possibly relate to your dream as well, and connected to my question.
I hope I am making this clear.


The man in my dream (he was not someone I recognized) had these dark, pronounced brows that can appear imtimidating, but I saw through their fakeness. He had a moon face. He also was not very tall, but muscular.

I could tell that he lacked self confidence, and was almost childlike in his desire to be accepted?

The problem was that he was looking up to someone who was rather full of themselves, their abilities, intelligence, attractiveness etc. Prideful and detatched.

This other man was much bigger than he was.

Our God is much bigger still!

So the whole picture I got was that eyebrow man was bound, and had a disease of some kind that caused his face to look like the moon. Perhaps he had found some things that made him feel powerful, but were leading him toward destruction.

I had compassion for him. Unlike the other man.
That was the man that fell under Psalm 52.

I believe fully that there is hope for Him through God and His deliverance, however He decides to accomplish it.
His ways we must accept and release any shock or dismay over, they are not our own.

God is good and He will answer our prayers as we call out to Him, Abba Father.
Carrying this burden has been so difficult for you, such long suffering, this cross.

It is not in vain, for His sake may it serve an even greater purpose for His Glory, and your families abunadant inheritance. Amen and amen.

I do not believe a person that is bound and deceived can make good choices for themselves without Gods intervention, no matter what choices they may have made to get in that position, God knows and understands all things

If God can set me free, He can set others free. It is only by His Grace and others prayers that I heard Him when He called.

I am in agreement with discerning here:
I hear Papa saying, I shall change his heart in the twnking of an eye.

Press in, sweet girl, press in. Do not lose faith when breakthrough is on the horizon. Can you see it?

blessings in abundance on you & your beloved,
Peace to you,


This dream is from some time ago.
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
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Post by ReBorn »

it hurts but we're always better when we surrender and seek instead of resisting. If it was easy, it wouldn't be cherished.
Hi Prohet, thanks for the advice, however i am completely surrendered to the Lord and i am not resisting at all.

here's the difference in the typical drunk and my husband.

My husband goes to church every Sunday, is involved in the various ministries at the church, he's also a trustee and he knows all about the Lord.

He can quote scriptures left and right. He teaches sunday school to 5th graders

At home though, he is trying to destroy his family and it seems like he is completely oblivious to the pain he's caused the kids!

he has a form of godliness but denies it's power.

The dangerous side to the whole tragedy is he is running from God, and in complete rebellion and is trying to take as many people down with him as possible!

Jesus had similar people that He was involved with (The Pharisees and the Saduccees)

i believe my husband also falls under Psalm 52.

I know the power of the Lord is stronger than anything else there is and He could give my husband the "Saul to Paul" experience, however i believe the Lord will not force a person to follow Him.

The Lord is a gentleman and He wants us each to CHOOSE Him for ourselves.

My husband is choosing (of his own free will) to deny the power of the Lord in his life. he is pushing his family and his God away, and not only that he is trying to persuade the church to also do the same!

This has nothing to do with how Big our God is. This has to do with outright defiance and rebellion.

i have said this before and i'll say it again- IT is better to obey God than man.

there was a well meaning Christian who asked me once before why i was not submitting to my husband and this was my reply:

if my husband were to ask me to go into the kitchen, get a knife and come and stab my son in the chest is it right for me to obey my husband or should I instead obey God who says You shall not kill?

too often women get into this trap of believing they have to obey every command given by their husbands even when it's wrong!

The Lord has already given me this warning of obeying some of my husbands commands.

sorry to ramble on, it's just there has to be a shaking up of what used to be and what is now happening.

there has to be an awakening to this truth: The Lord did not come to bring peace but He came to bring a sword.

(ref: Matthew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.)

(and also Luke 12:51 Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.)

Please forgive me if i have offended anyone or weakened anyone's faith,

i just believe that a person's fate is determined by the choice they make in regards to God

and in my situation, i believe my husband has chosen darkness rather than light because he loves the darkness (because his deeds are evil)

I'll just close my post with this scripture:

"Has not the Potter [God] power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto DISHONOUR?" (Rom. 9:21).

some people are actually made for dishonour. for the day of destruction
His word was in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I was weary of holding it in
& indeed, I could not----Jeremiah 20:9
The Lord is my Shepherd
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Post by piano »

Hi ReBorn,

Thank you for much.
I hope that nothing I share has offended you, personally, due to sharing my dream.

I do pray, first of all, and have, that you are safe and protected, no matter what that entails, and hope that you will know how much compassion I have for your suffering, through this.
There will be no minimizing this.

I understand fully a desire for justice.
I have to be so careful sometimes at my anger toward, persecution and the scorn of those who are under the enemies control.
I fail miserably at times. I pray He always helps me back up.

A phrase that came to my mind yesterday was "duck and cover" as when a tornado warning sounds.

Morning Psalm's 64, and 41.

I do not know Gods plans, but He does.
May His mercy be shown to His children today.


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.