Double purchase, rising asset and the bears

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Double purchase, rising asset and the bears

Post by charlie »

A funny one for me! A bit of a puzzler any help appreciated.

Scene 1: Hubs and I were walking around a very spacious sprawling house set in a lot of land which we had just purchased.

Scene 2:
I was aware that there were bears on the land and I kept hiding and trying to escape from them. They seemed quite predatory. At one point I was hiding in the attic and I could see 3 of them laying in the sun on the grass. I was warning my children about being careful.

Scene 3:

We were continuing to explore the layout and the land when I saw a friend of ours behind a frosted glass glazed door and began speaking to him. I then pressed my face to the door to try and see him more clearly and I saw that he was in fact sitting on the toilet so I backed away slightly embarrassed for intruding on him.

He emerged a little later and we stood and spoke. I told him that we had just bought this house and he responded saying that he and his wife had also bought the same house. I was taken aback and puzzled as to how this could be. I began to wonder if that was why the house had been so cheap (we had paid £2,200 for it !) and that we ahd been caught up in some scam. I asked him how much he had paid and he explained that he had given them a rising asset the value of which was £1000 at time of giving (IRL he is in finance and banking).

Scene 3:

I was walking on the land with my family and the wife of the man I had been speaking to. The land was green and very English but then the further we walked it became like a tropical area with shacks and cut paths through the forest. I was discussing having ponies to give children rides around the land as a means of income generation as it seemed we weren't sure how we were going to maintain all this place!


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Post by keilani »

Did a quick read through charlie and when I first saw bears, my thought was that they represented financial issues-the whole predatory feel kinda like institutions looking to take/make money off of you. Will be pondering to see if I get anything, i don't even know if that was a help but may He give you wisdom dear!
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Post by charlie »

Thanks Keilani...yes I had wondered if there was a connection with the banker friend and the bear market...especially as his purchase of the house had been in form of a predicted rising asset which of course would be at risk in a bear market (according to my googling knowledge!! I am no financier that is for sure!!)...

I am really puzzled as it does not relate to anything i can see
bs and I live a pretty simple life when it comes to finances with no risk taking investments etc... just not our style at all...we take risks for kingdom investments of a non financial nature though...which could have repurcusions!

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Post by Charys »

Hi Charlie, I am wondering if there are two different people involved in acquiring this property because it's administration requires more than one kind of gifting. The property appears at first to be local but eventually involves territory beyond your shores.

It is interesting that you mentioned living a simple life when it comes to finances. I am like you. If I can live debt-free knowing accountants or lawyers (and doctors) only in a social setting I am very happy. But I know people with administrative gifts and gifts of giving who are amazing to me. They see righteous investment opportunities and have the God-given ability to see money multiply. It is not that they are money-grubbers, they are in fact generous givers, but they just have a spirit of wisdom and knowledge when it comes to finances.

Perhaps you need both idealistic vision and down to earth practicality partnering in this new venture.

Ponies = little work horses who don't look all that impressive, but which used to be the back bone of the mining industry.
Ooh!! = hearing "patent on simple invention." Perhaps involving children's item?

Did you know that two of the most lucrative patents were on the invention of paper bags and putting little slots in the sides of cardboard boxes to make them easier to carry?

Had any good ideas lately?
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Post by charlie » good ideas that I am aware of lately Charys! I'll ask Abba if I'm missing something on that front!

The only thing I am wondering is if it has to do with the fact that this couple IRL give us financial support gifts from time to time...

Seeing him through a frosted glass..may speak of a hiddenness or a veiling which after a time of cleansing is removed...I'm wondering if it is a call to pray for him ...his wife and I are pretty close friends for 20 years and she has a deep call to mission which he does not share but he is a stable and dependable provider who would rather have the fast sports car and the well educated, successful children...

Bears could also represent headaches...or troubles which dog us and disturb our peace...(a bear with a sore head or a bug bear)...there's a few of them around for sure!!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by keilani »


watching Rick Joyner on Sid Roth today and he mentions an ORthodox Rabbi who is saved who had a dream about bears. Your dream came to mind, wondering if it'll help you in understanding!

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