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The Potter's House

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:20 pm
by Kbrown
Dream: I am standing in a pew at the Potter's house a church in Dallas, Texas...with Bishop T.D. Jakes.

(I live in mn, but was at the church a month ago. In real life when I visited the church I was over come with emotion. I wept, but didn't know why)

Back to dream.... I am holding hands up in praise and worship with 1000's of other people. We begin to join hands, I reach the woman behind me and continue the chain. Then the our row is moved to the front row, and there is this feeling of excitement, joy , and divine power all around us. I am overcome with absolute joy, hope, and peace.

Then suddenly I am suddenly going up stairs to different levels of
the church looking for my seat. I finally arrive to my seat, but my shoes and purse are missing.

Side note: I had a dream 1 year ago and T.D. Jakes spoke to me and wrote Numbers 5:31 on a large blackboard. I am not married, but have a friend and I believe his wife got pregnant with another man's children. God has put it on my heart to pray truth into this man's life for 3 years. I am not sure if there is a connection.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:27 pm
by bjcollin

The Potters House church here in the DFW area in your dream seems to represent the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life right now. God will often use examples of places we have been to in our dreams to help us understand what He is trying to say to us. The next part of the dream points to a call for you and those around you (ie your church) to get deeper into praise, worship and unity within the church. It is when we serve (ref Mark 9:35) and reach out to those that are younger in the Lord and that are coming behind us that we end up getting promotion.

As far as the 1 year ago dream, Numbers 5:31 - The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin. Seems to say keep praying for the husband as the Lord has directed you and let the Lord deal with the problem.

Hope this helps.

in Christ,

Potter's house

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:36 pm
by Kbrown
Thank you Brian. It helps.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:55 pm
by piano
Hi KBrown,

For your discernemnt, discard what does not rest.

About the blackboard dream....

As far as the question regarding numbers 5:31, I truelly believe, personally, that Galatians 3 is clear about living in the New Covenant, in Christ.

Perhaps your dream with the blackboard and T.D. Jakes (who I am not familiar with) is to seek out what Jesus says about sin today in regard to relationship in Him, and with others.

Chalk is meant to be erased, as is the curse of sin and death by Christ's perfect blood sacrifice.
He has paid in full for all that we might live by faith.

In Numbers, the ultimate judgement/punishment was placed in the hands of men in regard to any of the laws that were broken, or perceived broken.

As fallible humans, with imperfect methods of justice, this may have brought many to in- justice and greater suffering rather than change of the heart.

I often hear this phrase whispered to me...
Who is like the Lord?

Only The Lord is perfect.
His Word is is the law of love.



Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:07 pm
by zeal
For your prayerful consideration.....The thing that sticks out to me, is going suddenly up the stairs to different levels and finding your seat....

going up the stairs means moving to a higher level spiritually, also finding your seat, seat is a place of position or authority, your shoes, cover your feet, whatever you have held onto to get your peace, dont leave it behind, with a higher calling means more responsibility and new level new devil, having your shoes off could mean more vulnerable. your purse is where most women carry their personal things, things that are most important to them, dont forget the little things that are important to you as you grow.....Hope this helps

Much Love,

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:33 pm
by Kbrown

Very insightful. Thank you so much.

With love,

Your sister in Christ


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:36 pm
by Kbrown

Thanks for your thoughts. Actually it doesn't fit, but I think that's a good thing. It strengthened and reinforced what God has spoken to me. I think I needed your thoughts to help me realize I can trust what God speaks to me.




Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:48 pm
by piano
Hi Kbrown,

Im curious how something can not fit, but reinforce at the same time?



Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:13 pm
by Kbrown
LOL I can see where that would be confusing. It wasn't what you did or didn't say, but the reaction in my spirit, compared with what others said, or even with your thoughts about the two house..... I think that was you side a, side b of a record?

Anyway, God has been confirming in multiple ways that I do hear from Him, and (sorry it's difficult to clear and brief sometimes via email) there was something in the various responses I received that made this clear for me.

Sorry, long probably confusing response, but hopefully you can make some sense.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayerful consideration.



Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:53 am
by piano

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:20 am
by Kbrown

Not so sure about that.... In rereading, not so sure it really makes sense to anyone but me, but that happens sometimes.



Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:23 pm
by piano
Hi KBrown,

Thankfully reliance is on The Lord instead of dreams or interpretations thereof. We are all on an amazing journey--greatful to be given any opportunity to experience His special touch of color while sleeping. Clarity is ideal, and so many of my dreams are just personal, and it seems that what I need/want to know or understand comes along, sometimes much later...years even.

I do understand intercession, as so many here are intercessors as well.

Blood, sweat and tears.
Joy, sorrow.

It is to me, often a service that while at a personally intense level, I may not see the fruit...but I remember to tell myself that no matter the reason I am lead to pray, that is what it is about...service to God, leaving the outcome in His hands.

Recently, God showed me that while I was calling 911, seeing someone in trouble, I could not connect for this person I was praying for.
It wasn't until they called 911 themselves, that the call was connected.

Part of intercession in my life, perhaps a more difficult part, has been the time when I am no longer lead to intercede.
Im not sure if this happens for others, I just know it is common for me. Every time has a purpose.
Rest in Him ends up being a full time excercise for me to be still, which is in itself poses the biggest challenge.



Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:30 pm
by Kbrown

Thank you, Piano.