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Clingy people...(like groupies)

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:12 am
by keilani
Well probably not the right word but over the past week, I've had dreams with people clamoring for my attention trying to get close to me...not filthy like but when you have an admirer and they keep trying to get close to you. NOT normal dreams for me by any means but this theme has continued...i jokingly named them "groupies" in my journal because this was the type of feel I got in these dreams. Any insight appreciated! The people ranged from first cousins (I have upwards of 50 irl and they were all like little ones clamoring for my attn) to males (all who appeared dark/shadowy in color) whom I didn't know. mahalo!

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:46 am
by wholeheart

You are attractive! Jesus in you has caused many to be drawn to you. This is a good thing! Cool!

Rejoice! Read Isaiah 60 and Merry Christmas!


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:40 am
by keilani
you're so sweet whole:) Many blessings on you as well and have a beautiful Christmas!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:22 am
by keilani
GOSH! I LOVE how my Abba Speaks!!! Here is the answer to this dream question i had! In these dreams, I understood the attention i got was the kind of the world, that I would've been on my guard against irl! Thank you Lord for this!

i saw this today on sid roth and this is the transcript excerpt from john paul jackson's interview. I actually had to look up the word adulation since i didn't know what it meant. Keep me Lord in the center of your will...

JOHN PAUL: It was. May 12, 1995. I am praying and I hear a harp, and this harp, next thing I
know I’m standing in this incredible light that’s encased me, and I realize I’ve been in some of
the light before and not totally surrounded by it. And now all of a sudden I’m surrounded by it.
I’m breathing it. And as I’m breathing it, it’s living in me, Sid. It enters into me and every cell of
my body comes alive. And I literally felt like I was taken apart at the cellular level and put back
together again as I’m standing there. I’m turning trying to find out where I am. And I turned, and
as I turned I come face to face with whatever part of the Lord He wanted to see. I’m not saying I
saw all of Him. But I saw the throne and I saw Him sitting on the throne. I did not see Him face,
but incredible light was coming from Him. I was like eight feet away. And my first instinct was
not like, “Hey God, how are you doing.” I didn’t think about giving God a hi-five. I was filled
with the terror of the Lord. I was filled with it.

SID: Now he gave you, and remember his mother, an angel visited that he would have an 11th
hour ministry, which means he’d be alive at the wrap-up and he’d be having a prophetic
influence. In order to have this influence you have to move in an awesome power. But the Lord
told you something about the power he wants you to move in. What did He tell you?

JOHN PAUL: He did. Well I was kind of complaining because I wasn’t creating enough power.
He came to me. Actually He didn’t come to me. He spoke to me in what I perceive to be an
audible voice and He said, “Son, I long to give gifts to men more than those men long for those
gifts themselves. But I love you too much to give you a gift. I would later have to judge you for
it because you’re not ready for the adulation that would come with that level of giving.” He said,
“But if you do keep on the same track that you’re on right now one day I will be able to grant
your request.”

Adulate--verb (used with object), -lat·ed, -lat·ing.
to show excessive admiration or devotion to; flatter or admire servilely.

1770–80; back formation from adulation, ME < MF < L adūlātiōn- (s. of adūlātiō ) servile flattery, fawning, equiv. to adūlāt ( us ), ptp. of adūlārī, -āre to fawn upon (of dogs), appar. a nominal deriv., with ad- ad-, of an otherwise unattested base + -iōn- -ion