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Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:39 pm
by Ruth
My Sons girlfriend had a vision today while we were at church. The bishop called us up for prayer while he was talking she saw a golden tornado cloud with golden sparks of light going around it. She said it was spinning real fast. Later on while the praise dancers were dancing she saw her spirit doing some of the dances and the same cloud appeared again.

To God be the Glory!! To God be the Glory!!

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:50 am
by MJ

Just today I read of someone's dream of the rapture and it was very much like the vision you describe (your son's girlfriend).

This tornado cloud could also be the glory cloud. Her spirit was caught up in it----heavenly worship.

Quite powerful and exciting! Seems like God gave this young lady a taste of true worship.
