A Dragon and it's Castle

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A Dragon and it's Castle

Post by rhapsody »

I dreamt of a huge dragon that offered a ride to a young man. I could see it flying high over mountains and certain geographical locations and this guy was attached to his leg. I was witnessing this as an observer.

Finally we arrive at the dragon's house, and we walk into its bedroom. The dragon proceeds to transform itself into a human.

Sidenote: I've been praying for a group of nonbelievers who for the last year have acted horribly towards me - an outright demonic attack against me.

I would appreciate any insight.
God's Blessings and Favor,
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Post by Hannah »

I don't know if this will fit, but the bedroom is a place of rest and intimacy. Perhaps the dream is to let you know someone you have been praying for - by way of changing from dragon to human - has been transformed and is developing an intimate relationship with the Lord???

Discard if it doesn't fit. Just thoughts in me.

Peace & blessings,
