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Post by anyamanee »

Jewels, you are not getting through b/c you are missing my point. If you stop and consider from my perspective you may see your point is not connecting b/c you are not considering where i am. It is like you are giving me an aspirin when I don't have a headache.

It is interesting you exempt family; as you suggest i do w/certain Thai family (yes, the Lord has given family in place of the family i left, and yes, my heart friends are like family to me; i to them), i have done w/bio family, specifically w/my older sister who is involved in occult. Very much in the way you describe, with boundries. ' So you still didn't answer what my danger exactly is? I am not even sure i should limit my contact w/my sis; but perhaps you mean in ways i did: no more confiding and more measured w/my words...to think that kind of boundry relates to those in my Thai community shows you are not aware of what cross cultural relationships are even like! So why do you insist on warning me, when you don't know whom you warn?

I think the misunderstanding is cross cultural between us. I am a missionary. it is a different culture than stay at home ministers of the gospel. we are a different part of the body...no less wise no less beautiful.

I hope you don't take my writings as an offense.

In Him,

Karen Elizabeth
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Post by spoken4 »

Jewels of Joy, I only read the first couple lines of your first post here and had to add this comment...

Soul Ties.....were exactly what I was sensing are at work here.....

Forgive me if I repeat any of what was already said, as I did not read all the responses.

I will have to say when I read this original post. I had a very strong check in my spirit. And Soul ties were the first thing I heard. I felt what you were hearing was his voice....his thoughts...his message to you....able to reach you so clearly because of the soul tie that is between the two of you.

It seems you have a very mature relationship with God and are full of compassion for the lost...which is the essence of the Fathers heart! This may make you vulnerable to soul ties which are a vehicle for the enemy to travel back and forth from this one to you.
I know that sounds confusing but I have had to break many soul ties and still have to remain guarded concerning them. Jessicca Jones has a book called soul lies and Legal ground. It was a real eye opener. Myself and a friend both experienced INSTANT changes in areas when these were broken.

Please do not take this as an attack...in any way. I know many times the enemy tries to twist whats being said to try and help us...in order to bring offense so that we cannot recieve the truth thats being shared in love and a spirit of humility. There are so many with great discernment on this site that I would welcome insight from. If we remain humble enough to recieve and take everything back to the Father...he will confirm to you what is going on and I pray He will give you wisdom from His throne room to accomplish his will.

I just heard God say this.....

This man may feel he is not ready and wants to keep this connection to you...not wanting to let go of you...the spirits at work...possibly playing on your love and compassion??? wanting to keep this connection unsevered.
But God said..."TODAY is the day of salvation.....
Meaning Gods will or word for this man would not be that its not his time....or he is not ready yet....
I pray that God will continue to speak to you and lead you in how to handle this situation and in All that concerns you in JESUS name!! God bless you!!
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Post by spoken4 »

Karen Elizabeth,

I just went back and reread the previous posts. I understand how confusing it must be to hear the term soul ties without an explanation. It is very wise to want the BIBLICAL basis for this. I am not an expert on them by any means. But I have had similar experiences in the past with people and hearing what they were thinking....and being very effected by what they were feeling. Their is the burden of the Lord for someone at times but this was not what I mean. I would suggest before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, that you ask God to reveal to you the truth and ask Him for confirmation on whether there are soul ties at work here. Also, the book I recommended was the first one that my spirit was leaping over. It was like the light went off and I had a key to understanding so many things that had affected and clouded my sight in areas. The release was INSTANT once I had the biblical revelation. With deliverance and many other things the results are not always instant....with soul ties that needed to be broken...the results were INSTANT. My very close friend experienced the same thing and was amazed at the instant change.

I believe that you posting here was a divine apt.!! I believe that God is always wanting to stretch us and grow us and teach us things that are biblical but outside of the box of what we have been taught!! There is no doubt your love and relationship with our Father and that you are well able to seek Him and receive direction from Him first and foremost!!

This is totally off track but I feel led to tell you about an e-book you can download that really blessed and confirmed so much to me about what God had been revealing to me in dreams. If you are in a place that is steeped in the occult and idolatry....this will be a blessing and possibly like it was for me a real eye opener. Its not for those with a religious spirit for they could not receive it.

Its a powerful testimony of a 4th generation witchdoctor and how he found Jesus.
Its called "The witchdoctor and the man"

Please trash all that does not bear witness in your spirit!! Humbly take all that is shared in love back to the Father and He will lead you!! God bless you!!

Post by anyamanee »

Myself and a friend both experienced INSTANT changes in areas when these were broken.
Was this a friend you determined you had a 'soul tie' with? Or you both separtely had soul ties?

I have indeed taken everything written back to the Father. I will continue to. The concept of "soul ties" seems like playing around w/things that aren't focused on God. And fears. I am still waiting for a biblical basis for why a 'soul tie' with someone you consider 'family' to be bad? How can the enemy 'travel' via this? I am truly asking. I am not sure...but then again, i do live in a land where the supernatural is much more prevalent.

More questions to follow. Grace and peace,

Karen Elizabeth

Post by anyamanee »

gonna do some bedtime reading from Wayne Grudem. Nothing in the index on "Soul ties". I will read the section on 'soul' however. Is there any other term used?
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Post by Grace »

Karen, I know what you are saying. I have been to Thailand. In my part of the world Jesus can be added to the other 33 million gods. It can be discouraging. Keep praying. I advise not to tell but let Noy know you are praying for his/her soul if you can. It's tough, I know, been on the field for 19 years as of today. But in the end it is the Job of the Holy Spirit to bring people into the kingdom. We just need to walk in obedience and pray.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Deut 31:6

Post by anyamanee »

Spoken 4--

you have given me some good encouragement and words to ponder. I am being drawn to fast in part for light on this topic; mostly because as a prior poster suggested, i need to fully let Noy go into Abba's hands. You see, i LIKE the connection I have with him. Just like i LIKE the connection I have w/my children; my parents; my husband and even some other friends. I have had few close friends such as Noy; one was taken suddenly from me via car accident; another heart attack..others have faded away as life has moved on...and I fear this friend could likewise be taken suddenly, and there have been fortune teller words that have said he will die -- alone-- (he is now alone) and in his 36th year..which he has now entered. He himself says that all the other predictions came to be with some degree of accuracy. I did some spiritual work for him, hence the prophetic poster in this thread is correct that he is lazy thinking I will do his work for him...b/c he knows i broke the curse from the fortune teller.

I believe it is broken.

Some history as to why we are such close friends:

I studied language with him as my primary tutor from Feb 2006-Nov 2006, most of the time for 30 hours/week or more. After that it was more spotty but averaged out 10+ hours/week, until end of 2008.

During that time, as he taught we got to know each other and found some very strange things about our paths in life. He believes it was God's will (or 'destiny' depending on how near or far he is from God at the time) for us to meet; and it was only a matter of time until we did. Also our preferences are very much in accord and he has some characteristics that resemble my family; i also resemble his family -- to uncanny lengths.

We have walked with each other through some difficult times; most recently his live in girlfriend left him, then the following week he had a bad accident. However, the relationship is now strained and distant; I am honoring my husband's request to not be close friends anymore; and only contact we now have is when we are both at the same place in the community at the same time. Which can be weeks between meeting times or can be a few seconds/day depending on rythmns of life.

yes he is attached to me; I to him. like a family; we call ourselves brother and sister. It is very Thai; but when you have a close friend -- or even not so close; you call that person "younger brother" or Older sister" as we are...in a very real way our souls are tied. I believe for eternity...but my stress is this; and it may have been what actually caused the voice...he seems to be drifting away as he is not connected w/me much anymore. Once he said, "I connect w/God mostly through older sister". Also very Thai (Thai Christians are full of that kind of attitude) but NOT GOOD NOT HEALTHY. so yeah, it isn't good...writing out my thoughts here...

God has shown himself to him in some incredible ways. He has prayed for me and for situations in the past (at my request and some on his own) and God seems to love to answer (I believe God is showing me he has chosen Noy). I cannot seem to get to ask; but i think the current cold war ending between him and my husband is due to Noy's prayers. I wish I could ask...

I just heard God say this.....

This man may feel he is not ready and wants to keep this connection to you...not wanting to let go of you...the spirits at work...possibly playing on your love and compassion??? wanting to keep this connection unsevered.
But God said..."TODAY is the day of salvation.....
Meaning Gods will or word for this man would not be that its not his time....or he is not ready yet....
This is highly encouraging to me. I do not think it was God saying, "it's not Noy's time yet" but as someone prior suggested, God revealing Noy's thoughts.

Yes, i know i walk in dangerous waters. But the Lord doesn't let me drown.

And yet, I do ponder this 'breaking of the soul tie'...is it possible that the enemy keeps Noy in bondage via the soul tie I have on him? That if I release it -- not only will i not have to sacrifice a beautiful relationship (oh there is so much, why did God bless me with this friend?) but it may be the very key to his deliverance!

BTW, all the things i have had w/Noy, most notably the 'hearing his thoughts' i have likewise had w/my husband but only in Thailand.....would I need to break a soul tie w/my husband? or if heard my child's thoughts?

I have left my biological family as I have followed God's call. Is it possible God has given me family in the Thai?

Karen Elizabeth

Post by anyamanee »

Spoken 4, thank you for the book -- i think it may be very encouraging. Many Thai are like this; multi generation diviners/fortune tellers/spell weavers or worse. love spells are esp common; most families all the women have used them to one extent or another.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I dont want to upset u ,,,but i want to add that i to like the othe poster read one of Jessica books though her first one that talked of soul ties, I woudl like to read her second.

I know soul ties exists because its briefly mentioned in the bible, When ON Jacobs daughter was raped ,,, the rapist didn't wantto give her up because his soul cleaved to her. He had become attached... via the rape or seduction.

I believe Jonathon and David had a strong soul tie.

I have experienced the power of them. I had to go through deliverance getting rid of old outdated relationships that still bothered me and through the power of Jesus feel free and lighter..its as if a cord has snapped.

May God give u peace and wisdom on this subject, I also hope that u can connect closely with THI Christians and other missionary so u wont be lonely.
and i understand loneliness... Blessing to u.. and agape love.
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Post by keilani »

Aloha Karen,

I am happy that you are open and seeking Him on this. You know seeking is the way you get His answer.

I think of soul ties as covenant. When you get married, you enter into covenant with your husband and become one. God sees you as one so to sense the needs of your husband and children and to pray to see what He would have you do is not wrong. After all, He gave them to you and they are part of your inheritance in Him.

Anytime you enter into a relationship with anyone, you open yourself to them and to whatever influence they carry. You understand the word says "bad company corrupts good morals" so whatever influences them has access to you because you ALLOW it through the open door of friendship and intimacy.

The issue here is something I have learned: that every person I allow into my life and everything I do with/for them (prayer, hanging out whatever) MUST BE HOLY SPIRIT DIRECTED. If it is not or if we are unwilling to walk away from a relationship once He tells us to, we open ourselves to attack. His grace and His covering and anointing is in the place of our obedience.

When I was working I kept contact with friends whom I love deeply but who are homosexual. They love our family and children and vv but I am always on my guard. I recall having a dream one night where I saw a blanket that I knew belonged to this couple and I saw my oldest son wrapped in it and playing with it. (This was before I understood i had to let Him direct and lead EVERY interaction even with people I love!). I understood that by continuing on in this friendship, I was opening the door to my son/children to have that same spiritual covering upon them whether it just be experimental "play" as many friends i've heard say their first experience was like (ie. they were playing with the idea of the whole same sex experience before trying it).

So continue seeking and I pray He will confirm His word to you! Shalom!
***More To Come***

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Post by Daybreak »

Anyamanee wrote:I am still waiting for a biblical basis for why a 'soul tie' with someone you consider 'family' to be bad? How can the enemy 'travel' via this? I am truly asking. I am not sure...but then again, i do live in a land where the supernatural is much more prevalent.
Anyamanee you are correct to ask this question as the word "soul ties" is not mentioned in the bible. However that being stated there are scriptures that describes and speaks about what a soul tie is. God created us as spiritual beings to interact with Him and with one another. As mentioned above from some of the members it is basically a relationship in which we are rightfully bonded (will, mind, emotions, sometimes body i.e. husband and wife) to someone and at the same time if it is not Godly you can be subjected to bondage (with your will, mind, emotions and/or body) with that person.

In Mark 10:7-9 it says ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” What God intended was two lives(souls) would be knitted as one. A covenant as Keilani has mentioned is a bond that goes beyond the definition of deepness. It is literally two lives supernaturally superglued by God to be knitted as one. In 1 Cor 6:16 it says Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh Here is an example of an ungodly soul tie. Just think of how many teenagers, young adults (I work in a high school) that are constantly in and out of relationships ... constantly giving themselves away to this person or that person. In Songs of Solomon 3:5 it says, " Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires There is this deep desire for us to be connected to someone or something. A lot of time it starts off with good intentions, but if we are not careful (especially man/woman relationships) we can open a door for the enemy to attack us in that specific area.

As mentioned above Jonathan and David in 1 Samuel 18:1 it says, "And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul."KJV This was a Godly heathly friendship because they loved, honoured and respected each other deeply.

As you mentioned earlier
You see, i LIKE the connection I have with him. Just like i LIKE the connection I have w/my children; my parents; my husband and even some other friends
There are degrees of connection hence the reason why soul ties is even mentioned on your thread. The connection you have with Noy will not be the same as your husband, or your children or even your parents. To group them all together would mean that each of your relationships are all on the same level and I know you know they are not the same.

Read this prayerfully as well as the other words that are mentioned to you , there is wisdom given to you here.

Daybreak 8)
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1

Post by anyamanee »

I advise not to tell but let Noy know you are praying for his/her soul if you can.
Finally! someone isn't giving me an aspirin where i don't have a headache but giving the advise i was seeking.

thank you, Grace. we will not know the results of our obedience until the new world begins. or we are received by Jesus whatever comes first. I know for sure: no one can snatch me out of the Father's hand.
God clearly spoke to me this morn; I am sovereign. you need not fear!

Post by anyamanee »

jewels of joy wrote:I'm not getting through.
I did not say you cant be friends and love him.
I did not say not to pray or share the word with him.
This is the full extent of the friendship already. So why fear a "soul tie"? I do no understand why my feelings of attachment are so strong; but whenever i think of it, i go to God and I release my attachment. I say, "if this is not in your will, take it away". He doesn't. I trust him. He rebuked me for letting fear creep in. I am not to spend much time w/learning about soul ties, nor stress. Another -- my intercessor-- suggests doing it as well but with ALL, kids, spouse, yes, even this friend. So you see, you are 'getting through' -- it's me who is not communicating. Can that be?

I'm talking about crossing that line of ministry and becoming emotionally intertwined with people who are not on the same page with u spiritually to the point all lines become blurred.

Dear Jewels (btw, my name อัญมณี (anyamanee) translates jewels too! ♥

i assure you this is well taken care of. i don't look at this as so 'spiritual' but rather more so in terms of proper psychological boundaries.

I want to stress, this is a fine line. At least in Cross culture ministry. IE: i share my struggles w/Sow. A "not yet" sister. She has seen me cry over heart aches. Is that crossing a line? perhaps. I have shown her deep parts of my heart.

So recently she is sharing her heart. She is "bored of life" (this is a woman who attempted suicide 15 yrs ago, so i listen carefully and prayerfully) After many days of just listening, i tell her of my life.."you know i have struggles-- I too have been bored of life!! but one thing i have still, is the peace of God. I want to teach you about this, it comes from faith in Jesus"

So guess what? She sees my authenticity; my openess to her with my life and truly sees the differences and God is using that! Yes, I am in danger of a soul tie. But what does that mean? How 'dangerous' is it?

Do I truly have something that needs attention or is it (concept of soul tie and need to break/do 'work' to rid of it) merely another attempt to take my eyes off the prize that is already mine, to stray my feet? My meditation today says, beware. Fight sin, keep in step w/the spirit (which I am doing, very intentionally) --

And i'll add: even if i do have a 'dangerous soul tie' with Noy or anyone else, and God uses it to bring another worshiper into worship of Him and release them from sin and shame, and I get hurt...i can and will do it. I am secure. I refuse to succumb to ungodly fear.

But i am not 'throwing the baby out w/the bathwater' (love that saying) because actually i plan to break ALL soul ties, even w/my husband...which exist. I have intercessory cover and leading! She mentors women who have been in sexual abuse situations and so understands the issues relating -- but even advises her student to break a soul tie w her, the teacher!

the only soul tie we need/should have is w/Jesus. Amen?

Post by anyamanee »

anyamanee wrote:gonna do some bedtime reading from Wayne Grudem. Nothing in the index on "Soul ties". I will read the section on 'soul' however. Is there any other term used?

Grudem shed light on the confusion and uncertainty of the differences between soul and spirit.
use of spiirt tie may be more helpful in understanding. if there is an evil spirit that has formed a thread between me and noy it should be broken.

but it doesn't have power over my soul. i cannot speak for noy; and perhaps even more important for ME to break it.

Post by anyamanee »

I know soul ties exists because its briefly mentioned in the bible, When ON Jacobs daughter was raped ,,, the rapist didn't wantto give her up because his soul cleaved to her. He had become attached... via the rape or seduction.
this is helpful. i haven't been raped. Perhaps...seduction that may have happened briefly -- in the time of the 'strange reaction to scripture' phase, (April 2006) i will break shortly, in a style I am skilled in "taking back surrendered ground'. Just in case.

that said, i have to proclaim another caution i feel the Lord has given me. stop taking something 'briefly mentioned' in scriptures and blowing it up into more than the Lord means by it. this is taking our eyes off Him; and denying Romans 8:28-39 and many others; as well as putting man at the center and not God...the Lord is telling Karen Elizabeth: stay w/ME and ME alone. I am the Lion of Judah...

Peace to all. Thanks for all the words to consider!

Karen Elizabeth