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Post by anyamanee »

Copy of correspondence from my intercessor:
I wrote:

when I posted the dream/vision or whatever it was from Christmas, there has been some who believe it indicates a 'soul tie' that needs to be broken. That combined w/the time I could hear his thoughts, and how i can know his feelings. What are your thoughts? Thanks...Love you,

She responded:

This is great. I agree with them. Soul ties are very important to break. Even between husband, kids, parents, siblings, etc. What is is is breaking ANYTHING that Satan has intended for bad. It may not be knowing in the "flesh", but spiritually it does not hurt. It is also giving them over the Lord. I often break a soul tie between myself and someone, and also in counseling ladies suggest this. I was actually thinking of this recently with you and your Thai friends, and Todd, Panid, etc. but then all came about with Prince and my focus got off.

So when soul ties are broken it is outloud and for example. I break any ties between myself and ....... physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally. Only ties that are made of the Lord Jesus Christ can be placed between us.

This is freeing, also it is good to do it on and off if you feel "not good" connections were made. It is really allowing the Lord to move freely and cutting ungodly stuff in the relationships.

I am not sure if this is about the dream, but it is a good general suggestion from this person.

Let me know if you are going to do this and I will be praying for you and your protection.

Post by anyamanee »

Okay so those who wrote on "soul ties" and breaking them, is it really this simple? Then why do I need to write a book; why so much hype?

This intercessor is involved in some pretty heavy spiritual warfare, taking clients who have walked through some very heavy stuff...makes Dinah's ordeal look like nothing.

Respectfully but with pondering,

Karen Elizabeth
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Post by keilani »

Aloha Karen!

I think that anything that is done in His Kingdom should be done with wisdom and understanding and as He directs. Doing something without truth or revelation is the same thing as NOT doing something because you are unaware of it's existence.

The Word says "My people perish for lack of knowledge" and Proverbs mentions that as we seek Wisdom, we are also to seek understanding--the why (principle/reason) behind the what (the thing we are doing). Without that revelation, what you do is another religious act devoid of power. When you do something in obedience to His direction and with understanding, then it is done by FAITH that as you obey, whatever you are doing will produce the result you are seeking from Him. And never forget, faith ONLY works by love...and love entails forgiveness.

Blessings and grace to you Karen.
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Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.

Post by anyamanee »

keilani -- a most excellent word! Amen. The obedience vs legalism line is a thin, razor sharp line! But we must walk it..

Broke 'ties' today w/many; focused particularly on Noy; and actually ended up having a powerful intercession time for him. I do not love him any less, for sure.

I do think that at times we can make our walk more difficult than they need to be when we take our eyes off the blazing center!

http://www.theblazingcenter.com/2009/12 ... iracy.html

(keeping my sense of humor always!)

Post by anyamanee »

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Post by spoken4 »

Just a quick thought..... On The subject of soul ties and not being ignorant of the enemies devices.

This information was very freeing in many areas and one I will now be aware of for future reference.

You made a statement about the fact they should be called "spirit ties". In the book by Jessicca Jones she refers to them as just that..."Spirit ties". It is a very simple prayer!!!
I believe the results were instant because we understood finally what we had heard about for years but had no clear revelation on them.
I and a friend with separate circumstances saw instant results once we put into action the imformation we received!!

The ones that we broke ties with are still ones that we love and have contact with. We can still pray for them and love them, all the same.

She (Jessicca Jones) explains that soul ties are created through strong emotions that then is seen in the spirit like a tube that goes from one person to the next. She explains it like it being a highway through which the demonic can travel back and forth.

I am not an expert on them by any means and I do not focus on them. But I thank GOD for this information and the release I saw it bring in my life. I am thankful, that while I do not focus on them, the knowledge that I gained through this revelation will be in my arsenal for future warfare, when needed.

I will give you two personal examples of this in my life and the results that I saw.

I have been married almost 7 yrs now. I had two children prior to my current marriage. I was single for three years before I even chose to date anyone. During that three years, my ex did everything to try and get me to come back. I knew it was not Gods will for alot of reasons but mainly he was habitually unfaithful.

For those three years even being single. I never once desired him or even thought about going back to Him. I was happy with Me, God and my kids until God sent "the one" He had for me. I said all that to say this.
About a month after I got married after almost 4 yrs apart from my ex and having no desire for him, I had three dreams in a row about him. The desire for him was so intense that when I woke up I had to fight with myself to not go to his house. It was awful! I loved my husband and did not know where this came from but I was scared. I was scared that if it got stronger, I would give in. I was confused on how four yrs of nothing lke that at all and then this.
THANK GOD for true christian friends and mentors who are not RELIGIOUS!!! I called my friend and bared all. She had been my closest friend and mentor for yrs. She knew that I did not desire him in the past at all.
Instantly, she began to war in the spirit on the phone. She told me God revealed to her that this was a soul tie that needed to be broken immediately and that God revealed this had been there all along but the enemy waited for the time to use it when it would do the most damage to me. She prayed and it lifted instantly and IT NEVER returned!!! Neither of us knew much about soul ties or how they worked or even the right way to pray but God honored that prayer in spite of our lack of knowledge in the area.

About a yr ago or so, God led me to the book I told you about. Little did I know it was right on time for what I was about to face. The little I had heard about soul ties was obscure and left me with the understanding that soul ties could only be present with previous sexual partners. WRONG!!!!

I am a cosmotologist and I am a self employed booth renter. The one that I rented from for yrs and was very close to decided to sell the business and move to another state.

Another woman bought it and the hell began. I reached out to the new owner who did not understand the workings of a salon and spa. She claimed to be a christian. I knew that she needed prayer and support and I tried to give her as much as I could. She was bi polar, struggled with bouts of severe depression that would come and go all in the same day. She also struggled with other addictions as well. I knew that she said she was a christian and I believed she just needed someone to love and accept her as she was and witness to her.
I went through hell during this time. I am usually very even keeled.
I started to experience my emotions going haywire. I mean ready to scream at one minute and crying the next for no good reason. Then I would be fine and it would start all over again. This same friend and intercessor from the above story called me after a mnth of this. She made this statement, " I have known you for 13 yrs and have NEVER seen you so affected by anything! " She proceeded to tell me that God revealed to her I had a soul tie with this woman/ business that needed to be broken because the spirits at work in her and an open highway to travel from her to me and wreak havoc on me the same as they do with her. I knew instantly this was God and revelation from Him. Although I did nothing wrong by reaching out and trying to minister to her and love her as she was, it was the strong emotion that formed a bond that gave the enemy an inroad. For one whole mnth I went through hell and even with the knowledge of her bipolar issues, it never entered my mind that this was what I was dealing with. We said a very simple prayer that I learned through that book. Instantly the emotional havoc stopped. I continued to work with this woman for 4 more mths. While her issues did not get any better, only worse, it did not affect me that way again!!! It was instant and it was ALL GOD!! I did end up going to another place to rent but left with perfect peace and maintained that peace throughout the rest of my working with her. I still reached out to her but armed with the knowledge about "soul
ties" and guarded against any tie that was not of God being formed between us!!

My friend ha da similar but separate circumstance with hearing the thoughts of an old flame. This was after many many yrs of not giving him a second thought and left her wanting to pursue him though happily married. This old flame was not a sexual partner either. But this came at a time she was really going strong in God and growing. I shared with her the imformation from this book. We prayed and the intense desire that came out of nowhere lifted and NEVER returned. One wk later after many yrs on no contact she ran into him and felt NOTHING at all.

I hope this will reveal to you that breaking them does not mean you cannot love them or even still minister to them etc. but is ensuring only that all ministering will not be hindered by the enemy in anyway and be purely God!
In this book one thing she says, is that ANYTIME you are able to hear anothers thoughts etc there is a "spirit" tie. She gives good information to back this up and says this includes loved ones. We are not to cut them off only to sever the tie that allows their emotions to be transferred to us. If they are dealing with a spirit of anger, then through that soul tie that same anger can afflict us...etc. I feel I may do a complete injustice to the information found there if i only give parts of the information. I highly recommend this book, not to glorify the enemy in any way but rather to have told for warfare when he comes in this manner!!

God bless you!!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I have not yet read Jessica book on soul ties though i have and love her othe book, The other one spoke of soul ties and how they are crated and the harm they can do.

MY experience is i used to dream of old boyfriends one in particular.

I have been married for 26 years.Newel y married about two months

I have been in deliverance counseling for almost 3 years and have gone through much renouncing old boyfriend soul ties.

Last summer i go the idea to have my marraige renewed. I dd-int know or understand anything about soul ties or the sexual aspect of many of them when i married. This was not generally known in the body of Christ,,,this was 1984.

But after the revelation came and i did the work,,, i had a consuming yearning to renew my marriage vows. we did. It was a lovely wedding and even my husband ( who ha-sent to my knowledge did any souyl tie] breaking ) admitted to feeling our bond strengthen.

Now i the thought of these old soul ties including old friends is a distant almost detached memory.. Its becoming more distant and far way as time goes by..

AS for me,, and its me here,,,, i had started the slow removal of all i needed pictures memories,,letters and anythign to do with anyone that was not a loved relative or had a good influence in my life prior to me rededicating my life to Christ in 1983. Scene i love scrap booking ,,, that leaves me to go back to child hood where there was a semblance of innocence pick out the most benign pictures of old friends when still very young and keep the old pictures to family and good memories and then skip most of my high school years and refocus on my life after giving my heart back to Jesus after being backslid about 4 years, I got saved at about 14,,, then fell into heavy sin after a glorious conversion,,, and stayed that way till i was about 18.

I'm still working on any loose ends... there is a friend ( christian ) who has decided to not want o be my friend anymore and any efforts to try to fix things has ended in nothing, I still miss her and have had dreams about her, i know a soul ties needs to be broken. AS she is a christian the bond in Christ will always be there,,, but the soul ties that can be tormenting needs to be broken.

Anyhow,,just a little of my own testimony.
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Post by shine »

spoken4 wrote: . . .
My friend ha da similar but separate circumstance with hearing the thoughts of an old flame. This was after many many yrs of not giving him a second thought and left her wanting to pursue him though happily married. This old flame was not a sexual partner either. But this came at a time she was really going strong in God and growing. I shared with her the imformation from this book. We prayed and the intense desire that came out of nowhere lifted and NEVER returned.
One wk later after many yrs on no contact she ran into him and felt NOTHING at all.
And it would seem that breaking that soul tie was perfect timing from God. While Satan was bringing him back to your friends mind, God stepped in to break this up before actually seeing that old flame again!!! Yeah! God wins again!
Jesus is the Saviour

Post by anyamanee »

thanks -- very helpful testimonies!

i am not even close to these situations w/Noy. He is someone whom was a gift from God when I needed a good language tutor; and whom became close friends w/the family. All three of my kids look at him as an "uncle" and Todd and I as a younger brother. He was and still is a man of peace.

I write about him a lot in part b/c of a strong attachment but also because there has never been anyone with whom I've seen more signs and wonders. We have new ones came just this past week but I'm loath to share b/c i tend to get this kind of stuff...more 'warnings' and 'cautions'.

that said, I did and will keep breaking 'ties'. He is also very attached to us and thus will be easy to re attach; but I can break daily -- which i often should likewise do w/my husband.

also perhaps the reason so many wrote urging consideration, "there is a lot of wisdom here" is to help someone else, someone who is remaining silent.

So thank you all for sharing your ideas and for the last two whom shared testimonies.

I did the "breaking" and felt not much different except that the next phase of my prayer is now answered...so much going on here in the spirit world and manifesting in the natural.

It is hard for those who do not walk in demonic countries to even imagine what day to day life is like..but I do believe I am fully in Christ and thus, fully protected. I am not suffering from my attachment to Noy -- at least not at this time. It is well with my soul. What more can I want?

Love to all,

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Post by Charys »

I don't understand a lot of this stuff, frankly, so I'm not one to give advice, but I don't think you need to break a soul tie with your husband or children. I think the scripture just addresses being unlawfully joined with others through sexual relationships or perhaps inappropriate emotional attachments.

But, like I said, this is an area where I need to study the Bible a lot more.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Karen. Every soul is a gift from God and precious. Even ones that love idols or dont know or wantto know our Lord. All are made in his image and bear his marksmanship,,

Vast portions of America is a vastly become a demonic with our nations backslid state, People who live in the inner visited and parts that are controlled by gangs,,,, and war Lords and poverty would feel they are living in a type of Hell.Same goes for the ones in the Appalachian mountains that live in severe poverty and want....

As for me,, i have seen the demonic world through shaded tinted mirrors,,, but i have seen it,, lived it,,,, and am a missionary of a sorts in my own sphere of influence where as i get closer to God can see the demonic at work in ways that i wont speak of here....I beleive i have been attacked from the demonic,,, so i know a little of what i speak ( but God has protected me and got me through it)

We all are called to war the demonic... America is in a post christian era right now and the reaping of what we have sowed is already being harvested.

U have a lot of info to think and pray about... its in your heart and hands now what u do with it. Please though be Leary of disembodiment voices. Sometimes they are of God and Holy angels but ..well sometimes they are not and so u must be of the utmost caution and stay teachable .

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Post by spoken4 »

This is an a description of what is in the Jesicca Jones book from a website affiliated with her web site.

I am copying and pasting here.....

There are no such things as Godly soul ties. People who teach that there are Godly soul ties do so erroneously out of a lack of knowledge. They are actually spirit-ties and are Lucifer's very sad counterfeit for the Holy Spirit. Whether created by strong emotion or purposed plans, soul-ties are a spiritual conduit that attaches from one person to another. It can be a conduit between two people, a person and an animal, a person and an object or a person and a spirit.

Soul ties are created through strong emotion, bodily fluids (such as sexual intercourse or oral sex) and divination. When they are created, you also are connected to every person the other person is connected to and every person they are connected to.....

Soul ties are also generational and travel through family lines. They are designed to create one big mess for us. Think of a gigantic, world-wide spider web and everyone is stuck to it.

Have you ever been angry or afraid which goes completely against what your nature is? Wonder where it comes from? Look at your circle of friends and/or enemies and pick out the person who has an anger or fear issue - you have a soul tie with them.

They are one of the most ingenious devices used by Lucifer to entrap people and keep them trapped. Spirits travel through these conduits from one person to the other like they were using a super highway. Soul ties are different colors for easy identification.

All soul ties must be broken and the spirits who came through them must be
cast to the pit.


Father God, I repent, renounce and fall out of agreement with every soul tie I have created or I have allowed to be created with me. I break every soul-tie on both ends, and every spirit that has come through these soul ties, I break their power and cancel their assignment in my life. (If you know what the spirits are - ex. anger, fear, stress, hatred, etc. - name them) In the name of Jesus, I now command every spirit named and unnamed, who works with or is associated with or is affiliated with the spirits named, your power is broken, your assignment is cancelled and I command you to go to the pit now, in the name of Jesus. And Holy Spirit, I ask that you rise up and fill the spot now vacated. Holy Spirit, I ask you to heal every cell and tissue in my body where these soul-ties were attached and where these spirits were attached. I ask for healing, peace and joy to fill me. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Karen, it seems that you have rejected the idea that a "spirit or soul tie" is truly present, in your zeal for this connection being a God ordained thing as well as your strong emotional attachment to to this man. If deep down you do not believe that what was poured into you here was meant for you and only for someone else, I am not sure if the prayers to break a tie you do not believe is wrong and is of God would really be effective anyway.
I think perhaps, you have such a strong attachment that you feel you must protect it at all costs and you are not able to receive that the danger you were being warned of could not interfere with Gods plans for this man anyway. You were not being cautioned to deny Gods will for your relationship with this man.....only any avenue being left open between you both that can be a superhighway for the enemy.

Forgive me if my next statement sounds candid and please know that I speak it in love and do not mean to offend you. I ask only that you would humbly take it back to the father.

Concerning the voice you heard....

This was an experience that further strengthens that bond. When we are sensitive to the spirit realm and are used to operating within the realm of the spirit. It is then easy to believe that every supernatural experience must be from God and ordained by Him. (this is an area I also need some more instruction and am still learning also)

If this is a God ordained connection with this man then truly seeing that this is a soul tie that needs to be broken will only ensure Gods perfect will not being corrupted or interfered with, by the enemy.

God was NOT the author of you hearing the voice of this man and his thoughts. God speaks to us through his spirit and he will use other people at times to speak into our lives as well. God does not speak to us through other peoples voices and allowing their thoughts to come to us. Furthermore, God would not use anothers thoughts and emotions to be what comes to us to give us direction....that is reserved for His spirit alone to do. Therefore this "spirit tie" was accessed and was able to use words that would play on your love for this man and innocent desire to see him come into the kingdom of God.

That desire is good and reveals your heart and your passion for the lost but the enemy knows how try and twist what God intended for good to try and further strengthen that emotional connection.

I am NOT saying God did not ordain your meeting or your ministry to this man. I am not even saying that God means for you to have no further contact with this man...not in any way.
But what you desperately are clinging to is exactly what could hinder Gods plans for him and allow ministry to go forth that is NOT God ordained but is corrupted. Deception would not be deception if we could see it. And in those times that we are getting off track and many who also walk with God and have been through similar circumstances are reaching out to us in order to help us, yet we allow a spirit of pride to set in we are in serious danger.

This is what pride says.....

I know God, I walk with Him, others don't understand my level of intimacy with God. They do not walk in the supernatural like I do....or live in the place that I do daily.
Pride says all others must be wrong because they don't know what I do. Pride says this cannot be deception because I know God well enough that I am not susceptible to deception. Pride says this was for someone else and not me at all because I know what they could not know.
I may have walked with God for many years and have had my own run ins with pride that came before a fall. The falls were painful and left me bruised but I thank God for the "falls" that were greatly needed to keep me humble and able to receive. Right now the scripture that I am hearing is this....." Their is wisdom in a multitude of counselors"
You have gotten wise counsel over and over in this thread that ultimately you have rejected. I humbly pray that you will lay down all that you think you know and remember that if God said even the elect can be deceived......then, you, being the ELECT of God are also susceptible to deception in this area. I pray that you will recieve my words in a spirit of humility as that is what they are written to you in. I am speaking to you, as I would greatly desire someone would speak to me when CAUTION is what they are hearing and seeing that their would be no interference or corruptions of Gods original plan for a situation in my life.

I bless you Karen to recieve these words in the spirit in which they were sent. I bless your ability to have divine revelation concerning this situation and to demonstrate Godly wisdom in all that concerns you. I bless your ability to recieve at times that which you may not fully understand but is Gods intervention for your protection. I bless you ability to humbly receive Godly counsel from a multitude of counselors knowing that this is Gods safety net, put in place for our protection! I bless you Karen, with a sharpened sense of discernment that will come from experiences the enemy meant for your bad but God uses as a hands on teaching experience instead. I bless you with the ability to sniff out what looks like God, sounds like God, smells like God but goes against His true nature.

I bless you with the wisdom to know when to surrender an area so that God can have his way even when it feels good to hold on. I bless you with the strength and wisdom to surrender what feels good and right to us but is an opening for the enemy that no weapon formed against you can prosper in Jesus name but would instead become a powerful weapon in your hand! I bless you Karen and speak that you are a mighty weapon in the hands of God that will not be deceived by any device of the enemy because of your sensitivity to His spirit alone!! I bless your spirits ability to recieve words of correction with a spirit of humility knowing that God gives grace to the humble and He himself will lift you up!! I bless your spirit to fully receive from the heart of the Father all that He has for you....that you may be the witness for Him that is unnaffected by the schemes of the enemy. I bless your spirits ability to fully understand the role of our husbands and submitting fully to their leadership and direction as they submit to Christ as their head....knowing that anything apart from this is an inroad for the enemy that you will NOT allow. I bless your spirits capacity to not just submit in deed but to see the great wisdom and protection that comes from submitting fully and wholeheartedly to the head of your homes direction.
I bless you and your close walk with Abba Father and your love for the lost. I speak that this great love and acceptance for those that do not know the Lord will ever increase while armed with the knowledge from Gods throne room needed to ensure that your strength and calling from God will not leave any openings to corrupt and interfere with Gods divine destiny for your life. I bless you in being the warrior in the spirit that God has ordained for you to be, never allowing pride to set in concerning these great revelations you are designed to receive that only God will be glorified in all that He has done in you and is sure to do through you, in Jesus name!!

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Post by keilani »

There is such a great wealth of love, encouragement and help for each other here but I think it is necessary to bring everything simply back to the truth of scripture.

We are made in God's image and likeness.

God is Spirit. Therefore the part of us that is the TRUE us, that which is made in His image is our spirit man.

HE formed a body for Adam from dust--our flesh body and then breathed His LIFE or SPIRIT into us.

"WE" are made up of three parts: the spirit within us; our soul--mind, will, emotions; and our flesh, physical body.

So when I read "SOUL TIES" i think of the part of our mind (reasoning), emotions (feelings) and will--that part of us which was given the power to choose.

Rom 12: 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

When we are born again our spirit is born anew into His image, no longer bound by the sin/death that entered through Adam's disobedience. Holy Spirit resides here, in this part of us. He indwells our Spirit man, just like when God first breathed and put His LIfe/Spirit into Adam at the beginning of creation!

According to Rom 12, the renewing our mind is A PROCESS that must be done. The WAY to OFFER our bodies a living sacrifice to Him is to renew our mind to His Word or to align ourselves with His way of thinking. We must "re-educate" our minds because before we were born again, our mind which thought the way it was taught was the primary decision maker.

But remember Paul says that the body wars against the spirit and the spirit against the body so that I do not do as I ought. The reason being that. Before the REBIRTH, the mind thought a certain way and the Body did what the mind thought.

HOWEVER, as Born-Again Believers, we are to be controlled by the spirit within us who is being led by HOLY SPIRIT so this is why we don't have the same type of peace doing what we used to do. We have a different internal compass now directing us.

So how does this apply to "soul ties"? If our soul is that which refers to our mind, will and emotions and that part of us is NOT COMPLETELY renewed to the Word and Will of God, then we face the danger of ALIGNING ourselves with people, things, activities thinking EVERYTHING that has to do with that person, thing, activity is acceptable. Truth is we must DISCERN HIS WILL by the SPIRIT within us at all times, EVEN HERE where there are people who truly love Him and want His Body to prosper!

The gift of discernment needs to be always working in us as His own and our soul (mind, will and emotions) needs to be FULL of and submitted to the Word of God. When our spirit is re-born and our mind is constantly being renewed to His Truth, then we are able to bring our bodies into subjection and DO the perfect will of God.

That being said, we all are responsible as mature sons and daughters of God to do a self-assessment. And Holy Spirit counsels us in this! If we are honest enough to evaluate ourselves, we should talk to Him and ask:

Is there areas of my thinking still in darkness? If so, what areas Lord?

Because the truth is if there is, it is possible to be led off His path, all the while thinking you're in the light and doing His will. Don't forget on that day, JEsus Himself said, many would come saying Lord didn't we do this and that in your name and He will answer, "get away from me, I never knew you."

A wise man said: God ROOTS bear God fruits. IF the fruit ISN'T godly, there is no way the root could be godly.

Shalom and God grant us all wisdom and understanding as we seek His truth!

**Nasir Siddiki does very good scriptural teaching on the spirit, soul and body and he goes in-depth on Rom 12: 1-2.
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Post by labourer4Him »

What a great topic.. That's what I first thought when I started reading last week. Then, increasingly, as the thread grew with everyone's answers, God really started to use this to minister to me. I've known about soul ties, I've even broken them in the past with ex-boyfriends, but never with anyone else. About half a year ago a godly person in my family told me that I should consider breaking off soul ties with certain members of my family which I said I would think about. Well, thinking alone (without prayer) hardly ever gets me anywhere:) and I sort of forgot about it. I thank God that He's used this thread to remind me. I've asked Him who to break soul ties with and this last week He's opened my eyes to some of the dreams I've had over the last couple of months and He's given me more dreams this week(some rather disturbing I might say) related to this which gave me the names of all the people I needed to break soul ties with. There might be more, I don't know but I've asked Him to show anyone I might have 'forgotten'.. I love my Heavenly Father for the way He's lead this. His timing is always perfect. Hallelujah. Bless all of you who posted in this thread!

Post by anyamanee »

Hi, I am not so sure about being called to war against the demonic unless you mean by being torch bearers. I am afraid way too much attention is given to demons. I have learned some painful lessons and so do NOT war directly w/demons now. Perhaps that is just my call...but I do have to take some exception to what you write here in regards to America..

We all are called to war the demonic... America is in a post christian era right now and the reaping of what we have sowed is already being harvested.

Though I agree that darkness is indeed increasing in America, i do not agree that it is "post christian". At least not in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and outstate...all I can truly speak of...but I urge anyone that sees America as turned over to demonic to visit another country that is truly that way. Come to Thailand. India. (I guess Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, etc) See it first hand, the actual idol worship,
just like you read of in the OT.

And if you do go deeper, and actually minister to people you will meet as commonly as people w/addictions, people who have suffered or participated in magic arts. I am not talking the occult (which is surely on the rise) stuff of the states, the fortune tellers and wiccan groups, etc etc...I'm talking all walks of life, from old to young, rich and poor.

My country is not very "poor" so it's not about that. But idolotry -- an especially odious sin to God, is so high here. Spirits roam around with far more freedom. I do need to keep myself clean as much as possible..soul ties or not.

Breaking a 'soul tie' w/a family member is more or less a boundry keeping; emotional distance so that thier sin doesn't get to you and affect your relationship w/God. Ties as I now understand put your relationship w/the tied person as primary before God. Normal human sin nature wants to have that...just like I want Noy to be 'attached to me', perhaps he wants me to be more attached to him than I am to God.

I said, Perhaps.

Some on this board have suggested he puts spells on me...

Again, i say, perhaps. I seriously doubt it but hey, this is Thailand!

Peace to all,

Karen Elizabeth