The Falling/Flying Dream

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The Falling/Flying Dream

Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

Okay so I haven't had this dream in a long time, but I remember it being a reoccurring dream through out my childhood. This dream was brought to my attention today so I'm assuming it still important. In this dream; my family is driving too West VA, in the dream we always start at this bridge which goes over the water, it's the marker in my mind that means we are really close to my grandparent's house. In this dream we always have to bridges to choose from, one is low to the ground with jagged rocks under it and it appears very old, and the other is roller coaster high! From what I recall we almost always choose the high bridge over the ocean, when we would mount this bridge, it would toss as though it was hung by very weak wiring, though I never see the wires, as we cross to the middle the bridge collapses and we fall, but just before we hit the water, I grow wings and they come out of the car and I am able to fly us to the other side safely. When in this dream we have chosen the shorter older bridge, it is the same thing, we get close to the middle of it and we fall and i grow wings and we are safe.
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Post by alilbitofHSSpirit »

Be blessed,
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Re: The Falling/Flying Dream

Post by Newbie »

alilbitofHSSpirit wrote:Okay so I haven't had this dream in a long time, but I remember it being a reoccurring dream through out my childhood. This dream was brought to my attention today so I'm assuming it still important. In this dream; my family is driving too West VA, in the dream we always start at this bridge which goes over the water, it's the marker in my mind that means we are really close to my grandparent's house. In this dream we always have to bridges to choose from, one is low to the ground with jagged rocks under it and it appears very old, and the other is roller coaster high! From what I recall we almost always choose the high bridge over the ocean, when we would mount this bridge, it would toss as though it was hung by very weak wiring, though I never see the wires, as we cross to the middle the bridge collapses and we fall, but just before we hit the water, I grow wings and they come out of the car and I am able to fly us to the other side safely. When in this dream we have chosen the shorter older bridge, it is the same thing, we get close to the middle of it and we fall and i grow wings and we are safe.
Hello Danca, 2 idioms comes to mind:"cross that bridge when we get to it" (don't worry about something that has yet to happen) and "water under the bridge" (things in the past we can't change). It appears that whatever you and others endured you are able to overcome and pull all to safety. Isaiah 40:31, comes to mind in regards to your wings:"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint".