Dozing Off ...Azazel: Part 2

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Dozing Off ...Azazel: Part 2

Post by Newbie »

Last night, I dozed off listening to the Book of Samuel and 1 Kings on my audio bible. However, my dreams last night was a bit on the weird side. Here is my dream:
I was a part of this dream but not as myself but as others. It was like I was experiencing what these people were experiencing. Other parts of the dream I was just an observer. The overall dream was like watching a sci-fi/horror movie. What comes to mind is the movie Fallen w/ Denzel Washington and John Goodman.
I was walking my daughter to middleschool. I am not myself but that of another woman. This woman had curly hair and was wearing a pink tank top with moss green sweats. She was wearing socks with bedroom slippers and carrying a teddy bear. Here is where it gets weird. I am walking towards the school; however, suddenly I am coming from the opposite direction, it is like I had walked from behind the school instead of towards it. At this point I saw my daughter and wave bye. My daughter was already at school despite we started off walking together.
Now I am a man who was an animal control person. Me and my female partner got a call about someone complaining of animal attacks. I approached this building. At this point I was standing in the hall in front of the door while the animal catcher comes in, which is me as the man.
But as the dream progresses I am no longer this man. The building is a school and this family have sealed themselves off because of an attack. I see blood all over the place and knew this was no animal attack but something sinister, like nerve agents. A little mix-Hawaiian boy approaches the man and he said "Daddy! Mommy is in the room?"
The man walks in and his wife tells him that he needs to shut the door so the stuff could not get in. She tells him that he needs to take some Tylenol because it will help combat the effects. The man said it was only an animal but the boy and woman said no it was no animal but “they” had release something for an attack. The man hesitantly took out several pills from the bottle.
The woman from school was there as well in another room but she was infected. She was like a zombie. At that moment I was there as myself but I cannot see myself, it is like I am a spirit and the animal catcher is now infected. Suddenly, he tries to attack me with a needle and I recalled that I made him drop it 3 times and I was backing away from him because I did not wanted to be infected. I was looking for a way to make a run for it.
I recalled I got my chance and changed into his wife but for only for a moment. I recalled an alert going off and the wife running in her son’s classroom. The teachers announced that this was not a drill but the real thing. The wife was trying to blend in with the kids because of her stature. All the kids were dressed in red. The teacher had the kids up against the wall and they soon realized that they had a parent in there. The teacher stated how were they going to move the children when there was a woman in the midst of them.
The teacher took the children to Principal's office because they had to go there in times of an emergency. The woman try to blend in with the children because the watchers/ or the people in control was watching for anything suspicious. EOD

Edited for major typos
Last edited by Newbie on Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Newbie »

I did some research on the movie Fallen becuase I saw this movie when it first came out years ago. In the movie there is demon that is jumping from people to people. The name of this demon is called Azazel.
I have found that this name is the bible as well. But the fiirst instance meant "scapegoat" for atonement. I have found commentary by bible scholars taht this maybe a demon of the desert meaning falling away from God.

Leviticus 16:10, The other goat, the scapegoat chosen by lot to be sent away, will be kept alive, standing before the LORD. When it is sent away to Azazel in the wilderness, the people will be purified and made right with the LORD.

In the dream it was like I was jumping from person to person; however, when I was in the individual I was not doing anything evil mainly I was protecting. But I realized that once I left the body, something happened to the individuals with the exception of the mother. I cannot recall if I jumped out of her body but I do recalled seeing her attempting to blend in with the children.
I recalled the man was acting as if he was playing a game with the needles, but I knew it was something sinister. It was like he was not there mentally. However, his wife thought it was a game and she sat on a counter laughing. But she did not transform like the rest. The man had ashen skin or grey skin when he got pricked.
I do not know who or what was attacking the school, but whatever this thing was the mother was getting away from it and the teachers felt protected around the children as well as the mother.
I wonder what it could all mean and does anyone have knowledge on what this could all mean and Jewish traditions and customs.
From what I am gathering the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur is the day after my birthday.
But what I do not understand is taking on the form of others and feeling them internally (thoughts and feelings).
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Post by ElijahsTask »

A very intense dream newbie. I saw the movie Fallen, I liked it.

I don't have anything of value to add but I do have a few thoughts.

Seems you're being privileged to see the inner workings of something. Kind of reminds me of when John was taken up "in the spirit"

I am glad you brought this dream back. I will pray that someone has some insight on it.

As I was reading, part of it made me think of the Sandy Hook school, tho I can't tell you exactly why. One thing would be reported, then that would morph into something else. The information would change.
The teachers announced that this was not a drill but the real thing.
All the kids were dressed in red.
The teacher stated how were they going to move the children when the woman in the midst of them.
The teacher took the children to Principle office because they had to go there in times of an emergency. The woman blended in with the children because the watchers/ or the person in control was watching for anything suspicious. EOD
This part reminded me of that old guy who was across from Sandy Hook school and saw all these kids out on his lawn that the bus driver just "dropped off" and the kids were told to stay there.

This made me think.

ok, so I'm weird :wink:

Thank you newbie for the invitation to share thoughts.

Big blessings to you my friend!

Elijahs Task
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--