Dining Room Table Under a White Veil & JB

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Dining Room Table Under a White Veil & JB

Post by Newbie »

I cannot recall all of this dream but here goes:

Juanita Bynum and a her friend drops by my house unexpectedly. The furniture in my house is out of place. The dining room table is covered by a white veil and the dining room chairs are glass tabletops with white columns??? I have a gold crucifix on the wall with a piece of wood above it; however, it is hung crooked. Juanita and friend hung it correctly. My bedroom was suppose to be used as a praying altar but we had stored things in there like that of a storage room. Then Juanita and friend was going somewhere and I was suppose to follow them. I did but lagged behind because the area was unfamiliar and there was a few cars between her car and mines. Then the dream shifts and my family and I are in a restarant listening to Juanita, I am writing in a notebook and my husbnad asks me am I listening. I told him yes. Because I can write and listen at the same time. Something was served because I was munching on something; however, it was a crawfish with the shell still on it (IRL I do not eat crawfish because they look like an oversize bug and in the dream, that is what I thought I was chewing on: a bug but it was crawfish). I recalled it was not pleasent tasting tasting and hard to swallow. My family and I are back home but we wanted to go back to the restaurant to eat some steaks. Apparently we were there the first time because of Juanita but we did not eat. Now we are hungry and we all want t-bone steak. EOD
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Re: Dining Room Table Under a White Veil & JB

Post by Servantleader »

[quote="Newbie"]I cannot recall all of this dream but here goes:

Juanita Bynum and a her friend drops by my house unexpectedly. The furniture in my house is out of place. The dining room table is covered by a white veil and the dining room chairs are glass tabletops with white columns??? I have a gold crucifix on the wall with a piece of wood above it; however, it is hung crooked. Juanita and friend hung it correctly. My bedroom was suppose to be used as a praying altar but we had stored things in there like that of a storage room. Then Juanita and friend was going somewhere and I was suppose to follow them. I did but lagged behind because the area was unfamiliar and there was a few cars between her car and mines. Then the dream shifts and my family and I are in a restarant listening to Juanita, I am writing in a notebook and my husbnad asks me am I listening. I told him yes. Because I can write and listen at the same time. Something was served because I was munching on something; however, it was a crawfish with the shell still on it (IRL I do not eat crawfish because they look like an oversize bug and in the dream, that is what I thought I was chewing on: a bug but it was crawfish). I recalled it was not pleasent tasting tasting and hard to swallow. My family and I are back home but we wanted to go back to the restaurant to eat some steaks. Apparently we were there the first time because of Juanita but we did not eat. Now we are hungry and we all want t-bone steak. EOD[/quote]

The scripture that came to me was, “O taste and see that the Lord He is good…” But some things, like the crawfish, are hard to swallow. God has prepared a place for you prophetess, a place for you to come and dine with Him, but the cost for this is bringing things into correct spiritual order, which is why Prophetess Juanita Bynum is in the dream, I sense, as when you and her straightened the gold Cross. In the most intimate place in your house was found storage? Get loose of the baggage, old mindsets, old past hurts, etc., and prepare a place for Him. God is calling you to go higher in the prophetic realm, “to catch up with” so-to-speak, those of the caliber of what we perceive Juanita Bynum to be.

It’s not enough to listen to prophetic teachings. When your husband asked were you listening, God is asking are you listening? Many times we listen, but don’t hear. Now you have heard.
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Post by Newbie »

Thankyou Servantleader for insight and I am flattered by the moniker you gave me. I will pray more over this because it is a lot digest at the moment. Thanks again and God bless.
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Post by Newbie »

This dream has unfolded bit by bit and now I am literally at the restaurant scene chewing on the "crawfish". I have discovered a few symbols for the crawfish; however, I do not feel that any applies to the context of this dream. I am not certain but because of the taste and appearance of the crawfish in the dream, it could have been served raw. I recalled that both in the dream and IRL that it had a disgusting taste to it; like it was "fresh", gamey, or earthy. I have had crawfish before and it did not tasted anything like that in the dream. Unfortunately, I cannot recall swallowing it; which is a bad thing because IRL this would cause an parasetic infection. Come to think of it, the current sitaution is "bugging" me.
Currently, I am still chewing on something that is going on IRL and yes just like that end portion I am hungering for a big piece of steak (strong meat).
So I guess my question is what could crawfish symbolize in the context of this dream? The only thing I am getting is lack of meat, a hard saying or a difficult work. I f it is a hrad saying what exactly does that mean? That I am not accepting of what was being taught to me.
Any ideas anyone?
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Post by Servantleader »

It's been a while since I have looked at this dream, but my stance remains the same. However, I agree with you about crawfish situation. While a crawfish may be a different type of fish, or food that we could eat (I haven't FYI), this "different" or "other" is not satisfying for you. Sometimes we need a Word of teaching with some protein and substance in it - not "taste great, less filling" like the beer commercial.
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Post by Newbie »

Servantleader wrote: "taste great, less filling" like the beer commercial.
:lol: I see you told your age and mines; funny commercial.
I had asked the Lord for guidance over my current situation and this dream came back to forefront. After recalling it and pulling this up to read; it appears the dream is currently unfolding. But the scene I cannot truly understand is the crawfish scene. The situation has me chewingon tough meat but I am not getting filled.

Post by Elle »

Someone else (can't remember who, sorry) posted something about Crawfish the other day. There was some discussion on it about what Crawfish may mean.

spiritled maybe? Jehu?

Edit: Jehu - called 'Crawdads'.

I think they're the same thing? I hadn't heard of them before the other day.
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Post by Newbie »

Elle wrote:Someone else (can't remember who, sorry) posted something about Crawfish the other day. There was some discussion on it about what Crawfish may mean.

spiritled maybe? Jehu?

Edit: Jehu - called 'Crawdads'.

I think they're the same thing? I hadn't heard of them before the other day.
Hello Elle, I do recall it being Jehu. Crawfish are a part of the lobster family and they are very popular in the deep south. IRL I rarely eat them because they remind me of oversize bugs especially when I get a closeup of their head. Anyway, they can symbolize several things depending on context:if retreating =coward; renege on a promise; raised claws = defensive or cautious. I believe Jehu's symbolized a renege on a promise.
In my case the crawfish was not alive. I do believe that it was not cooked because of the taste in my mouth. I do not know if this make sense but the taste was like accidently biting into a bug. Yuck, I know but I have accidently done this and it is not a pleasent taste. Additionally the head and shell was left intact.
So what I am gathering is that I am "chewing" (thinking or meditating) on a word (crawfish is meat) that is hard to swallow or a hard lesson(shell). Yes JB was speaking but I was busy writing notes. Currently this is happening: she is speaking but I am taking the situation in. I have not been up getting up at 5 am to listen to her radio revival but simply read the responses of others. Like at the end of the dream, I am hungry for the Word (steak).
I had bought this dream back up because I had asked him in prayer what should I do, should I let go? Is she trustworthy and there are other forces at play and this dream came back to me.
Also, the dream with the "Ark of the Covenant" comes back to mind as well. Because JB had a replica of this made for her prayer room. I am wondering if this symbolizes what I saw in the dream. There are times in which someone may speak she is a false teacher etc... and her followers are beside them themselves. At these moments, I am discerning that many of her followers are blurring the lines between adoration and idoltry. The only other time I have seen someone go ballistic over a teacher was my late grandmother. I recall telling her that I had saw an expose on Benny Hinn and how he was ripping people off through prayer requests. When I told her this my grandmother was beside herself and lashed into me something fierce. It was as though I was seeing a different person. So some of JB's followers can become as indignant or passionate as my grandmother.
I believe that I had both dreams on the same evening. I believe that she may at times be influenced by others and may get a swoll head from those that are putting her on a pedestal. Currently, I asked Him to teach me and grant me more wisdom because His ways are flawless, men can misapply and sully His words with a quickness.

Post by Elle »

Thanks for sharing that.
At these moments, I am discerning that many of her followers are blurring the lines between adoration and idoltry.
Yes, it's really easy to do, and people just don't realise they're doing it.
I recall telling her that I had saw an expose on Benny Hinn and how he was ripping people off through prayer requests.
I used to watch his show (until I went to one of his meetings in person). He had a regular guest who I could barely look at, because of what I was sensing. But a friend of mine raved about how great this other guy was. I didn't feel I could say anything because I knew she wouldn't be able to hear it.

Now when I come across this sort of thing, I just pray that God will show the person what's really going on. I don't get involved unless I see them in danger (e.g. sending themselves bankrupt because they're giving away their life savings etc).