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Kevin and the snake

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:28 am
by Elle
Aweful aweful dream. Last night I went out to dinner. There was a Kevin there.

Dream ...

Myself and some others were going home to my place. At the top of my drive, there was a snake. Kevin was several meters ahead of me, already there.

He picked up the snake. Kevin was sort of kneeling/crouching. The snake was small - skinny with a small head. It was a 'golden crown' snake. (But it didn't look exactly like a golden crown snake).

EDIT: In the dream it was called a golden crown snake, but wasn't a golden crown snake. Strange???

I told him to put it down because I knew it was dangerous.

The snake started swinging around to try to bite him.

Then it became a huge snake. Extremely dangerous. Still a long thin style snake with a small head (as in, not bulky like a python), but large, very large. And black on top, pale underneath.

He wasn't holding it right. He wasn't holding right up behind the head. I was yelling, 'throw it, throw it'.

I became aware that I was standing on a bed (my bed I think) in the middle of the road.

It bit him. Kevin then said 'I feel the venom affecting me'.

It dawned on him that that was it. That was the end of him.

The snake kept biting him. I saw it bite him on the knee. It just kept biting him.

He dropped the snake and started walking down the foot path in a sort of dream-like state. I kept waiting for him to drop dead.

When I saw him drop the snake and start walking, I started trying to call emergency on my phone. I'm still standing on the bed in the middle of the road. I couldn't get through to emergency. I just heard music playing, then I woke up.


I was so distressed when I woke up, I just kept wondering what kind of danger Kevin was in.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:07 am
by Elle
Processing some thoughts ...

I think the reason this was set in my street, wasn't so much to do with the symbolism, but because we have dangerous snakes in our area.

I just discovered that today's newspaper has a full-page spread on dangerous snakes in the area, and who to call to get rid of them etc.

This dream seems to be about Kevin and at first I thought it was actually about Kevin, but I'm starting to think it's about something else.

Before I went to bed, I asked God to speak to me about a different guy, and was disappointed that He hadn't. I'm starting to think that He did - in this dream.

Meaning of Kevin: Handsome or beautiful by birth.

Golden crowned snake: "The Golden-crowned Snake is a small nocturnal, terrestrial species that is sometimes encountered on warm nights in suburban areas. Domestic cats may bring one inside and cause some alarm. However, it is not considered to be a dangerous snake."

Me on the bed: In my dreams, this symbolises that I'm at rest to a certain extent, because I'm on the bed, except I'm standing up. So maybe not at rest as I could be.

Phoning emergency: This has come up a few times over the years. It's about me trying to get help. I hardly ever get through. VERY frustrating.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 pm
by Elle

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:23 pm
by Newbie
Hello Elle, Kevin means "gentle birth" or kind, honest, and handsome. Meaning that this is the characteristics of this man; however, he will become "poisoned" in a situation. The snake symbolizes someone that is attempting to expose (your driveway) something about you or gossip about you. They attempt to poisoned his views about you. I t appears he attempts to fight for your honor; unfortunately he is not used to this due to his handling this serpent.
You standing on your bed in the road speaks to me as you calling on the Lord (the road) to have peace (bed) and you are trying to stand firm on this (you standing). You are attempting to call on Him again (the phone call). Wat i get from this and maybe I am reaching but in the US 911 is the number for emergencies and you stated that you got music. What I get is Psalms 91:1, "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty".
Toss if it does not speak.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:54 am
by Elle
Hi Newbie,

What you've said is spot on.
Kevin means "gentle birth" or kind, honest, and handsome. Meaning that this is the characteristics of this man;
he will become "poisoned" in a situation. The snake symbolizes someone that is attempting to expose (your driveway) something about you or gossip about you.
I had a really nice relationship with this person once, and it was poisoned by a couple of girls, one of which was very jealous of me (and who also destroyed another good relationship I had).
You standing on your bed in the road speaks to me as you calling on the Lord (the road) to have peace (bed) and you are trying to stand firm on this (you standing).

Thanks again. You've helped to explain a lot! Sitting here going through all the stages of grief at once.