france, spiders, frogs, other

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france, spiders, frogs, other

Post by sigmon2 »

goofy is all i can say here, and its too early in the am to be awake but here we go.
i know this dream to be spiritual info, goofy is not the dream but the time in the morning!
the dream starts with me in an apartment with my ex and her lover, does not look like her real one, it is an uncomfortable place us three in the flat in all places - France. looks like an regular place with a bed in the main room, its like a studio room. he is roaming around frustrated, and i am over on the bed unhappy. she is trying to make a deal between us, about going on a trip with his friends to a vacation spot for the weekend. i say no i will not go. now there is a baby in the mix and it is a baby now but i want to mention that as this dream goes along it becomes a child, we grow'm fast i guess. anyway, then the lover comes to me and ask if i will go to work with him at some business to do custodian work and again i say no. now he is hot. she is trying her best to keep him calm. the baby and me are still playing. the baby is now getting strenght to try walking and other things but still not strong, mother loves baby but spending time with lover to keep him calm.
then i see him search the fridge and look in cabinets, guess he is hungry. the room is fairly clean and lighted. then i get up and go into another room connected to this one. in here is a dusty and very old room. many beds and one window. she gets on a bed and the baby tries to follow but makes it to the end of it and seems to nap for a second. i jumped down on a very, very dusty bed. i get back up. decided to clean, i tell her that the owner let us be here and so we can clean and fix it up. i look around and it has to many beds i mention we can take one out since our grandmother have passed away we do not need the extra anymore. i look around again and i notice the room looks strange a different shape. very strange, and set up like a boy's room to me. anyway, next i begin to clean and things really go different.
the baby is now a boy, and my nephew is in the room. the baby's face is that of my 18 yr old. they jump on the bed that i did and were laughing and happy. i thought it would be good to open the window and remove the curtain. i pulled the curtain and it came apart in my hands. it had been like that for so long i guess or...? i saw the window was a little open, and what i had pulled away shed some light into the room. i saw there was an outside through the window too. i pulled at the curtain again and saw the most huge and nasty and mean and horrible and scary and the nitemare kind, etc spider - it was hairy and had extra legs and pitch black and it did not like it that i saw it. it had 2 other friends with it. the big one tried to hide. then i looked down and the 2 excat friends had built a very very thick webbing over the heads of the 2 boys, who were lays in the bed like in coffins. the matteress was gone and now it was different. and each spider had place right next to each boy's head.
the spiders were not as big as the first but big enough. take your biggest turkey platter and go bigger without legs. so i attack and surprisely i cleared through the webbing and the spider run off without any harm to the boys, whew for a second. Cause in comes the second squad! next 3 large very green, a deep green frogs/toads appear. same size as the spiders huge, with teeth. i start attacking them and only thing in my hand in long bladed grass. only once did the biggest frog wince and then nothing. they went after my son. my nephew was not there. the big frog bit down on my son's left nipple and it was as if they were sucking it. the look on my son's face was pain then no pain, i got one frog off cause now i had a little stick from somewhere. and the second frog to its right clamped on to the same spot. i beat on it and got it off and they the 3 frogs went away. now i noticed, my son was in clear water - he was under this water. he was not breathing like he was paralyzed. i pulled him out of the water and around to a bed behind me, he was very stiff and if frozen. i turned to find my nephew. i dug under stuff that had been piled on top of him, like boards and cardboards, strange. but no spiders or frogs just back to dust. he was breathing and i got him out of this very strange bed. i heard my ex scream he my son was not breathing and then the dream faded and i woke up and started praying!
have fun with this one, lol
i will mention this one has real life connection in parts.
see ya and may the Lord grant wisdom and knowledge and understanding to you
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Sigmon, I am getting deceptive practices. It appears that something from the past is being bought up. It like their is an attack on your son's and/or nephew's thought process. Toss if it does not speak. God bless.
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Post by sigmon2 »

thanks newbie
that is included in the dream, yes it is.
i wanted to add some more here. first i prayed before sleeping, i have been praying for my son a lot lately.
the spiders as i thought about it were crab like, even with what seem to be movements like, a front legs like.......but they were spiders more like a cross between the two.
then when i got the second frog off the dream zoomed in on the left breast where they had been biting, i saw 4 sidebyside punture marks in the ring of dark skin below the nipple. sharp teeth cause it was not jagged but clean and no blood. i thought for sure they we trying to suck his nipple. and i wondered if this meant to suck the life out of him.
being under the water like that.......interesting.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Hello all.
I am living this dream. It is hard to watch but it is happening over time in front of my eyes. I can only hope I have met the third frog and we are done. My son does not have much left. I have tried to tell him that Jesus is the answer. I can only pray that he will listen this time. I am concerned for him. But as always the Lord has given strength to work through it.
Thanks for reading
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Post by sigmon2 »

Well. Court for my son was extremely fascinating. He got to walk away with fines and time served. He was afraid in the beginning of anything from a year to ten in jail. But the Lord was with him.
Now here is the cool part, it took us 3 court dates to get here. There has been lots of stuff around it. so now I wonder if the stiff in clear water has happened or about to happen. Guess we will see, praise the Lord for what happen........
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry