i dreamed my water had been shut off

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i dreamed my water had been shut off

Post by thewritingmommy »

i don't remember the whole dream, only that my water had been turned off. i had no access to any water for bathing, cooking, drinking and it was a horrible thing.

water means God's spirit right? what can this dream mean?
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Post by imavessel »

Dear WritingM,

Has your receiving of the Word, reading the Word, anything like that been either lax or marred in some way?
God isn't looking for perfect vessels, simply willing ones . . . :)

Post by Elle »

Hi twm,

No - water generally means the Word, tho it can mean spirit (small s) or Spirit (capital S).

You'll notice in the Bible that spirit is written with a small or capital S, and on occasions, the translaters put in a "S" when it should have been an "s" (as per original text), so people get confused.

Small 's' spirit can mean the way in which Jesus did things when He was man, or how God (Father Son Spirit) does things, rather than the Holy Spirit.

Small 's' spirit can also mean your spirit, as in your spirit (spirit, soul, body) or your spirit (as in team spirit).

So it may not be about whether you're reading the Bible, but about whether you're looking after your own needs enough, and are you just feeling 'dry'.

The alternative is that this dream is not from God or from your own psyche, and is just an annoyance to you to get you worrying about something that's not a problem.

You've got to sit and ponder which applies to you. But 'DO NOT FEAR'!


Just as a side note, Bible reading should never be a 'should'. I just feel to tell you that. It's meant to be a blessing to us. I heard a really good teaching by Grahame Cooke, where he describes that there are times in our life where we will read the Bible alot, and times when we don't read it at all, but may spend alot of time with God just communing, and we need to learn to identify the ebbs and flows, just as the waters of the ocean ebb and flow. Brilliant teaching. But often we get it drummed into us in church and by fellow believers that we SHOULD do it every day for an hour etc. But that's actually not God's Way. Organic is the word that keeps coming to me to describe it.
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thank you thank you thank you

Post by thewritingmommy »

Oh elle, i'm sending you a cyber hug right now!!! i'm relieved. i am ghostwriting a book and one of the interviews is about reading The Word daily and while i do read it most days, some days i jusst talk to God and sort of "hear" him in other ways like nature or , well, anyway, i was becoming confused and worn our form trying to follow so many mandates by people on how to get to God. thank you-
what you said resonantes with my spirit.

peace to you and merry Christmas, Happy Hannakah, and God's blessings be upon you!

Post by Elle »

Hi twm,

I'm glad to have helped you.

I was just rereading what I wrote, and was pondering why God kept impressing on me the word 'Organic'.

Organic speaks of life, and something that changes through life stages. Rise and fall, grows and dies, richness. Amazing word.

Having been a believer for as long as I can remember, I've been through many of the 'fashions' in the church. I've come to the conclusion that NOTHING beats communing with God. Even reading His word and not having Him explain it (revelation knowledge) is a bad thing at times. Wars have been fought over it.

You're in an amazing position, writing this book. Please please know how much God loves you and build on knowing this.

Be blessed.
Last edited by Elle on Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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thank you for the encouragment.

Post by thewritingmommy »

i couldn't agree with you more about relationship over religion. i didn't come to receive Jesus as savior till later in life and was under a heavy cloud of condemnation. then, trying to be "right" enough i was very works bound. after "burning out" and then taking some time away wiht God (that was prompted by a dream as well) i finally had/have what i believe is a balanced relationship with The Lord. Balanced in that He is my all in all, my true north and my friend as well as my savior . i'm still a work in progress, but it is so much more fun now, being God's girl. Just loving on Him and knowing He loves me is the best!

peace to you-

Post by Elle »

Best news ever! That's what it's all about.
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Elle wrote:
So my question is ... is it better to be dogmatic about reading the Word, or is it better to be IN RELATIONSHIP with God.
This is an amazing question. And I think it can be rightfully said that a person can get caught up with the act of doing or the act of reading the Word. The focus should not be on the act of reading but on the Word itself. When a person is reading the Word just for the sake of it and has no real or true understanding of why they do it then it can become mundane. In certain churches members repeat certain prayers or chants again and again every church service, and it becomes meaningless and nothing but vain repetitions and the Bible advises us about this. He said "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." John 15:4 I believe that relationship with Christ is essential and we also need the Word of God to abide in Him. The Word of God is a necessity.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8