Has anyone heard a loud voice early in the morning?

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Has anyone heard a loud voice early in the morning?

Post by steadyone »

Happy NEW YEAR!!!

I have a question because I have experienced this several times over the years and again early this morning.

I have heard a man calling my name in the wee early hours in the morning at least once a year or a little over a year, or two years. It is not often but boy it will wake me out of a dead sleep.

In 2003 I heard audible my name being called.I woke up out of a dead sleep.

Then in 2004, I heard a loud voice that said, " I will give you three 8's. I woke up out of a dead sleep.

When I was with Heidi Bakers ministry on the night before I was to fly back home, I had an interesting thing happen. I had drifted off to sleep and all of a sudden I see a vision of a baby in the middle of this hurricane storm. Then as I watched this scene this mans voice yelled at me, "Jeanie what are you going to do about the baby in the storm!?" I did not respond then the mans voice got louder and screamed the same thing. Again I did not respond because I was not sure who's voice it was. Then the third time it was so loud it was deafening me, and then my spirit rose up and said, " When I see the baby I do not see the storm!" Then I woke up in the natural and sat up in my bed. Going what the heck just happened. That was back in 2007.

In 2008 Again I heard my name called in a loud audible voice.

Now here it is a few years latter and I heard a voice again this morning only this time it was a female audile voice with a different message. The women's loud voice said, " Are you ready to come now!?" I woke up again out of a dead sleep. I was not sure how to respond and I was like what!?

Does anyone or has anyone ever experienced this voice? It is so loud it is literally an audible voice so much to the point it wakes you up. I question some times if this is the Lord or not. I am seeking Him as to if this is and yet no answer. Then this morning really threw me since it was the first time it was a women's voice.

Thanks for any insight you may have.
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Post by janmar »


When I read this, immediately the story of Samuel and Eli came up (1Sam. 1-4).

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Post by Newbie »

Hello Steadyone, I have heard audible voices as well; however, I knew that the Voice I was hearing was from the Lord. Have you ever rebuked them or ask the Lord for a confirmation with you recieve them? I am not sure if these are from Him (i.e. angels or His messengers) or if they are familiar spirits. But what comes to mind right now is Samuel in which he thought the priest was calling him but in fact it was the Father. My recommendation is the next time you hear it, test the spirits.
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Post by steadyone »

Yes I have done all in which you spoke. I just read Samuel and the book of Revelations.

Both of these books hit my spirit. I was not troubled by the voices except once.

I was wondering if anyone else heard them like this and just wanted to hear about their experiences. These voices did not come before I was a Christian so I know where they are from.

I was also asking if anyone heard a female voice audible with an invitation if so please share that one.

So please if you have experiences share them with me if you feel you are at liberty.

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Post by Newbie »

Hello Steadyone, the only voices that I have gotten were that of a male and they were not booming voices like that of yours. The voice was what is termed an inside voice. The closest thing to a female voice is that of an angelic visitation in the form of a woman in white named Esperanza. This "woman" was basically telling me that anytime I was in trouble I could call on Him.
What I find odd is hearing a female voice; but then again, the Father can use whatever he chooses to bring about His message.
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Post by steadyone »

Amenie to that!

Many of you do not know what I have been going through in the last three months and it has been horrific. I lost four people 1 from natural causes, three tragically, family, and friends one suicide, two alcohol, and one natural causes. I found out am having major complications with health do to back surgery and neck surgery, and foot surgery, and on top of that found out my mom beginning stages of Altimers and I have to go next week to Washington to talk with her doctors. I had a major situation that happened after returning from India which I am not at liberty to share. I have a surgery on my foot on the 12th. From the back and neck surgery I have had it has led to permanent damage and situation which I do not want to talk about right now.

I know God is my healer please do not preach at me. I know the Lord well I have had encounters with Him and healing from His hands, and I have had His healing released through mine. I know all these things. He is my all and all.

I also know I am more then an over comer.

I had just been trying to work through all this and I have not spent time with the Lord. I know that, that was the comforter that came to me and I know it is an invitation to come to the Lord in this time.

Thanks for sharing that Newbee.

Hugs to you sweetie. You are a voice to the nations and will walk through the narrow way for your Beloved. Situations will change in this next year and there will be a release in situations for you to be able to go where the Lord has called you. There are dreams that seemed to have been held back do to things you thought would keep you from them but the Lord will remove those things. I call them boulders of some sort. I see a narrow path and in it there has been pebble's that lead to one huge boulder. It is as if you think, Oh maybe I traveled to the wrong place, or traveled the wrong way." You will realize that these pebbles and boulders were placed here to keep you from moving forward or even for confusion. Then you will see the big boulder for what it is and you begin to lift it up and literally throw it, it is then you realize you have the faith and strength to go where He called you. You will also realize your authority to over throw the enemies grips. You shall see more revelation as time unfolds.

WOW did not expect that! HA HA! Please toss what does not fit as I only hear and see in part.

Happy New Year precious one.
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Post by Newbie »

Wow did not expect that either and thanks for the wonderful words of knowledge. I will keep you in my prayers as well. Be blessed and have a wonderful New Years.
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Post by yesLord »

I was awken one night by a male voice loudly saying "Do not be afraid I will be there with you." I was going to court because of a situation with my ex husband during my divorce.
It was very comforting.
God bless steadyone,

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Post by Robert2.0 »

Both my daughters have heard their names being called. Ages when it happened @16 and 12.
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Post by HisBlood »

Hi There,

On numerous occasions over the years, I have been spoken to, also!
My sons many times from 3 up! I believe the morning is the most
vulnerable time for us to hear! We are the most open and
unconscious, of the physical.

One of the most relevant that I heard in 1998 was a very strong
voice that I would hear over a period, of time! "I'm coming"
Sometimes it was a whisper, sometimes a strong command,
musical and sometimes other tones.....but repetitive! I have
been reminded of this again, recently!

We are entering a season as we draw closer to HIM, where we will
hear more and more! We are meant to hear in the spiritual realm,
being spirit beings in bodies, with a mind/soul. Our spirits are meant
to be much stronger than our souls/flesh

That's an excellent word for Newbie!!
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Post by shine »

The only time I can say I heard a voice - with a message - was early spring of this past year.
I went back to that thread just to copy paste here. It did turn out to be about healing. Healing for myself.

"Wake up for the Glory rise"

That's what I heard very clearly. . .well the words were distinct.
But the sound was definitly different. The sound of the words were like a deep base mechanical sound that held a twang all the way thru.
Very similar to the sound my son's phone makes when he receives a text msg. (but he & his phone aren't home).

If anyone has a phone that makes the sound: "DROID" when you receive a msg. . .that was the underlying sound as the heavenly voice spoke.
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Post by Counted4Him »


About two to four months ago I started to get into the habit of greeting the Holy Spirit when I woke up. I would say, Good Morning Holy Spirit. Then about two or three days later I was awaken with a "Hello" in a gentle male voice but I knew it was the Holy Spirit. I was inspired by one of Benny Hinns book and was bless by it. I also looked up in HEbrew words and was blessed by my research.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit * 1 Corinthians 12:4
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Post by Verise »

What did you look up in Hebrew Steadyone?
My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness. Isaiah 26:9
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Post by Newbie »

steadyone wrote:
Hugs to you sweetie. You are a voice to the nations and will walk through the narrow way for your Beloved. Situations will change in this next year and there will be a release in situations for you to be able to go where the Lord has called you. There are dreams that seemed to have been held back do to things you thought would keep you from them but the Lord will remove those things. I call them boulders of some sort. I see a narrow path and in it there has been pebble's that lead to one huge boulder. It is as if you think, Oh maybe I traveled to the wrong place, or traveled the wrong way." You will realize that these pebbles and boulders were placed here to keep you from moving forward or even for confusion. Then you will see the big boulder for what it is and you begin to lift it up and literally throw it, it is then you realize you have the faith and strength to go where He called you. You will also realize your authority to over throw the enemies grips. You shall see more revelation as time unfolds.

WOW did not expect that! HA HA! Please toss what does not fit as I only hear and see in part.

Happy New Year precious one.
Hello again Steadyone, the word of knowledge is unfolding little by little. And yes, I am encountering pebbles. It is a trying time but I am holding on.
My daughter heard a voice whispering in hear and it told her to get up. She did the second time to get ready for school. Apparently the alarm I had set did not went off (it was set for pm vs am), so I had overslept but she got up on time. I had a tap on my shoulder the other morning while sleeping, it was for me to keep on praying in both my dream and Irl at that moment.
Thank you for your words of encouragement and be blessed.