A Wooden Branch that has a Swirl Structure!

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A Wooden Branch that has a Swirl Structure!

Post by Missyjojo88 »

A couple of the days ago, I was in a wake/sleep state when I saw a long wooden branch that had a swirl shape to it. There was no leaf, it was barren. It seems like the purpose of it was to climb up to the heavens. It was in my room, but I saw that it reached the sky and went through the clouds. From this vision or dream I cannot tell whether this structure was of God or the enemy. It did remind me of jack and the beanstalk. I haven't been watching anything near to that sort thing to have been influence to have this dream. Like I said, this structure may or may not have been from a Godly source. I wanted to hear some opinions on this please.
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Post by Jehu »

Your dream is combining two concepts; 1)the branch of Jessi (Jesus) and 2)Jacob's Ladder. It is about growing up into our head, Christ.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by discerning »

Hi, mjj. I know you to be a mighty warrior in The King's Army so I pray what I have to offer will make sense to you, depsite my scramble for words to describe what I see.

As I read your description, the long wooden branch that had a swirl shape to it. There was no leaf, it was barren, I was immediately impressed with 'the tower of Babel'. (see Gen 11:1-9). This 'barren vine' is the enemy's counterfeit of God's promises...a trick/deceiption deliberately designed to mislead. The 'swirl' represents the enemy's 'twisting' of The Word...a mixture of Truth & Lies, confirming the intent to deceive.

It is in your room..

...your place of intimacy with Himself. It 'seems' to lead to a place of plenty but is not of the Lord. Now, Papa has placed you in the position of interceding for your [extended] family. Nothing new there - you are aware of this & have responded in faith by obedience as He leads for many years now. He trusts you.

It appears to me this dream/vision is from Him...He is revealing to you the plans of the enemy & equipping you as you continue to ADVANCE in battle...taking back terriitory which the enemy has stolen. Glory!

for your prayerful consideration..

blessing upon blessing,

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by Missyjojo88 »

Thank you both for the response. Discerning I believe your interpretation to be accurate. Thanks again for the responses. I will pray on what you have stated.