Planting Prehistoric Seeds from my Car

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Planting Prehistoric Seeds from my Car

Post by servant »

Hello all!

In this dream I was in a prehistoric "park" planting prehistoric seeds (which would bring forth strange prehistoric plants) from inside my car (really just throwing them out the window). At one point I saw a T-Rex and later some seeds had sprouted on the window "sill" and I pulled them out by the roots and threw them out. I was careful not to have any seeds/sprouts left in the car. I new it was still the present time except in the park and I had to be careful of what might try to get in my car.

Also I was backing up at one point and my brakes weren't working as well as I wanted them to and I backed into a prehistoric plant or two, but it didn't seem to do any damage.

Thanks for your help, I have been asking what the prehistoric seeds represent...then I had a dream about some people from a congregation we used to attend about 15 or so years ago (they are part of a cessationist group we have left). Not sure how all this ties into our present doings, but very interested. I don't want to take it as good if it's bad, or bad if it's good. Just not sure at this point.

Blessings to you for helping!
The shepherds have become stupid,
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This is why they have not prospered,
and all their flocks are scattered.
Jer. 10.21

Post by Elle »

For your consideration.

It could be (sounds like from your dream), that in one area of your life (the prehistoric garden), you're still believing (planting seeds) something that's to do with cessation (dinosaurs have ceased) or some other theology.

May just need to work out what that is, and find out what God says about that issue now.

Most of us don't have perfectly correct theology. What's important is what you believe about God. But if your theology negatively affects what you believe about God, then it has to go.

Ask God to show you what you're believing (if anything) that He doesn't want you believing.
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Post by servant »

Thanks, Elle, I will check with Him on that.

That would be interesting to find out.

The shepherds have become stupid,
they have not consulted Adonai.
This is why they have not prospered,
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Post by servant »

Sweet, Elle!!

You were so correct! I was just going through some old posts/dreams and I realized from a whole year of time to look back on that you were completely correct. In fact, I had the dream 1 year and 2 days ago!

I did have some theology that not only the old denomination I was with believes to be true, but 90% of Christendom believes regardless of denomination. It is quite sad, because everything reported in the media about it is negative and evil, but in God's eyes, when done Torah-fully (lawfully according to the Scriptures) it is beautiful.

This is what God has been leading me to a greater understanding of. He even called the culture we live in a "Sewage Culture". We call so many things GOOD that God deems EVIL and so many thing EVIL that God deems GOOD. We are so mixed up. The sad part is that there are many people who see the truth of this one subject and try to live by it, but they aren't accepted by mainstream Christianity. They are rejected and ostracized. It's quite heart-breaking.

My dh and our family have been called to work with these people on a world-wide scale. God even called us "valiant" because we are following our Savior forward even though this is counter-culture and a bit scary. We will probably lose much of our family and friends, but God is our first love and as long as we are obedient to him, we are where we need to be.

Blessings to you for your insight.
The shepherds have become stupid,
they have not consulted Adonai.
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Post by Realisticdreamz »

Blessings to you Mary! :)

Just a thought... pre-historic also makes reference to before history or before something comes to pass.

Dinosaurs can represent something large, perhaps coming to fruition from the past.

Planting pre-historic seeds is like sowing seeds in large faith... planting seeds that have not yet made history.

Perhaps your being careful not to allow seeds where you do not think they should grow is not allowing something from the past that should not be or something that is not quite ripe yet.

Anyway, for your prayerful consideration. God bless you and your family.
With love in Christ,

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21
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Post by servant »

Hello Realisticdreamz,

[quote="Planting pre-historic seeds is like sowing seeds in large faith... planting seeds that have not yet made history.[/quote]

Your thoughts seem right, especially this one. I believe that the full understanding to this dream will be revealed as we walk the path he has marked our for us.

Thank you for your note. I believe you have something here for sure.

The shepherds have become stupid,
they have not consulted Adonai.
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Post by SpecialK »

Dinosaur=old ways of thinking.

In your past, you have received some strange teachings. (that's the theology). The Word of God has pulled them out, and by by their roots. They have no control over you. Any old ways of thinking will become new by the washing of the Word or Torah.
You'll also have to be very careful about what gets into your ministry (car).

Anything planted that is not of the Lord, will be plucked up. (Jer. 45: 4)

Hope this helps, Special K
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Post by servant »

SpecialK wrote:Dinosaur=old ways of thinking.

In your past, you have received some strange teachings. (that's the theology). The Word of God has pulled them out, and by by their roots. They have no control over you. Any old ways of thinking will become new by the washing of the Word or Torah.
You'll also have to be very careful about what gets into your ministry (car).

Anything planted that is not of the Lord, will be plucked up. (Jer. 45: 4)

Hope this helps, Special K

This makes a lot of sense and rings true. I have received a lot of strange teachings in the past and God has removed them through his Torah (dh is to teach Torah). It is interesting how he has brought us to a point where they DON'T have any control over us.

We are seeking Yah's direction in everything we do. We want it to be from him so it will bring him glory. In fact, dh is hearing from God directly now on a daily basis, but you know how it goes, God only reveals what is necessary for the time, so we don't know the whole picture. God has indicated we will be moving this summer, he has indicated maybe May (when school is out for the "summer"). But we still don't know where or if we are to look for jobs or ministry, etc. Probably ministry, but not sure. He has indicated something about archaeology. Just waiting on him to reveal the next step for us.

Thank you so much for your assistance.

Blessings and shalom,
The shepherds have become stupid,
they have not consulted Adonai.
This is why they have not prospered,
and all their flocks are scattered.
Jer. 10.21