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Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:25 pm
by spiritledd
first off, i was some one else in this dream …seeing through their eyes

i dreamt a woman at a bar said she was going to buy me a drink ...the drink was "two shots of vodka in mulberry wine" she really wanted me to try it

she saw a friend and sat with her and forgot about me ...this upset me ...i procceed to get drunk ...i go outside where i am pushed from behind ...i fall off a high rock cliff

then i am in the house of the “Curry's” ...their son is there ...he is scratched up like he fell off the cliff, and saying i pushed him

i say he is lying, he is the one who pushed me off of it

the daughter shows up drunk ...she finds a way to get me alone … she seduces me and grabs my hand and puts it on her privates

still looking through some one else’s eyes …i know that these two have intimate relations, but i do not experience it in dream

now a teen with a gun shows up ...i get it away from him ...i take off …i am hiding the gun under a car ...i am caught by some one …we wrestle over gun

the barrel breaks off the gun …gun smith has gun now ...i know i have to get it back, because he is going to use it to prove i was unfaithful to my wife ...i get it back when his back was turned

i am very happy because i know i got away with it all

i am skipping a long like a kid through volcanic ash

IRL the Curry kids are the “rich kids” who are spoiled rotten and very good looking and popular …their son who is 18 is "the local a rock star” 8) and daughter (17) is “the local supermodel” :roll: both are unsaved and big time party kids

i sense this is about relations between daughter and an older married man

just remembered another part...

i was spying on a couple and i heard man sing "i bear you up on wings of eagles" ...i was very jealous because he was serenading her ...then i was the man with the woman ...her Father almost caught us together in garage but we hid

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:44 pm
by Hannah
While reading, before I even got to the IRL part what came up in me was there was someone you are to pray/intercede for, something you know or suspect isnt right, some sort of betrayal...

Toss if it doesnt apply.




Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:11 pm
by spiritledd
yeah agreed :( thanks Hannah :)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:22 pm
by Hannah
Peace :D

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:02 am
by wellstravisa
I almost think this dream has something to do with you having been betrayed/hurt by someone in the past. In the end you said you where jealous. Also the curry's, seems to go along with this.
Was drinking and such something that you used/still do ?? Not sure if I should have asked that. But it would seem in the dream that you were being ignored / the peoples attention was turned else where, the reason in that case for getting drunk.

I know I'm stepping out a little here.
Keep what is good~toss the rest.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:36 pm
by imavessel
Well "I bear you up on the wings of eagles . . ."- reminds me of the song, "you lift me up onthe wings of eagles" & that song is about what God does for us . . . how personally He has tended to us and our needs.

Perhaps - especially if you feel, since you had the dream--- that "daughter" is having or in danger of having some sort of illicit relationship with an older man . . .

But maybe God's desire is her to be in relationship with him.

Much was chaotic, much was out of sorts/dysfinctional . . . but what you describe of them irl, it probably is . . .

The words given almost would denote maybea call to be in prayer/intercession for her, what you saw and maybe all of them. You being a burden bearer, because you truly know them . . .

Could be what God is trying to nudge you to do-----??


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:09 pm
by spiritledd
:D thanks for your input wellstravisa and imavessel :D

and not sure wellstravisa and imavessel? ...praying :D

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:02 pm
by Jehu
Perhaps this is a prophetic dream and God is preparing you not to judge. Just a thought.


Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:57 pm
by spiritledd
:D yeah huh! :D ...thanks Jehu :D