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Collapsing bridge; highway filled with raging water

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:03 pm
by lynnjl83
I had this dream a couple of nights ago. When I woke up it seemed real important but only certain parts make sense.

My family and I were planning a big birthday party for my mom. We had finished setting up and went home. The next day, I was riding with my friend-mentor, Joyce in a red corolla to the party with other people in the car. We have to cross a bridge to get there. It was raining real hard outside, and there was alot of traffic that day. We crossed the bridge and right after that, it collapsed with other cars still on it. We barely missed it. Then we tried to get on the highway below, but the highway looked like a raging river. We then tried to get on another road, but the ground wasn't stable enough to hold the cars. It started to fall apart when we drove on it, so we backed up and went to the party.
When we got there, it wasn't a party for my mom anymore, but for my brother. His daughter was there, but his wife wasn't. I immediately left and went to where his wife was. She was laying on the floor in a fetal posititon, and she said she was depressed and angry. I told her to get it together and come to the party. I then was immediately back at the party.
Everybody was getting ready to leave to go the mall. I put my niece on my back and she had me carry her egg. She didn't want to leave it even though it seemed insignificant. We got to the mall and went to a clothing store called Express and my brother was the only on shopping. I didn't want any of the clothes cause they were so plain. Dream ended.

I actually believe I know what the party scene and the mall scene are about. I believe it's about salvation of my brother because my mother just got saved a couple of weeks ago and I think he's next. I just don't get the part about my collapsing bridge and the highway filled with raging water. Any insights?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:34 pm
by sheep
Hi Lynnjl83,

I believe the bad weather, falling bridge and raging water on the highway is demonic resistance to where you are going in ministry - but when you are pushed back God will use that position for his good purposes.

Genesis 50:20 - But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

Disregard if it doesn't witness.
