Russia's Putin

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Russia's Putin

Post by sigmon2 »

Hi all, Hope all are Blessed this day.
Had an interesting dream of Russia's Putin this am. I walked into an older building not fancy but more of an outdated one. as i did i met PM Putin. He was a happy man this day. He was releasing his son who he had locked away to learn about the central banking system. it was just the 3 of us. i even got to talk with him up close, face to face. he was very happy. i saw the room which his son was locked away. in it had a bed and lots of books and the rest of the room was empty of any distractions. no tv, no newspapers, no radio, nothing that i saw but a huge pile of books. for some reason i never seemed to be allowed to enter the room in the dream only lean in to hand Putin something. and i was not allowed to see his son's face only to know it was his son. then i watched as Putin went from book to book, with his son standing before him, he tested him almost page by page. then the dream faded out as he got to about the 3 book.

i know this was very important. because of the need to know it. but how important i guess i will know one day. as we all know things are progressing according to biblical statements.....i pray each of you are ready mentally physically and most importantly spiritually. where can we hold back, where we can not we pray back, where we can do neither we endure to the end.......the Lord loves each and every one of His children, Blessed be the name of the Lord Jesus.
see ya all later
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Post by sigmon2 »

i was researching, its interesting.....he has 2 daughters.....and now one son just born not to long ago. did you know his baby blood son,by the gymnst, is half muslim. the mother is related to the tartars of russia, a turkic people of central asia who ghengas khan ruled but then they turned to islam. to have an orthodox and muslim spiritual view, mixed with a russian/islamic/khan world domination view and his father's kgb training which will certainly happen in a ruler of russia hmmmm ( I SMELL TROUBLE).....what a combo for a anti-christ to play with if not a highly trained ruler of a empire bent on domination.........just a thought.........concerning mother russia.......might mean nothing at all or it might mean everything..........see you can find lots of stuff in the news and college if you read......haha
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Post by sigmon2 »

i have been reading where puting and china have been trying to destroy the dollar.....i wonder if he is working a plan. the us government is to blind to see it or in on it anyway. guess time will tell.
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Post by Newbie »

I recall Pastor Shane Warren was talking about this on Sid Roth. He stated he was given a vision of a weather report of hurricane hitting the heartland of the US and a storm of biblical porportions.
In the eye it was raining dollars. He was told that this meant that the American dollar was now worthless. Soon after that the Madras fault hit the center of America and God stated they have divided my land now I will divide their land.
Also a change in currency and silver was going up vs that of gold. He was caught up in a room with room leaders and they were planning on devalue American currency by buying oil in another currency. ... re=related
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Post by sigmon2 »

this was in bloomberg news

Putin Turns Black Gold Into Bullion as Russia Out-Buys World

By Scott Rose & Olga Tanas - Feb 10, 2013 12:00 PM PT
russia is buying gold like there is a limited supply and they need to get it before india or china.
the rest of the world is printing paper money. go figure.
see ya scott
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Post by ditte3 »

Very interesting dream. I think it is important
Seems like something is hidden, but you got an insight of what may happen. I also thought that the son being prepared may have to do something with the antichrist.

Please pray about it.

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Post by sigmon2 » ... -imminent/

This story though glen beck has extra in it about Putin.
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Post by ginasings4him »

Sounds a lot like preparation for the One World Government - New World Order and Antichrist.
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Post by underhiswing »

It seems that the son is symbolic of an elite and highly trained one or group that are under his close supervision, that has been keenly trained through tight control and utter devotion to the task of attacking and oppressing through the financial system. This is symbolic of planned sanctions that will cause pain.

I would pray that they become confused, that their learned wisdom is flawed, they make mistakes and it fails....and I'd pray for holy coverings for "all" of those countries he intends to harm, not just the USA.

Thank you for sharing this dream. It is important and is a call to prayer.

God bless you.