Jesus Sword

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Jesus Sword

Post by dbliss22 »

There was a demon in a house that many of my friends were in. It was levitating and wore a long black robe with a white mask and it was terrorizing people.

Somehow I get a sword with a flower pattern carved through the blade. (it was not etched, but instead the flower pattern was cut through the sword. The flowers were cut out so you could see through the blade) It was a Japanese style katana sword, but something strange would happen when I would say the name of Jesus. The sword would "power-up." A blue glow would start at the base of the blade and flow upward. The more powerfully I would say His name (for example rather than whispering Jesus to the sword, I would boldly say "in the Mighty Name of Jesus") the higher up the glow would go on the sword. If I would use His name strongly enough the glow would turn a deep red/dark magenta color near the tip.

I was showing this to one of my very best friends who was still around me in the house and we were sitting in a very large bed. The demon then appeared at the foot of the bed, it was levitating as before but this time reddish tentacles like an octopus were underneath it. I turned to my friend and told him to watch. The demon summoned other smaller demons to attack me, but I spoke to my sword and then cut through them. It summoned more and more and I kept speaking to my sword and cutting through them. Finally I spoke to my sword and the tip was glowing deep red, and I ran up and cut the main demon into pieces.

Edit made for clarification
Psalms 144:1