You tell him I can't marry him

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You tell him I can't marry him

Post by HisGift »

I awoke to an alarm going off at 2:02 am and I hadn't set any alarm and when I fell asleep again I had the following dream.

There was some kind of social event at my church. Bee (a woman that a man I know believes God told him to marry, whom I've never met.) was at the gathering. She knew some of the ladies there however she looked different than what this man had described to me. Her hair was somewhat unkempt and she walked up to me and started telling me these reasons why she couldn't marry my friend. She said something about his brain and his forehead protruding out. It was the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. I was very irritated by her presence as I felt she really didn't belong in my circle of friends.

Next Scene:
I was with my extended family in a big house, and when I went to what I believed was my bedroom someone had moved my dresser (wardrobe is what I was calling it in the dream). At that moment a group of extended family members walked in and stated they would be sleeping in the adjourning room. Which is where I was headed at the time and they walked right past me as I was standing in a doorway. I wanted to go in there to see if my wardrobe was there, but at that moment I remembered seeing it in a different part of the house as I came into the house.

Next Scene:

I was driving in vehicle in a downtown area that I had never been in. Somehow I got caught up in the middle of an reenactment of the civil war. My mom was yelling from someplace in a crowd which I couldn't see but I could hear. (my name) get out of there! She said also as if talking to someone, "she doesn't realize she's in the middle of this battle scene. Then I looked and the soldiers where bringing out the armory all of the battle equipment. I then turn the car around so I could get out of the way. I must have parked someplace cause the next thing I know i'm in the middle of this wide street on feet trying to run across, but all these soldiers are there too. They are throwing cannon balls by hand to each other and I'm trying not to get hit by these balls. I don't think they were trying to hit me I was just in the way. I finally make it out of the way and across the street.

Next scene I go into a building and I'm on the secon floor. I get a call just as I open a door and it's this woman Bee. I don't know how she got my number, but I said hello. She said to me I can't marry Tee (my friend) and you'll have to tell him so. I said with much attitude, I'm not telling him that you tell him yourself. I was so mad at this woman that I wasn't paying attention and I stepped out onto this makeshift balcony. It looked like some kind of prop for a movie, but the whole think colapsed under me and I was still holding the phone to my ear. When I fell and opened my eyes I notice that ther were people around me, but no one came to my aid. At the same time I was sort of waiting to feel the impact of the fall, but noticed I was unhurt. I had fallen on one of those big inflatable balloons like they use in Hollywood to catch stunt people when they fall. I put the phone back to my ear and stood up and the dream ended.

This is a very strange dream that I wasn't going to write down but felt I was suppose to. Any insight would be so helpful to me.


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Post by bella »

Hi there,

The fact that you were woken by an unset alarm at 2.02 spoke immediately to me of unity. Also being on the second floor of the building in the last scene also spoke of unity.

The rest of the dream seems to have you in the middle of an issue that is someone else's - T & B's.

And you end up in the middle of a civil war.

It seems that T & B are trying to draw you into their battle.

I would be staying right away from it. Whenever you step into a situation where people's desires are at play, you will get blamed for anything that goes wrong. People like to deflect when they have made big stuff ups, and will blame the nearest person.

But the good thing is, is that if you inadvertantly get drawn into this IRL, then you still have a soft landing - without injury.


When someone close to me got engaged, at least 3 other men (other than her fiance) went to her ministry leaders for counselling saying 'but God told me I was going to marry her'. Yes, right and it wasn't your own imaginations by any chance????

I've seen just about every kind of weird scenario that can be played out by christians wanting to get married ... including the 'God told me to marry you' stuff. And I've seen it all go pear-shaped too. Seriously pear-shaped. My advice ... run, run and don't look back. Stay as far away as you can. :lol:
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Post by discerning »

Ditto, doll. Two can also respresent division. Methinks this is a warning. Run...even as you remain in prayer for your friend.

I will pray with you.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17