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Secret Spy Association (Dream)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:12 pm
by ElMarie
I was part of a small association of rebel spies and I was retrieving special information which was then stolen from me (because of my own stupidity). After meeting up with my superiors and telling them what happened, I then ran down a huge set of stairs - during which I grabbed the support beams and did spinning kicks around them, using them as fire-poles to get to lower levels, never breaking my stride! I took off my shoes and snuck into a building (a rather posh Hospital, I believe run by the group we were rebelling against) and discovered the name of the guy who stole the information (His name was Andre), then I ran outside into a storm (still in my sock feet) and kept running, slipping and falling the whole time (pretty much just ran with my hands supporting me on the ground) until my teammates found me and took me back to headquarters (they were mad because they were worried about me going on an unauthorized mission by myself) and I gave them the information, which wasn't of much use. Then I went undercover to find out as much information as I could about Andre and met a guy named Matt who I used my awesome cunning talking skills against to tell me everything he knew. Then I used a remote-control air-plane to spell his name in the sky so my team could come find us and arrest him. Unfortunately I woke up just as I finished spelling his name.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:05 am
by bella
So you're wanting to get Andre arrested right? Not Matt?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:05 am
by ElMarie
I think both. I know for sure I wanted Matt arrested after he told me everything because he worked for the group we were fighting against, but part of me felt that he wasn't a truly bad person. And Andre had the information I needed so I wanted to find him and get it back.. I'm assuming he was to be arrested, too.

*Another point that may be relevant is that I met two guys named Matt and Andre a few weeks ago, they're friends of a friend of mine.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:18 pm
by bella
Let me start by saying I DON'T have an interpretation. Just going by what appears to be happening in this dream. So toss if it doesn't speak to you.

This dream seems to be about the juxtaposition of doing things in the spirit and things in the flesh, about rebelling (good or bad???), doing unauthorised things, dangerous things, putting yourself in danger.

I've had dreams where I've been running down stairs (like your dream) and I've got such a momentum that sometimes my feet come off the ground and I pretty much fly down by just guiding myself with the hand rail. I've read that that's doing stuff in the flesh. Not sure, because actually it always feels pretty good in the dream. In your dream, you add some fancy footwork :lol:
I used my awesome cunning talking skills against to tell me everything he knew
As much as i thought this part was funny, I also get a bit squirmy at the thought of people being cunning. Maybe someone else can weigh in here???? Personally, I would rather rely on God's guidance than my own cunning!! He's so much smarter than we are and can see the end from the beginning.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:51 pm
by ElMarie
Awesome! Thanks so much for your input, every bit helps :) And you've definitely got a point when it comes to the bit about being cunning. :)