Copper, crashing planes, and Atlantis???

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Copper, crashing planes, and Atlantis???

Post by TexasTransplant »

I was at my mother in law's house trying to hurry up and finish some payroll work I do for her twice a month in real life. She was trying to hurry through packing for a trip to Europe, Greece possibly, that she and her husband were about to take. They were in a hurry to catch their plane.

Next scene my parents have come to visit us and we are in my kitchen talking. I'm very troubled by my mother's facial expression and I felt it had to do with her depression and self pity. I'm very disturbed by her. I'm removing our kitchen sink in front of my dad and seem to know how to do this because of my husband being a plumber or something. I get a box blade and strip the caulking and then lift the sink. They both ask me about the faucet and I reply that it will be fed by the wall (?). I start to talk about installing a new farmhouse sink that is white porcelain like I used to have in our last house, and then I move on to talking about 'my dream sink' being one made of hammered copper.

Next I'm driving them to meet my husband who is taking them to New York City (recurring idea!!) by plane and they are nervous about the flight. They've only flown once and hated it. I tell them it's no big deal. My husband is only flying with them to drop them off then he's returning because we are leaving the next day for Atlantis (???). He walks in to meet us and is wearing an old work uniform--his supervisors shirt and pants. He seems very 'take charge' here and just wants to get it over with. They leave for the airport.

I'm outside walking near the airport, or rather watching it on TV but very closely like I'm there. I hear that the Atlantis plane (they had their own plane) has crashed but I can't seem to find anyone to tell me if this is a rumor or true. I'm out walking near the airport, through some woods, and there are 3 girls I knew from high school (party type girls) posing for a picture HAPPILY in front of all this burning plane wreckage. They are concerned about looking cute in their photo in front of this burning, smoking, VAST wreckage--but don't truly care anything about it. They just want to look cool standing in front of it all. I take a walk to survey the site and it seems a plane had crashed for sure. Piles of smoking debris for miles. I knew there were bodies, but didn't see any myself.

I look at the sky and see a very fast plane do a U-turn. I know it was traveling 600 miles per hour and I think to myself, "I can tell my parents that's how fast they will go!" Then I'm right next to a runway and see another white plane come skidding down for an emergency landing without any wings! It hits hard but stays in tact. Then the runway runs out and they start to skid off into a dirt path, but the scene changes and I don't see what happens.

I'm in a nice hotel. I look through the peephole to answer the door and see a new friend that I don't recognize. I feel friendly towards her and I felt she was a believer but I'm wearing my pajamas and haven't brushed my teeth yet. I look through the peephole and there is a nicely scrolled sign hanging below her in red ink that says something like, "A friend is a friend the door and let her in..." I open the door but only crack it and explain I'm not dressed. She talks me into coming out (barefoot!) to see her new car. It's copper colored and very nice and I'm very happy for her. Then my husband comes back complaining that my parent's car broke down on the way to the airport and storms off mumbling something about, "Who only puts $3 worth of..." I'm back with my friend in her bedroom now and the new car has become a new bed. It's round and interesting and has built in seats on the sides. I comment that this bed is much nicer, has much softer lines, than the last one that was in here.

Last scene, I'm watching a man steal copper from a church on the TV news. Next, I'm aware that this man has changed and now works for us! He's a very hard worker. I see him at a scrap yard turning in copper (legally this time). He is following the sales clerk's directions and hanging it up as she logs it all in. There is copper tubing (important) and copper fittings that he is stringing onto a pole above his head like beads. She comments like this, "You know what we have the MOST of?! COPPER FITTINGS!"
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Post by Newbie »

Hello TT, I do not have an interpretation but mainly just some thoughts, that I pray that might help you. I notice a few trends with your dream: copper, Grecian themes, and traveling. I have come to known that copper in my dreams symbolizes desire. Copper (human nature) is similar to gold in its coloring; however, it is not valuable like that of gold (perfect character and refinement). Grecian themes of going to Greece and Atlantis (the island of Atlas; Atlas is a “titan” or pagan deity); perhaps this maybe in regards to Greek thinking and/or way of life. To me Greek thinking is dealing with logical thinking and being philosophical vs. that of Hebraic thinking of having faith in the things you cannot see. I get a sense that your dream has a corporate message and this has something to do with the church. I view the traveling as periods of transitioning. NYC may be a representation on interacting with others and becoming aware of certain things in your life in comparison to that of your parents. Perhaps you have been reflecting over the path in life you have taken in comparison to theirs. Additionally, you may have been reflecting over your relationship w/ Christ in comparison to theirs. Perhaps, NYC also reflects that the Lord is giving you an abundance of compassion. Just a thought! I pray this gets the ball rolling and toss out whatever does not ping in the spirit!
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Post by bella »

Hi TT,

This dream came back to my mind the other day. Maybe there's some stuff in there about copper that you'll find interesting.


There's a couple of things about copper: (1) it has major health benefits and (2) it's recently increased in value quite a bit, to the point that people are stealing it off church rooves (!!) and from overhead railway power lines.

I view the transition of the sinks in your dream as a progression you're going through in your quiet times with the Lord and where you'd like to be eventually.
and then I move on to talking about 'my dream sink' being one made of hammered copper
A friend once told me that he thought planes crashing represented loss of expectations/dreams.

Hope this helps some.
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Post by bella »

Had another thought today.

My sole knowledge of Atlantis was a tv show from when I was a kid - The Man from Atlantis - and I thought that it was a fictional place.

When I looked it up on Wikipedia, apparently the jury's still out on whether it actually existed or whether it's a fiction (Greek mythology perhaps).

I think that's the point of Atlantis in your dream???? Is it real or is it a fiction. A figment of one's imagination, or belief.
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Post by TexasTransplant »

Thanks guys! I've been too busy to get by here lately but since I awoke from this dream slightly...scared to death...I felt I better MAKE time to post for help with it. I had no idea and naturally assumed it had to do with all the stuff that's come up lately. WRONG. At least for the most part. This was a WARNING DREAM! That's why I felt the fear of The Lord when I woke up from it.

I'm still unsure about the NYC/parents references I keep getting in my dreams, but as for the copper and Atlantis stuff, it's crystal clear now. Copper equaling desire threw me at first but it's definitely what this was about. I'd gotten a little weird, a little bothered, after having bible study at another lady's house this week. Hanging out with these women each week has kind of morphed from "I want her to experience your presence and hear your voice, Lord" to "Wait-she has a housekeeper come every day?? Her Christmas decorations are AMAZING!" I've always thought I was not the type to get tangled up in material junk but that's not true. This Wednesday I wasn't as bothered as I should've been when the study succumbed to distraction and our discussion time was overridden by a tour of a closet. I remember briefly thinking I should reign things in, but I was having fun too. This led to going home and pouting and comparing for the next 2 days, sucking my husband into it as well. Thus the dream of copper, crashing planes and Atlantis. The first thing I read on Atlantis hit home...
"A legendary island, beautiful and prosperous, which sank into the sea."

This was a warning to get my heart in line with His QUICK. I felt warned. I'm thankful he gave me this warning before things got out of hand with my attitude and my group study on Nehemiah crashed and burned. How easy it is to let other THINGS take the first place on our wants list. It's not on purpose and it doesn't make sense, but it happens! I spent most of yesterday repenting and saying,"Forgive me for thinking I needed a bronze Santa statue for my porch or a cool coffee maker more than I needed your presence." Wow. He ain't playing.

I'm still fuzzy on exact details from the dream (the car-bed lady, my mom being miserable in NYC again -2nd or 3rd dream about that, the guy stringing and lining up the copper fittings and the clerk saying,"We get more fittings than anything else!", so excitedly.) But I get the general gist of it :). Thanks for your help guys!!
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Post by Newbie »

Heello TT, after reading your response, I believe the copper and the NY is one in the same. I have discovered from another source that NY can mean this, "social interaction with others where you notice that you are better than other people in some way. You may notice that you are richer, smarter, luckier, or more mature than other people." Not saying that you are any of these things but wanted to put this out there to see if may fit with what you recieved. Toss if it does not help!
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Post by TexasTransplant »

AAAGGHHHH!!! That's it!!! I'm not like that at all...except with my parents. It's all complicated but true. I just realized in all these NY dreams I'm 'sending' them there, paying for it all, forcing them to go and they really don't seem to want to be there. There's definitely a hateful feel about it on my end. IRL there's some unforgiveness there and God's just starting to put his finger on it so I know I'm about to face all that soon. Wow, thanks. I just asked him to PLEASE show me what this NYC stuff was all about. I was racking my brain but nothing felt right. We really need others to point out the negative in us sometimes. Not too keen on coming up with those things ourselves, huh :). Thanks friend!
You didn't choose me, I chose you.-John 15:16