Son in underground water pipe

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Son in underground water pipe

Post by TexasTransplant »

We had set up an address for our business or PO box right across from a very expensive, high end clothing store. I think we were renting a space though. It felt like some place similar to a town like Palm Beach or something in the Bahamas possibly. I was looking around in the clothing store and loved the items there, however I could not bring myself to pay $90 for anything simple like jean shorts. Very casual clothes but extremely overpriced. My husband and sons were nearby shopping for men's things, golf balls I think.

I went outside on the other side of a circular courtyard/fountain that was right in front of the store. My youngest sons friend hopped out of a pick up truck with his school stuff and I noticed my son sitting inside the truck. His school items were hanging out of the door and very unorganized. I was upset with him about it. He had 3 very large, laminated cards of some sort that were from Bible class. I'd noticed his friend, Ben, carrying some as well. They were sort of like big baseball cards (poster size) but held a 'presidential' or history feel instead. I was excited he had these until I realized they were like demerits. He got them for acting up in Bible class. I demanded he tell me the truth about what he did and he said he started a small fire above his head (???).

Next scene my husband and I were underground in a cave or grotto near these same stores and we wre talking about something important. Youngest son (same one) runs up and points to a water pipe/slide behind him. He was very anxious about not having a life vest or floaties on and I pictured him going down this flooded pipe/water slide. We weren't concerned about it even though he was scared. We sort of ignored him.
You didn't choose me, I chose you.-John 15:16