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Crocodiles in prison...

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:26 pm
by Onejo31
I had a dream that I was thrown into prison on a false accusation. I was put in with a man who also seemed to be there on false accusations. He was very kind, gentle and protective of me in the prison. The prison was more like a dungeon. It was damp with water along the stone floor. There were crocodiles in the water. The man and I tried to stay on the rocks surrounding the water. The man would always let me climb first making sure that I was steady on the rock and would not get eaten by the crocodiles. Then somehow we were set free from the prison.

Now the dream shifted. I drove my car to a church that was new to me and I had never been to before. We were in the middle of singing in a service when my sister bursted in the door and started saying how she had asked Triple A to track down my car so that she would know where I was. I was very upset that she had done that becuase I had wanted no one to know I was there. I just kind of wanted to attend this churhc annonymously and start over with everything in my life after my prison and false accusation experiences.

Then I woke up with just kind of a disturbed feeling about the dream. Does anyone have any spirit led insight for me on this?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:04 pm
by sheep
Hi Onejo31,
I believe that the dream is about how someone or some people have hurt you with lies that had left you feeling trapped. God has placed people around you that have helped you put your trust in the Lord during that time. You have been delivered from that situation yet the pain and shame of it is still there to the point where it may be hindering your relationship with God. I believe the Lord wants to take that pain and bring healing to you. This means not hiding what has happenned but bringing it out into the open where the light of God can touch it.

Disregard if it doesn't witness.

God bless you,