the trap and a lion

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the trap and a lion

Post by sigmon2 »

hi all
had this cool dream this morning and it was on the spiritual side of things. not sure what it implies or where it leads but will see.
but it has some connections to another dream I had some time back.
so here I go.
the dream fades in with me and others including my current young son, briley, breaking down what appears to be a camp. we load our stuff into the back of a 4 x 4 small pick up truck, like a foreign make and get in. it appears at this time I have gained 2 more youngsters to care for. so their are 4 of us. I do not know who the driver is. the pickup is silver in color. at first the back only has a frame, then for a brief sec it has a top where I tell the boys not to raise the air top cause the tree branches out here in the woods will rip them off. then we have no top again. so I am sitting on the floor and the boys are in different places, briley is at my right hand. suddenly the truck is gone and we are walking on the dirt road. into a narrow wood gate that has the gate like the old castles. the walls of this places is like the old west stockcade walls of the old forts but the base seems to have cement. when we go through the doorway the gate closes we try pauses and retreating but we are forced through. its a trap.
so I end up going into a large arena. but the boys end up going along the walls. I look up and I see them being chased by this very large burly person. they are running but not just them apparently others are here. a lot of others. there is a lot of running, one of the boys is running and grabbing weapons off the walls and throwing them down to where I am and then going to the next place where a weapon is. this goes on for a bit then other bad joins in and then they are all thrust into the arena through another gate. walls are these very thick logs in a low cement bottom wall and the tops are pointed. just like the movies. very high up too. to high to jump to get out maybe 4 people on shoulders might get close. then I see this window and the burly man leaves. the high up window is barred. then I see a lion and its a big one. full main and it like those huge African lion. then it disappears from the window and then it comes out the side gate roaring. there are many of us in the arena and we hit the dirt floor quick. I had moved now a bit from where I was but I had moved to close to that dumb gate. well anyway, the boy who knock down the weapon was babbling out of fear. get5 the weapons lets fight over and over. I was telling them to be still and wait a minute. as the lion passed by it roared real loud in his and my face.
boy was afraid, but it was strange something inside me was giving me courage not to be afraid.
so it walked around a bit roaring and then went behind me by the wall. and I am not sure what it was doing, watching for sure but not sure what us....
then out of the gate rush this lioness. she ran right up and grabbed my right arm and put my right hand in her mouth like she was going to eat it. funny I could feel the inside of the mouth, spit, warmth, teeth, the pressure form the bite but I was not afraid. it was like I knew what to do instinctively. I put my fist into a ball and kept it there and stare at her. she could not pull me nor could me break into my skin...she had no power to harm me. then she began to look afraid. the bite did not even hurt it was like being gummed. then suddenly out of no where came this more evil looking lioness. eyes glowed a sinster greenish and the coat on the body was more mange like with spots that seem to glow evilly too. same deal. got my right held for the other one to let go then bit down on my right hand. the teeth were sharper but it could not break the skin. more like being bit by a puppy. it glared at me with evil intent. suddenly the other lioness hit the fearful boy at a dead run and pushed him far from me. and pinned him against the wall. all the people were still on the dirt floor not moving. briley and another boy were behind me.
so this evil lioness could not pull me or harm me and began to look worried. fear came on the lioness face when with a lot of effort I was able to force my left arm to raise up and reach over with my left hand and pull down the lower jaw of the lioness and flop it. it was sort of made a plop sound. then I noticed people standing and walking toward the boy pinned against the wall to help him and some coming to help me. now these were different. wearing gray coveralls, faceless people, like having a dark woman's stocking over their face. but the were coming to help one reached my lioness like it was going to tackle it. then for what ever reason I turn to look behind me and saw a second gate doorway. there seem to be 3 in this arena. one we came in, one they came in and force the others through and now the one I was looking at. through a barred window in it I saw a second arena. now the dream begin to fade and I wake up to stay awake.
once before I had a dream that show the devil/satan making something close to this with dog/loins to guard the door/gateways. the lions tried to get me but I rose about them and a very large tree protected me. anyway, this was interesting for me.....dreams are so cool when you feel and smell and taste and so on.
well thanks for reading, God Bless
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Post by sigmon2 »

I am being to think this is about not having fear of the unseen ones. reading and preaching leading me to that thought.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:37 am Post subject: the cougar or cat demon again

I did this couple of years ago being attacked by the cat but more black. huh...big cats like me, or at least they seem to be the mode of attack.
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Post by Outlook »

I am not sure of the time frame of this dream in terms of where you are in the timeline. That being said:

[b]The dream fades in with me and others including my current young son, briley, breaking down what appears to be a camp.[/b]

You and your son/fruit/ministry in a temporary place…a bit rough…but you have flourished there.

[b]We load our stuff into the back of a 4 x 4 small pick up truck, like a foreign make and get in.[/b]

Where your life/ministry is heading will be adaptable to many terrains, so to speak; however, do not expect to be familiar with this new thing. It will seem foreign to you at first.

[b]It appears at this time I have gained 2 more youngsters to care for. So their are 4 of us. [/b][/b]

Two more "fruits". Additional blessings/responsibilities.

[b]I do not know who the driver is. [/b]

That would be the Lord.

[b]The pickup is silver in color. [/b]

Valuable/moving in wisdom led of the Lord.

[b]At first the back only has a frame[/b]

This new "vehicle" (life/ministry/change/direction you will go or are going) may not be quite ready to roll, so to speak, yet you will be in it, on the road, nevertheless. The Lord's driving. Don't worry. And/or unfinished business (or so it seems) behind you…still attached, tho.

[b]then for a brief sec it has a top where I tell the boys not to raise the air top cause the tree branches out here in the woods will rip them off.[/b]

Aware of the difference between true and false worship, and passing that understanding along to others.

[b]then we have no top again. [/b]

Appears you will have revelation in this new life/ministry...perhaps after you get "out of the woods."

[b]so I am sitting on the floor and the boys are in different places, briley is at my right hand. [/b]

You are on the "ground floor," so to speak, during this transition while some of your most important responsibilities are in different places. Yet you are able to keep tabs on both from your perspective. Briley being at your right hand is that which is natural…could be a job, literal son, or something else.

[b]suddenly the truck is gone and we are walking on the dirt road. [/b]

After the transition, where you will walk in the natural on your way to where you're going

[b]into a narrow wood gate that has the gate like the old castles. [/b]

Where you're going…a gateway that will manifest in the natural, yet something "old" in the spiritual, in terms of perhaps religion, tradition and expressions of faith.

[b]the walls of this places is like the old west stockcade walls of the old forts but the base seems to have cement.[/b]

Stockade walls = strongholds. Foundation/base being cement = manmade.

[b]when we go through the doorway the gate closes we try pauses and retreating but we are forced through. its a trap. [/b]

But remember, the Lord was driving. There's a reason you are there…it's designed to trap you, but you will recognize it.

[b]so I end up going into a large arena. [/b]

Gladiators go into the arena…the person doing battle.

[b]but the boys end up going along the walls. [/b]

They (son/fruit/ministry/whatever else they might represent) won't be doing the battle; you will do that on their behalf. They are walking up against a wall (barrier, obstacle, unbelief…an atmosphere of this, at least), but you see and recognize this.

[b]I look up and I see them being chased by this very large burly person. they are running but not just them apparently others are here. a lot of others. there is a lot of running, [/b]

Demonic spirit, most likely coming in the form of religion and the traditions of men, pursuing people and all that represents good.

[b]one of the boys is running and grabbing weapons off the walls and throwing them down to where I am and then going to the next place where a weapon is. [/b]

People will think you should do battle in the natural; also, the weapons you do need will be supplied.

[b]this goes on for a bit then other bad joins in and then they are all thrust into the arena through another gate. walls are these very thick logs in a low cement bottom wall and the tops are pointed. just like the movies. [/b]

Brought into the open for all to see; to do battle.

[b]very high up too. to high to jump...[/b]

Law…the traditions of men/hoops that religion forces us to jump through.

[b] then I see this window and the burly man leaves. [/b]

The ending of this phase of battle, in terms of the enemy fleeing; chaos remains where it has sowed discord and evil, however.

[b]the high up window is barred. [/b]

Higher revelation seems to be blocked.

[b]then I see a lion and its a big one. full main and it like those huge African lion. then it disappears from the window and then it comes out the side gate roaring. [/b]

The Lion of Judah…revealed (window) that He's on the way into this battle. Comes out roaring; His presence known.

[b]there are many of us in the arena and we hit the dirt floor quick.[/b]

Submitting in Godly fear.

[b]I had moved now a bit from where I was but I had moved to close to that dumb gate. well anyway, the boy who knock down the weapon was babbling out of fear. get5 the weapons lets fight over and over. I was telling them to be still and wait a minute. as the lion passed by it roared real loud in his and my face. [/b]

It's the natural mind that says "fight" but the spiritual mind that says "be still…and know that I am God!" God makes it very clear to you that it's His battle. You will see Him in the situation.

[b]boy was afraid, but it was strange something inside me was giving me courage not to be afraid. [/b]

You know who the Helper is.

[b]so it walked around a bit roaring and then went behind me by the wall. and I am not sure what it was doing, watching for sure but not sure what us....[/b]

The Lord's got your back. He was with you all along, but it wasn't until you actually were in the arena that He made his presence known in a mighty way.

[b]then out of the gate rush this lioness. she ran right up and grabbed my right arm and put my right hand in her mouth like she was going to eat it. funny I could feel the inside of the mouth, spit, warmth, teeth, the pressure form the bite but I was not afraid. it was like I knew what to do instinctively. I put my fist into a ball and kept it there and stare at her. she could not pull me nor could me break into my skin...she had no power to harm me. then she began to look afraid. the bite did not even hurt it was like being gummed. then suddenly out of no where came this more evil looking lioness. eyes glowed a sinster greenish and the coat on the body was more mange like with spots that seem to glow evilly too. same deal. got my right held for the other one to let go then bit down on my right hand. the teeth were sharper but it could not break the skin. more like being bit by a puppy. it glared at me with evil intent. suddenly the other lioness hit the fearful boy at a dead run and pushed him far from me. and pinned him against the wall. all the people were still on the dirt floor not moving. briley and another boy were behind me. so this evil lioness could not pull me or harm me and began to look worried.

Both lionesses, I sense, represent the "church", albeit in the traditional sense. Saved people, Christ's bride, but containing many still entrapped by traditions of men, law, etc. This "lioness" tried to bite your RIGHT hand (striking in the natural), so obviously it was your LEFT fist that rose up to fight (spiritual). SHE HAS NO POWER TO HARM YOU.

Given this, a more sinister version attacks, again in the natural.

Since this religious spirit cannot succeed in your life, it attacks babes in Christ--the ones you were sent into the arena to defend in the first place. It PINNED HIM AGAINST THE WALL (doctrines of men, religious traditions, law). This religious spirit does get worried, I think, when a believer "gets grace" and sees through the religious entrapments. Once this lioness is declawed, exposed, people can get free.

[b]fear came on the lioness face when with a lot of effort I was able to force my left arm to raise up and reach over with my left hand and pull down the lower jaw of the lioness and flop it. it was sort of made a plop sound. then I noticed people standing and walking toward the boy pinned against the wall to help him and some coming to help me. [/b]

Overcoming this attack and putting down the attacker, so to speak.

[b]now these were different. wearing gray coveralls, faceless people, like having a dark woman's stocking over their face. but the were coming to help one reached my lioness like it was going to tackle it. [/b]

Help will come from the Lord (faceless people), but you will be unfamiliar with this method of help (stockings over face and gray [undefined] colored apparel).

[b]then for what ever reason I turn to look behind me and saw a second gate doorway. [/b]

God reveals the 2nd place to go once you conquer the enemy in the 1st place...when it's time for you to see it.

[b]there seem to be 3 in this arena. one we came in, one they came in and force the others through and now the one I was looking at. [/b]

A peek into the place you will go following the battle in the first arena.

[b]through a barred window [/b]

Revelation awaits, but you are prevented from seeing it yet. Not sure if the Lord has barred it for the time being, or the enemy has.

[b]in it I saw a second arena. now the dream begin to fade and I wake up to stay awake. [/b]

Another phase of battle after this more apparent one. Will be revealed when it's time.
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Post by sigmon2 »

thanks outlook. need to read more but like what you wrote.
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Post by sigmon2 »

Found a good verse....
Psalms 142:7, Set me free from my prison, that I may praise your name. Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me.

This helps cause I just had a vision of wearing a metal slave collar with writing on it.
Waiting on the Lord in a Hurry