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Gotta love flying dreams

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:48 am
by Charys
In the dream I see a very sleek Olympic type two man bobsled. It is flying at extremely high altitude, almost in space, yet it is open and the two guys do not need oxygen.

I see that they are a father and his teenage son that we traveled to Israel with. The father's name means forest and the son's name is Nathaniel. The father is in front "steering."

Suddenly I am in the flying bobsled and I am Nathaniel. I get out of a cozy turquoise fleece sleeping bag and get out of the sled. I start free falling. I have absolutely no fear. (In real life my fear of heights is the butt of jokes :roll: ) I know my Dad will catch me.

Somehow I am watching Nathaniel and being Nathaniel at the same time. The dad flies the bobsled under me and I drop into the seat, only now I am a little bigger. I seem to have grown a bit around the middle and a cover that fit into the sled over my lap before now doesn't fit, so I just hold it loosely.

We head down to ground level because it is time to land. We are landing at Vancouver International airport (although it doesn't look like Vancouver -I've flown in and out of there many times.) I'm surprised a big airport would have time for such a tiny craft.

The sun sets and night is coming on rapidly as we make our approach.

I can see flames coming out of the airport waiting area in the terminal. I am alarmed at this, but activity on the landing strip and elsewhere seems to be going on normally and the lights on the landing strip come on for us. The flames are getting bigger and coming out of the windows on three sides (the fourth side is attached to a larger building like an office building which seems to be dark.) Theflames are huge -two or three stories high by themselves. I see they are pulsing as if in time to music. The make a huge deep pulsing wompf wompf sound like the soundtrack to a sci-fi movie in a theatre with big bass speakers.

I wake up just before we land.

The main moods in the dream were surprise, delight, freedom, trust and curiosity.

The part I need most help with is coming back down to earth - why Vancouver and the fire in the waiting area? I know it's called the terminal, but I have spent a lot of time in airports waiting for a flight to leave lately and that's more the feeling I get -more of a place where people wait to take off than being the terminal or end of a flight. Yet we were landing.

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:59 am
by Charys
Oh fun! This is the song that started playing in my head as I posted.

Flying Dreams

Dream by night,
wish by day
Love begins this way.
Lovin' starts
when open hearts
touch and stay.

Sleep for now,
Dreaming’s how
lovers' lives are planned.
Future songs and flying dreams,
hand in hand.

Love it seems
made flying dreams,
so hearts could soar.
Heaven sent
these dreams were meant
to prove once more,
that love is the key.
Love is the key.

You and I
touch the sky
the eagle and the dove.
we keep our sails
filled with love.

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

Love it seems
made flying dreams,
so hearts could soar.
Heaven sent
these dreams were meant,
to prove once more
That love is the key.
Love is the key.

You and I
touch the sky
the eagle and the dove.
we keep our sails
filled with love

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

Ever strong
our future song
to sing it must be free.

And every part
is from the heart
and love is still the key.

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:02 pm
by Charys
Haha! So last night I was riding in a flying cookie jar.

I was stuck in traffic trying to reach someone who was in some sort of distress. I was told, "You can try to force your way through the crowds (like a young woman I know) or rise above in a cookie jar and fly over the waiting vehicles."

In the dream I was totally amazed I could do that because I thought the cookie jar belonged to someone who was much more spiritually mature than me.

I keep getting fling dreams, so obviously there is more than I am understanding here.

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:53 pm
by servant
Sweet Charys,

My thoughts/feelings after reading your dream and posts is that you shouldn't limit yourself in Him. With Him ALL THINGS are possible. Meaning, you are bigger than you think and you are more able than you think. Not to say humility isn't good, it is, but only in certain settings. False or wrongly placed humility will keep many of us from accomplishing that which God wants to do through us. You can have boldness and confidence when letting "Dad" steer and take you where He needs you. You CAN do ALL things!

"Now faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the substance of things not seen." I was recently led to an understanding, Faith IS "the evidence" and IS "the substance". In other words, our Faith is evidence and substance. Faith is what brings things into being. Or, as God told my dh recently, "Faith renders reality."

If you believe you CAN'T do something, you won't be able to.
BUT! If you believe you CAN do something, you will!

Blessings and shalom!
Mary Esther

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:56 am
by Charys
Thank you, Servant!
So it's all about taking off, eh?

And how's it goin' for you, eh? (If you'll pardon my Canajun) :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:02 pm
by servant
Well Charys, it's definitely interesting! That's for sure!

We were waiting on Father like he told us, and have now seen the first physical sign that what he has been telling us for the last 4 years is true and we aren't making all this up in our heads. It's exciting, but we are still waiting for him to move financially on our behalf.

DH will see job openings as he is out and about and ask if he can apply and every time has been told, "No." But a couple of weeks ago when DH was at McDonald's he was told to put in an application. So he did. We haven't heard anything on it. We don't expect to, seemed to be for teaching us discipline or something. God won't let my dh even cut his hair. At times God tells dh which roads to take home and even gives him tests (like control your temper today with traffic - and then God makes a light go out so the traffic is horrible) LOL!!

It's quite interesting to experience. DH has been able to tune into God's voice and can hear him at any time now, which is reassuring. Soon God will lead DH to his job. God has gotten us a settlement (He told us) for our largest debt and he has already provided the first payment. Only 3 more to go. I have no idea where the money will come from, but I trust God to deliver. DH and I are each working part time now, and this seems to be where we are supposed to be, at least until God tells us something different.

I used to get upset and worry about things, but I have seen God provide just in time several times now and I just leave all that to him. In fact, I have to be careful because I trust so much that I sometimes almost forget to pay my bills. I just don't really worry about them. It's nice, I have never had so much peace, but my life has never been so upside down nor have I been so poor and seemingly had no direction. God is leading, and just like following a guide through the African jungle, we have to keep our eyes on him and follow. He will lead us around the pitfalls and traps. Praise his name!!!

One thing God has shared with me is that my "feet are ready to take my ministry of health and wellbeing." I love the sound of that. Looks like the dreams he has given me of healing and casting out demons and teaching, etc. will soon be seen in this physical world. I am so excited to see how he brings everything to pass. He is faithful and knows the right timing.

Course, we have been told there will be hardship and pain and tears along the way. Probably soon.

Thanks for asking! I pray you and your family are in health and the Lord is blessing y'all in every way!

Mary Esther (aka "Star" - the nickname God has given me)