The dream is short, not a whole lot to it, but here it is.
There is this guy standing on the opposite side of this silver gate that kind of looks like a stockade gate but in the middle of the gate is that large round it looks like someone took a big red ball and sliced it in half and stuck it on this gate.
The guy kind of looks like one of the actors that played Sherlock Holmes on tv Benedict Cumberbatch
He is standing there with a remote control clicker that opens the gate. And he is just about to open the gate.
I guess I am standing on the other side of that gate looking at him.
That it.
Silver gate with red dot
- Platinum Member
- Posts: 346
- Joined: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:54 pm
Dream symbols
Silver in the bible symbolizes purity
Red = Redemption
Round 1/2 ball like....big drop on the gate.
Someone controling the opening of the gate (he has the remote)
He was just about to open the gate and you are on the other side.
This dream speaks of condition or requirements of acceptance in the gate. The colors speak of things of heaven or faith.
Hope something helps you. God Bless
Silver in the bible symbolizes purity
Red = Redemption
Round 1/2 ball like....big drop on the gate.
Someone controling the opening of the gate (he has the remote)
He was just about to open the gate and you are on the other side.
This dream speaks of condition or requirements of acceptance in the gate. The colors speak of things of heaven or faith.
Hope something helps you. God Bless