A maze of thought

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A maze of thought

Post by ElijahsTask »

I am standing in what feels like an unfinished kitchen. I notice the dry wall and see a support board crossing that pieceof dry wall.

I seemed to be focused on a small area of the wall.

I see one of our many kittens, I pick up a piece of yarn with a sparklie blue Christmas bow attached at the bottom, I drag it around on the floor and through the box as the kitten follows. So cute!
Hub is sitting across the room in a large arm chair watching me play with the kitty. Hubs seems to be deep in thought.

I tell him, " see, this is what I was telling you about how as a little girl, I would play w/the kitties " Hubs smiles.

We are going to go someplace, and hubs gets up and goes outside to wait for me.

I go to the kitchen and notice the spot I was focused on earlier and see now that it has two large chewd on places. I thought, mice!
And they made big bites in such a very short time!!!

Then, I realize the chewd out places were too big and realize it was done by rats.

I go to tell my husband when I see from our large bay window in the front room, an angry lion walking by.

There was a lot of black woven into the carmel color of his mane and some along it.s back. The lion seemed angry and on the move.
It was going around the right corner of the house.

I feared for all the kittens outside and went to go tell hubs when I saw a lioness come around from the left corner of the house.

She was headed around to the right corner of the house, I guess following the male lion, she too seemed focused.

Her coat was carmel in color yet as she started to round the corner, I saw black spots appear on her carmel coat. She was not a lioness but a leopard!!!

I think there's a big cat fight coming and I run back to the kitchen concerned about the kittens and looking out the kitchen window,

I see the male lion walking off as if angry when I notice two other male lions standing guard over the now, dead female lioness/leopard.

I realize they wanted nothing to do with the kittens.

Walking out the front door to tell hubs, I see people scattering and someone yelling ''Anoconda!!! Anoconda"!!!!!!!!!!

To the left of our front door is a rose bed where a ginormous anoconda lay.
It was monstrous.

It appeared to be dead.

I went and picked up it's huge limp and heavy head to check it out.

It's eyes weakly opened. tongue slithered out while it tried to open wide, very wide, it's mouth.

Was it weak and dying or just stunned?

I knew it was still alive.

I am in the front room where the house was finished and furnished and my dau in law was there. (she and I have not been talking for a long time as she decided she was mad at me and hated me and even renounced God)

She came up behind me, gave me a hug and whispered "I love you"

I turned and gave her a huge bear hug and whispered back, " I love you too daughter'!!!


Any and all thoughts welcome
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Post by underhiswing »

Hi ET,

I just have scattered thoughts;

It seems that the first view in the dream is of Construction/building/progression and support. There is a good reason why this is the opening statement, and may be what these threats/enemies below are related to.

There seems to be a progression of threats/enemies in size. From Kittens to Anacondas (who suffocate and crush their victims and swallow them) First the kittens are not keeping the mice away (mice=small troubles bringing steadily progressive destruction) and they turn out to be an even "bigger problem" then first thought (ie;Rats are bigger than mice). Their bites (biting words) are taking away much more than you thought or expected, and the damage they left behind was your clue that what was going on was much worse than you thought.

Now you have lions and they are bigger cats than kittens. The Lion turns out to be more than one and is part of a couple, and she turns out to "not belong" (leopard, not as big and powerful as a lion, and would not be accepted into the pride). The "group"/pride got rid of her. She was dead and now the largest of all...the anaconda.. is "appearing" to be dead too. Those tie in together. The snake was in the front, and that is where our public image is being displayed. The public was scattering. Its mouth was heavy, "wide", and predominant. This may point its ability to swallow a large victim or a large number of vicitms.

You are going from cozy childhood memories (play) to danger and outside threats.

Husband is standing by and not concerned??

An unfinished kitchen (if not a current reality in your house) can point to the heart (yours or your families) being under construction.

Hope something here is of some value.
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Excellent thoughts shared here and may you be richly blessed as you continue to grow and share in the lives of these dreamers here at Tehillah.
I know first hand how valuable both of you are and your input has been. ((((hugs))))

I agree with everything both of you wrote.

I see this as a dream with at least 2 meanings, poss. 3

About the lioness not belonging is one of the key focal points regarding 1 of the meanings AND revealing regarding another.

I believe she is a person I know and I think she represents an answer to a question I have had regarding a certain person's integrity and weather they can be trusted or not.

I think the snake is another partial representation of the lioness as well and the enormity of it IS huge. The ability to "swallow" it's victim or victims also has double meaning.

Both the lioness and the snake are in the "not finished being played out stages" yet, but prayerfully is soon coming.

Husband is not concerned because he knows God is in control and is very much at peace though he still ponders and contemplates what lies before us.

My kitchen IRL has been finished for over 30 years :wink:

I believe nick and UHW that the kitchen does represent my heart.
lol, always under Sonstruction.

Transition is a huge word here in at least 2 of the meanings for this dream. Unfinished indeed. Sometimes my being pregnant with my 3 kids seemed easier than this unfinished business.
I am a planner for the most part and like to be prepared.

My prayer has been for the Lord to grant me acute awareness as I know I will need/require that as a mantle in the future.

My prayer also nick has been for me to keep and maintain a child like heart. It has served me beautifully over the years.

I see things in the spirit as the Lord allows and I do have discernment on tap..... I need to rely on it more trusting it's from "HIM" rather than my own thought(s).

THANK YOU both so much. It has confirmed much of what I thought and am praying the Lord will hone in on even more specifics.

Yule tide Blessings!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by ElijahsTask »


The roses were all young red, (or dwarfed)

roses that looked as though they had freezer burn to them. They had a thin film of ice covering them.

Still pretty in a way yet not aromatic
Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by underhiswing »

Thank you for your graciousness words.

Red roses=love.

A garden is an example of someone's spiritual condition (weeds/fruit/blooms/ sunny/rain/cluttered/neat) This garden of love (of red roses) has been "stunted" (short/dwarfed) and have been damaged by emotional "coldness" (frost bite) This garden is where the anaconda/lioness dwells and is dying. She needs light, love, warmth, healing, and transformation (from symbolic creature to becoming human again).

A joyous Christmas and an anointed blessed New Year to you and your family.

(P.S. praying for your daughter in law)
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Post by ElijahsTask »

This fits like a hand in a glove :mrgreen:

Bless you and your friends and loved ones.

A joyous Christmas and an anointed blessed New Year to you and your family

I embrace these blessings.

Thank you for your gift of friendship AND, your prayers for my dau-in-law

I so very much appreciate this. I always say it's better with two hearts tugging' at the same load. ;-)

Image :wink:

Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by underhiswing »

Yes, two or more hearts are better. Thank you for your words calling for a blessing over here too.