to long for

Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
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to long for

Post by spiritledd »

flying by holding a styrofoam "to go" food container ...but it was like 4 or 6x bigger like a cooler lid size but still shape shape of a "to go" container

fling over small town like Troy ...then I saw young Italian woman who was very beautiful in light blue dress, I was singing a love song ...I flew past her she and smiled

then I was driving 1st x's and mine's green Ford Grand Torino fastback with black vinyl top, and saw a big drive in screen ...I started to go on a road but relized it was a bike trail ...parked there by a bike trail

people were playing baseball ...I remember feeling so lonely ...I threw my keys, in frustration I guess ...dragon fly picked them up carried them, and dropped them ...then walked over and picked them up ...saw white flower in grass

then these kids were talking about the battles they have regularly have with baseball bats

then I was in hotel sleeping and my first 1st x showed up and woke me ...first thought was she has been cheating

then I was at friends, and 1st x was there and then she left and they were talking about her in good way

I said well we are supposed to get married but she cheats on me

walking away I thought but I don't even have a ring or a job

then I was knocking on another couples door and baby was crying, and I thought, oh they are sleeping, but knew them well enough to come in and eat a piece of chicken and corn on the cob

I was leaving and they woke and I told them their house was beautiful, because it really was

had all these beautiful pastel colors of formica and wood floors

told them I snacked their food they said it was from yesterday ..I said it was still good ..said I wish you still had your business so I could work for you

I was leaving and little girl motioned towards me holding her arms out like don't leave I lovingly stroked her little head her head and said good by little sweetheart

first thing I heard today was "every high thing must come down" lyrics to Darlene Zscheck's Victors crown

also this I have never had happen before ...I head The Lord say "Strong's 8373" ...googled it up, and it is Hebrew word "taeb" means "to long for"
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm

treat a woman right?

Post by spiritledd »

I know I dream a lot about in-fidelity ...this because never been with a gal who was faithful to me ...always ended up with promiscuous type gals

I guess I must need more deep healing from The Lord about these soul wounds

I really do long to have a faithful help-meet ...but maybe I need this deep healing before that happens so I treat a woman right?