Dream about Bob Mumford

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Dream about Bob Mumford

Post by iluvyahweh »

Hello dreamers

Any godly insight would be appreciated:

I had a dream that I was in America, on a trip with my mum. We were staying in a hotel, and we were there to see Bob Mumford, the Bible teacher from the Charismatic renewal.

I remember being in the bedroom in the hotel, and the bed-sheets were flowery, and dark brown and cream in colour. I then went into a connecting room, and somehow it was Bob Mumford’s house. My mum and I were there.

I went through a door into his office, which was a large roomy office. There were couches and tables, and over on the far wall was a large desk. The desk was like an old wooden desk that my parents used to have. The centre of the desk was green leather. There were lots of books on the desk, and I wandered over and had a look.

As I got closer, Bob had a flip-pad calendar on his desk. As I looked at it, the pages began to turn automatically, but instead of dates on the calendar, it was pictures of people.

As the pages began to turn I realized that I began to recognize the people. When the pages stopped flipping, a picture of me appeared on the calendar which puzzled me. There was a lot more to this dream that I cannot recollect. Dream end.

