
Archived Dreams from 2014
Diamond Member
Posts: 1913
Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:53 pm


Post by spiritledd »

I was riding on back of motorcycle standing up ...step dad was driving ...I was holding an arrow in right hand speaking in tongues ...saw goats in the road, from the Y of the road, going towards Parsley road

going by Parsley road saw golden banner with picture of 3 women in bathing suits ...1st one was Pepper ...all 3 perfect model figure's, except belly on 3rd one ...the 3rd one looked like she might be halfway through pregnancy was advertisement to come to party

we were almost home where I grew up

driving by nearest neighbor's Lyons's house pointed to left said he was going to buy that field across from Lyon's to make it his home I grew up on was sold to Lyon's IRL that field was part of it

got home and an elder from the Crossing Church I used to lead worship at, was sitting there on bar stool he watched me while i washed my hands

took change out of pocket put it on table ...Sis took it saying it was her's ...I got mad and flung it across the room said no it is his ...she gathered it up while vacuuming and put it back on table

then it was time to go to town and I was getting my change gathered up ...there were 2 strange older oxidized copper coins ...really big and foreign ...and 2 nickels that were size of silver dollars

heard... "grid 9 aperture"