Trapeze & sorcery

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Trapeze & sorcery

Post by bella »

Reading a blog of a person who considers themselves a christian. They had written something about a trapeze, and as I read it, I heard the word "sorcery". Any ideas?
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by freedinHim »

You heard right! A form of Trapeze is sorcery. Now why would a Christian get involved in that? Ignorance, lack of knowledge or they may be Christian by title only, they may be dabbling into so many things. The Bible acknowledges that the so called angle of light may be Satan.
I recall a story told at a conference. The teacher was approached by a christian lady who had a dream of a snake on her wrist. The teacher asked the lady if she dabbles in New age, she replied in the negative. To cut the long story short, she and the teacher discovered that the lady bought (but has since stopped wearing it) a Medic alert bracelet. The teacher informed her that she was wearing words pronounced on her by a professional.
We cannot be too careful. The bible says the things that the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God:.
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by bella »


That's interesting. Why is trapeze a form of sorcery? I have to admit, I don't actually know what sorcery is and I haven't had time to research it.
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by bella »

I looked up trapeze and sorcery and I see where that connection is, but it's a specific occult practice and doesn't refer to a general trapeze act, so that's good.

I think in this case, God was showing me that this person is involved or has been involved in some sort of sorcery which as led to her mental illness, and obsession with believing wrong things about God.

Thanks for your input.
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by BlueDreamer »

it's a play on words. Trapeze "Trap" and sorcery. she's clearly in a trap (spirit of bondage) which can be caused by witchcraft (control, rebellion, jezebel/ahab, etc)
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by bjcollin »

I don't think the physical trapeze device is sorcery... however it does seem to be a play on words like an ez trap aka trapped easy. Yes sorcery is easy to become trapped in as is any sin.
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Re: Trapeze & sorcery

Post by bella »

Thanks iwas focussing on the sorcery and not taking much notice of the trap-e-z.