Dream of my mom / adopted mom

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Dream of my mom / adopted mom

Post by WingsofHealing »

I just awoke a little bit ago around 3:45 am. This dream is/was so intense.................... My mom (Mary who raised me, not my birth mother)..........................
DREAM~~ Mary was standing ever so close to me, and she dug out of an old box with one framed piece that had several images/photos of me as an infant of when I was several weeks old. Less than 6 months of age. She took it out and spoke that to me regarding my life at that age. Something I never knew, and this item, I never had seen before. I noticed a scab on my nose in one of the images. I hugged her gently but ever so intensely and she did the same to me. She was frail, tender and this was how she was in the last years of her life here.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.
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Re: Dream of my mom / adopted mom

Post by firewater »

Wow. I get a feeling for how special this dream must have been just by reading it. Thanks for sharing. It's amazing what a dream can communicate even without thinking of the symbolism.

Mary {I am reminded of Mary the monther of Jesus, who had a very special role in loving & nurturing Him from an infant. Even in His physical & spritual pain of hanging on the cross, he thought of her & her well-being.} was standing ever so close to me (Likely an indication of the closeness of your relationship), and she dug out (This wasn't something easily given. It took effort.) of an old (In this context, the contents are something vintage, revered.) box (The container is simple & practical.) with one framed (Suggests completemess, bounded, unity) piece (Implies part of the picture) that had several images/photos ( Interesting you didn't just say photos. A photo is like a memory, history captured. An image conveys more. We are made in God's image. Images are more about who we are or what we should reflect. Whilst it's one piece, there are a number of sub-parts, suggesting levels, depth, & a range of meaningwould )

of me as an infant (your early vulnerable, impressionable days) of when I was several weeks old (The beginning, a time of newness, discovery, most vulnerable & most hope). Less than 6 months of age (By this time a routine would be formed in the family context, there would be some sense of fit: child->carers/guardian, parent/guardian->child; & belonging). She took it out (Separation from other {presumably} historical items) and spoke (Communication is auditory as well as visual, suggesting reinforcement of message) that to me (Personal) regarding my life at that age (This is significant, about what has formed you, where you came from {Jesus knew where He came from & where He was going}).

Something I never knew (Revelation. Perhaps changing your perspective of that time & how you see the way you grew up. ), and this item, I never had seen before (Previously outside your perception, vision). I noticed a scab on my nose (This might have been a blemish on your appearance, but a scab suggests healing. On your nose must mean the injury or condition was relatively small. We perceive things in the air with our nose. A medical condition or injury there could symbolise something sitting on your ability to spiritially discern. It mostly likey did not affect the spiritual discernment function, but perhaps how you see yourself as it's on your face ) in one of the images (This doesn't affect the whole picture. Just one part. A moment a time which has been & gone. ).

I hugged her Though she raised you, & would have done much of the initiation until you were an adult, you initiate here. Perhaps suggesting that her job is done. I feel thanksgiving in this act.. gently ( implies respect for her vulnerability at this time) but ever so intensely (Respect can breed distance but not in this case. There is depth of relationship & closeness) and she did the same to me (Reciprocation. Mutual relationship. It's not one-way as when one is dependent on the other. IMplies a healthy relationship.). She was frail tender (Like you were as an infant), and this was how she was in the last years (This is a time when a person wants to pass on significant things to those they will leave behind) of her life here.
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Re: Dream of my mom / adopted mom

Post by WingsofHealing »

Thankyou honey!
i may share soon indeed what you have nailed. a little now, more later
my birth mom abandoned me after letting a witch be my babysitter for the first 6 months of my life. My birth dad named me NICOLE (Victorious one)
my adopted mom LOVED ME SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much and i never let her. (which means i never let anyone really love me including GOD) After both parents died, i went looking for my birth mom and found my birth dad and he lived here in southern california too (where i live).
i think in 2005-06. Within several months after this; the feelings i have had ever since i can remember, well progressed into what i call blankouts. (details given if needed). a few a month. in 2009 something (i believe a demon) manifested through me and my husband delivered me of something. The blankouts skyrocketed and yet grew gradually weaker. Years passed, and i nearly gave up. This year (2014), i started have full blown demonic manifestations (i have no idea what they were like, i wasnt here). In september of this year,my husband told me as i awoke in the middle of the night, that i was crying, "daddy get off of me" . Even in real life, my son (35 years of age) heard me from his room and came into see if i was ok. What a feeling when i awoke (FireWater) UGH! These manifestations increased, and the only thing that got me through this was the fact the evil i had felt previous in life was even more horrible and I KNEW the EVIL had surfaced and was about to be gone.
In November (2014), my son had a dream that made so much sense and I KNEW i had to fast. Got an interpretation through the Christian Author of dream books, Ira Milligan, he gave me his phone number and immediately after our phone conversation i blanked out and lost all memory of the information of the conversation. THANK YOU JESUS i took notes :) I went on the 21 day fast and upon entering the 2nd week, i had 5 days of full blown manifestations, and now the fast is over. I AM FREE from the deaf and dumb spirit. I still discern a ribbon/facet of evil, and KNOW I am being set free of this. I hope i have not been to intense for you. There is such an anointing on us to overcome the enemy and I will be getting back out into the marketplace again next year. YOU ARE A GREAT BLESSING and i thank GOD for you interpretation. SHALOM from 92019......... El Cajon Calif.
May we ALL FIND the healing in the Lords wings and be still to absorb all we can.