Light Rain Felt

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Light Rain Felt

Post by simpleservent »

Good Morning Everyone, Seers, and dreamers,

This question is for those who "feel" in the Spirit. For the past few two weeks I have been praying or studing the word and Gods symbolic dream language as I have done for years. During certain times in my bedroom I have felt like it was drizzling very soft gentle rain on me. I thought it was just me at first but it happend a few times in different days. We have a home here, my brothers but I looked for leaks on the ceiling and there are none. I cleaned moved the room around and listening to worship music/ Christain programs and I felt it again the day before yesterday again. Has this happen to anyone? Can someone share light please what it means, I thank you for your time.Just like to understand.

God bless, Lizzy
The Old Testament contains glimpses and promises of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2, 6:3; Zechariah 4:6 and the Spirit rested on Jesus from His birth (Luke 1:35).
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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by rarara »

Hi Lizzy

I would just enjoy this and ask for more.

The rain is Heaven being shown and felt in the natural realm.

Zechariah 10 talks about asking for the spring rain to fall on each individual field to cause growth.

So, as you study and press into Him and all that He is showing you, you are growing.

We have a lot of stuff like this happening in our Church community.

Rain, oil, gold and silver on skin, scents and it's all because we are beginning to believe that we have an open heaven above us which has been true always. :)

It is an individual thing more than anything. Coming out of relationship with Him. He loves you.

Hope that helps.

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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by simpleservent »


Thank you, for your response, I never felt the rain before this is new to me. Will look at the scripture in Zechariah 10. Awhile ago from the corner of my eye while watching Perry stone, I think it was that program, from the side corner of my eye I saw a little girl dress in a white dress go by, but I was not afraid at all, I felt peace. Been seeing a little more briefly and faintly yet I am trying to understand these are very rare experiences. Some are very clear but If there are any more scriptures I would like to know about them. I started to see when I was a child, and hear. It's not constant as I receive more in dream state then visions or feeling this. Scents, and Gods presence, gentle touches (in needed times) yes but I been praying a lot more lately and for others requests. Thanks again. One question not sure if this is the place to ask. Since the board change, one has to sign in now in order to see the board? Before it would just show up and you would have to sign in to post, is this part of the change now? Thanks! I like the blue color heavenly.

Shalom! Lizzy
The Old Testament contains glimpses and promises of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2, 6:3; Zechariah 4:6 and the Spirit rested on Jesus from His birth (Luke 1:35).
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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by rarara »

Hi Lizzy
Great stuff!
You can request it to save your password then each time you can get straight in.

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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by simpleservent »


Glad to know that thank you very much!
Enjoy your walk in Christ!

The Old Testament contains glimpses and promises of the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2, 6:3; Zechariah 4:6 and the Spirit rested on Jesus from His birth (Luke 1:35).
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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by JesusReigns »

I felt rain not too long ago. Following a death in my spouse's family. I saw things, but also heard the sweetest voice. Child-like. Except in my case it was slightly harder or prickly on the skin. Not painful.
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Re: Light Rain Felt

Post by wheretonow33 »

Just a thought.. Maybe it was symbolic that you were very sensitive.