buying car

Archived Dreams from 2014
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buying car

Post by thesharpeningstone »

in this dream I was going somewhere to buy a used car. I told the taxi driver the address and he said it was the Toyota dealership. He dropped me off at a mall and said the dealership was inside. I could not find the place. Later I saw the taxi driver and he apologized that he took me to the wrong place. He gave me $10 for his mistake.
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Re: buying car

Post by bella »

This is not an interp but just an observation as if this had happened to me. I wouldn't rely on a taxi driver to know where to go. I would always research the location first, so that I knew exactly where to go and if they go off track, you can make sure you get to where you need to be.

As I type this I'm thinking this is about church. Not just relying on what's told to you by another, but to do your own research and to question whatever you hear coming form the pulpit or from other churched individuals because it's often incorrect. That could include a purposeful, malicious taking off track, or accidental taking off track. Quite a bit in church I've seen where people give a message that suits whatever thing they are personally trying to achieve, either for themselves or the direction they believe they want to take "their" church.

God REQUIRES us to test everything and make sure we are not led astray.

Hope that helps.

This is a good thing, this dream. The fact that you're buying a new car indicates something new in your life. BLESSINGS on you.
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Re: buying car

Post by firewater »

in this dream I was going somewhere to buy (Take ownership of at a personal cost) a used car (Cars can symbolise motivation, vocation or ministry, or some men call their cars "she" & love them so much it is like they are married to them. This one has been used. Something already in existence you would take over). I told the taxi driver (You are paying someone to take you there. Taxi drivers transport many people in a day. They are primary committed to their current & next fare.) the address (You know where you want tot go) and he said it was the Toyota (Japanese car manufacturer, foreign to you?) dealership (Place for selling and buying cars).

He dropped me off at a mall (Large market place for selling goods do not normally contain car dealerships) and said the dealership was inside (You seem to trust his advice because it is within his area of specialisation. He should know streets locations of landmarks etc. But maybe you missed a warning light here because car yards are not normally in malls because of their space requirements & need for separate driveway access.). I could not find the place (Your personal experience of the advice. Your goal, desires have not been met). Later I saw the taxi driver (You have an opportunity for some satisfaction due to your inconvenience & personal cost in the search) and he apologized that he took me to the wrong place (Admitted his mistake). He gave me $10 (10 can symbolise something is complete) for his mistake (Gave you restitution. But did not help you in your original quest. Although there seems to be closure of this issue.).

Is there any situation in your life where you have received advice & assistance over some issue but your goal was not realised? You may have had difficulty closing the issue & moving on. If so, perhaps the dream can help you move on as you received compensation/restitution in the dream.
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Re: buying car

Post by Carterman »

10 can mean a trial that creates a testimony. the start of the dream when u cant find the dealership is the trial. thats all i see right now.
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Re: buying car

Post by Carterman »

i found this too

Toyota Motor Corporation was founded by the Toyoda family. The word "Toyoda" uses ten Japanese strokes to write while "Toyota" uses only eight. Eight is considered a lucky number in Japanese culture. For these reasons "Toyota" was chosen as the company's name
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Re: buying car

Post by kbasmommy »

When I read the dream I immediately thought of forgiveness and grace. Sometimes people have the best intentions but we all fall short. He wanted to make up for misleading you and the dream ends before your response. Could be preparing for a future relational event because it was later that you reconnected with taxi driver or allowing you to see the persons heart in needing forgiveness.

Toss if doesn't sit well God bless