Helping Ukrainians

Archived Dreams from 2014
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Helping Ukrainians

Post by firewater »

I worked with 2 Ukranianes whom I consider friends over 2 years ago & I come from one of the countries which had people killed when the Malaysian Airlines flight was shot down over the Ukraine. Other than that I don't think about the country very much. I have never visited it & have no other connections I can think of.

The Lord has given me a number of dreams over the years about issues in different countries (eg USA, China, Vietnam, Eritrea), I believe to movitate me to pray for the country & the issue(s) revealed in the dream. So I assume Ukraune is litereal, but I am open to other interpretations such as symbolic meaning or a play on words.

I will put multiple posts under this topic.
Last edited by firewater on Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Setting up conference call between Putin & Ukrainian friend

Post by firewater »

I had this dream around 2 weeks ago.

Dreamed I set up a conference call between Vladmir Putin & a Ukrainian I worked with for a couple of years over 2 years ago. I was surprised Putin agreed to it. I didn't hear either of their voices but had a clear sense that after I set up the call, they were conversing.
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Set in late 1800s to early1900s- helping Ukrainians escape & hide

Post by firewater »

Had this dream last night, in the early hours of New Year's Day. I realise this dream does not make historical sense, but I suspect there is meaning behind it not making sense. There was a lot of detail in the dream that I just don't remember. I don't play any online/video games like this.

Dreamed I was with a group of Ukrainians being held captive in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The scene, clothing, props, guns etc reminded me of the movie "Back to the Future" where they went back to the Wild West days, except it was in a military context. I didn't have any sense on the identity of those holding us captive other than that they were military. I remember trains. Maybe we were being held on one.

I made covert gestures to the other captives that we should rush the guards. We did this & managed to escape & run. The enemy seemed to have some kind of aircraft as there were explosions on the ground coming from the air although I didn't see any planes. I instructed some of the captives to go to the armoury & get some weapons before they bombed it.

Meanwhile I was with some others looking for somewhere to hide. We found a derilict house that had something like an underground cellar. However, when we went inside, I could see there was a large window in the side/roof of the house that would allow the enemy to see us. So we continued looking. I was looking for space for the number of people we had, a distance sufficiently below ground so it would not collapse if bombed, and an entrance that would not be easy to find. We found a shaft under one building that lead down into underground caverns that looked partially man-made & partially natural. This seemed suitable. A realisation dawned on me- this was the hiding-place on the farm where I grew up.

The scene morphs into me reading a an old hand-written document which was a historical account of what we had just been through. The author is describing the hidng place from the farm where I grow up.


(There is likely to be a personal application here as well as some motivation to pray for the Ukraine. Over the years I have occasionally had dreams about this hiding place. In some of them this hiding place is very elaborate leading to a network of channels or drains just covered by metal grills. I don't think there was any place like this on the real life farm where I grew up.)
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Re: Helping Ukrainians

Post by firewater »