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My room mate tearing out my carpet in my bedroom

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:27 am
by blossomrose
Dream: I walked into my bedroom and my roommate had organize all of my things and I asked him how he did it so well because I couldn't figure it out. He was on his knees tearing out carpet in my bedroom I asked why he said he was putting in new carpet for me. he proceeded to tear out the carpet and underneath the first layer of green carpet was another layer of gray carpet then a wood floor that was nailed down he took a crowbar and started prying the wood floor up. it was extremely hard for him but he got one piece up then I looked under the floor and it was dark and hollow and there was debris from the original construction of the home. I kind of got defensive and I said I remodeled that with my own hands years ago. I turned around and there was my bed in the middle of the room with two of my highschool friends sitting on my bed that was unmade. There was a little girl in the bedroom that I was trying to tell to do something but she wasn't listening and I was getting irritated and finally I just forgot what I was trying to do and decided to look around the room when I saw my roommate had put a sewing machine on a nicely organized desk he had put up against the wall. When I turned around he had completely put brand new carpet in my bedroom that was cream colored and it went out into the hallway. I care very much for my roommate. He offered to rent me two rooms for my daughter and I. I have been severely hurt emotionally from a past relationship so i don't date or get close to anyone. I've been divorced. For almost 4 is terrifying for me. My roommate is a gentleman and not like i believed most men are. I feel safe protected and i want to let go of my fears and believe. I can get comfortable and feel at home. But it doesn't come easy. I know God put me in this home. And in my prayer journal two years ago i prayed that God would put me in the same room as my husband He chose for me and make it so i couldn't run away from Gods blessing ! I found my journal after i moved in here. I appreciate any comments of discernment. Thank you