Flying Saucer (UFO)

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Flying Saucer (UFO)

Post by PurestPlace »

All I remember is being inside of a flying saucer and we were all sitting on silver like mats (criss cross can tell that I'm a Pre-K Teacher :) that seemed to be made of metal. We were dressed in silver suits. The interior of the UFO was also silver.
I remember seeing a young woman perhaps in her 20's with blonde hair in a ponytail. There was also a male present but I didn't see him. I sensed his presence.
She had her eyes closed and hands raised with her thumb and middle fingers touching one another to about her shoulders and she spoke something to me but....for the life of me I can't remember! It makes me sad because whatever she said seemed very encouraging and uplifting to me. I know because I felt myself smile in my sleep.
This little gathering on the space ship was like a fellowship and there were only 3 of us there. The young woman, the man, and myself.

I am just a little concerned about the positioning of her fingers. Kinda reminded me of meditation of sorts. But I had a peace in this setting.
I didn't see myself in this dream because I was taking part in this dream. I hope this makes sense.


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Post by graphite412 »

could you explain a little more in detail about the thumb finger thing. Are the thumb and finger touching the shoulder? Or is she making a spade shaped thing with her fingers touching thumb to thumb and middle finger to middle finger?
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Post by PurestPlace »

It looked like she was touching each thumb to each middle finger and her hands were raised to the distance of the top of her shoulders.

Does that help a little? :)

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way of everlasting.

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Post by eagle »

There is a teaching of the hand representing the fivefold ministry. IF I remember the positioning correctly the thumb represents Apostolic and the middle finger represents Teacher. This may be an unusual move of God (UFO). It is probably represent a calling that is coming in. Whether it is a gifting you will posess or one that you will be covered by I'm not sure but that is what I get. This may also represent unity and coming into alignment and agreement. You mentioned you are a Teacher? So perhaps you are transitioning into an Apostolic call as well.
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Post by PurestPlace »

Thank you so much Eagle, for taking the time to share what God gives you for others.

PurestPlace :D
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way of everlasting.

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Post by gloryhis »

Hi Purest,

Jesus bless you. I do feel the silver may represent redemption/salvation. I am sensing the space ship, may be saying you're feeling alienated in some place perhaps because of your salvation. Seperated, yet up higher spiritually from others. It seems there is a woman with you who shares your convictions. The gesture she made seems to be some type of sign, you might check sign language and hand gestures to see what you can find.

But I really feel the hand gesture was representing that you are feeling as though you need direction to some degree. A sign gives us direction, whether it is sign language, hand gesture, traffic sign, they all are for direction. The had gesture she made seems to be "the okay sign" or "YES" it's okay. Perhaps God was letting you know YES, you are doing the right thing, by staying seperated from the world and it's enfluences. Being alienated for one's faith can be a noble sacrafice and like any other sacrafice which can cause one to feel isolated or cut off from others, we need to be encouraged in what we are doing. Based on the smile you felt in your sleep, Perhaps you needed that encouragment and God gave you this dream.

In Jesus love,
Last edited by gloryhis on Sun Sep 30, 2007 3:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Unidentified really is speaking to me here....the word that is...I am feeling that the Lord is really trying to tell you something about being in the presence of this woman....I know you felt that she may have been speaking to you of encouragement but as I read then reread and read again...I kept feeling an unction in my spirit to leave this here for you...take it the Lord and ask him...but I felt that the Lord was showing you that this is an unidentifiable other words it doesn't identify with him....its not of him....Thinking that it may pertain to a group that is wearing silver...redeemed..or it may take place in an area that is supposed to be redeemed...anyway, take it to the Lord...If it doesn't fit please pitch it..
Lots of Love.
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Post by PurestPlace »


I'll certainly be asking God's wisdom here.
Thank you all for sharing insight. I am thankful for this forum :)
You are blessings!!!

PurestPlace :)
"Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way of everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24