Compassion in action?

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Compassion in action?

Post by mynewsong »

Dreamed I was at a military reception of sorts. Seems my oldest son was in the military, (he isn't irl). I was sort of meandering in the rooms, not knowing anyone really and not talking to anyone. I then went into a much larger room where a big screen was airing something about the military happenings. I sat down to watch.

Soon a tall women sat right square in front of me so I couldn't see. I got up and moved to the next chair over. Then other people started to sit around me and in front of me, blocking my view, not saying anything, but it was pretty obvious they didn't want me to view what was on the screen.

I felt a couple of emotions; 1. anger that these people were trying to control what I could see and hear and 2. fear that my son's life was being shown taken in a military action.

I got up and left the room in tears. A man came up to me to explain these folks all together we're showing compassion because they were trying to prevent me from seeing horrible military happenings that involved my son.
I asked the man a question....
But wasn't it better that I be told and not kept from it? And the man said it was best to find out this way, because the full view of the details would have been too much for me to handle.
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. And whatever you do, do it with kindness and love.
I Cor 16:13-14
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Re: Compassion in action?

Post by mynewsong »

Just thinking out loud... Looking at the man's and others behavior toward me..they already knew that I wouldn't or couldn't face this situation with a heart of faith, hope and love. They knew this about me yet still acted with compassion knowing I'd react to the disturbing news with fear, anger and bitterness and tried to soften the blow.

My daily devotion this morning was from Romans 14. "Cultivating good relationships"
verse 1.Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over them every time they do or say something you don't agree with-even when it seems they are strong on opinions but weak in the faith department. Remember they have their own history to deal with. Treat them gently.

Perhaps the dream is showing me I have some healing that needs to happen in the belief to behavior department.
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. And whatever you do, do it with kindness and love.
I Cor 16:13-14