VISION: "Yes"!...

Archived Dreams from 2015
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VISION: "Yes"!...

Post by eyes.enlightened »

Earlier in the morning about 7:00 a.m. I woke up and in my spirit I heard these words in a song, "I anticipate the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God. I expect a miracle, I expect a miracle." It kept repeating this song over and over again. So I took out my bible, to see what else God could be trying to say to me in His word. When I opened the bible, my eyes fell on the word, "miracle", then I noticed above that it was 2 Kings chapter 2. So, I read that chapter and continued to read up to chapter 8. After reading these chapters, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was lying quietly in my bedroom for a while. I wasn't thinking about anything in particular. I did not have any radio or television on, just totally quiet. Then right next to me, I heard as soft, but so real and clear voice say, "Yes"! The sound of the voice was so close to me that I could even feel the vibration and heat of their breath, brush against my face, when they said,"Yes". Although, I didn't see them, I knew they were standing right next to me, and they were excited about something by the way their expression sounded.

Any thoughts?

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Re: VISION: "Yes"!...

Post by Starfire »

As 2Kings2 is about Elijah taken up by a whirlwind & leaving a "double portion" of his spirit/mantle to Elisha, I'd say you a spiritual inheritance of some sort is in the wings. Something quite powerful and special that you will continue using it in service to the Kingdom of God.
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Re: VISION: "Yes"!...

Post by eyes.enlightened »

W :shock: W! Thank you, Starfire! You explained why I have had some supernatural experiences, after having that encounter. It all makes sense, and bears witness with my spirit.

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Re: VISION: "Yes"!...

Post by Starfire »

It just delights my spirit if God used me in a way to help one of His own.
I did notice just now that the words in the song you were hearing twice said to "expect a miracle". Elisha got a DOUBLE portion or Elijah's spirit/mantle. More confirmation?