White van dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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White van dream

Post by Ivy »

Last night I dreamt my husband and I were driving a white van. The van was full of children. After a while we didn't want to continue with the children. I tried to get them all out and lock the door, but it was difficult because some would try and climb back in before I could close the door.

Then I was in that same white van, taken hostage by evil men. I tried screaming for help, but no one could hear me because of a loud noise. I looked behind a plastic partition and I saw the evil men using loud power tools.

I was screaming out loud, and I woke up feel terrified. After a while I fell back asleep and I was back in the van, and now one of the men was groping me. I woke up again from my own screaming, and as I was awakening I could actually feel that man still groping me.

IRL my husband and I have been supporting an orphanage in Africa. A few weeks ago we went there for the first time, and we found out the orphanage director was a liar. He wanted money every day. We were constantly going to the ATM. When we started saying no to him, that's when the lying started.

I told him we were leaving the ministry, because now how could I trust him? But then I was reading a Beth Moore Bible study, and she said that sometimes God wants you to stay in a ministry, even if you don't respect the person in authority. Ouch, right? So fine, I told the director we'll still help his orphanage.

So I understand the first part of this dream, that the white van represents our ministry to the children. And maybe when we were trying to get the children out of the van, that was what we were doing IRL, but why in the last part of the dream am I taken hostage? That part I don't understand. Is God saying that if we abandon this ministry we will be in danger from the enemy?
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Re: White van dream

Post by PastorJKG »

The last part of the dream sounds like a demonic attack. The Holy Spirit would never do that to you. Perhaps because this man has been exposed he no longer needs to be secretive. When the enemy gets exposed he usually acts up worse than ever and comes strait at you. If he can't deceive, he wants to overwhelm. Witchcraft is very prevalent in Africa and children are often the victims of abuse. Beth Moore is right. Sometimes if God has placed us in a ministry under a Pastor we should stay until He releases us and try to submit to that leader. They are all imperfect because we are all imperfect. Your part in this ministry feels different and I'm not sure that submission would apply here. Who does he submit to? Is there any one over him who could bring some discipline or at least instruction. If he is a lone wolf it might be best to cut ties but you will have to pray for direction from the Lord. This is more Pastoral advice than interpretation.

Hope this helps
Pastor JKG
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Re: White van dream

Post by Ivy »

Thank you very much, Pastor JKG. I do need pastoral advice for sure. What a nightmare this whole ministry has come to.

You're right about the authority part. We are not under this man's authority nor is he under ours. As Christians we are both under God's authority. I did try talking to another orphanage director. He is a friend, and he knows the man we're dealing with. He actually raised him in his orphanage years ago. But his involvement made things worse. It got messy. All I can do is wait for God to show me what to do.