Girl with flys in her mouth went into daughters mirror

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Girl with flys in her mouth went into daughters mirror

Post by ginasings4him »

My daughter's boyfriend had a disturbing dream last night that had to do with my daughter. He had a dream that he was out with some of his friends, he thinks it was a bar and he thinks someone was trying to put poison in his drink - then this woman showed up and he saw 3 flys come out of her mouth, then he looked over at this little girl that was near the woman and a whole bunch of flys started coming out of her mouth and she was acting all weird and freaky. That same little girl ended up at our house going up the stairs with really loud footsteps - my daughters bedroom door was open just a crack and she went through it in my daughters bedroom and then went into my daughters mirror. End of his dream.

My daughter had a dream last night that someone tried to put some poison in her drink. Very weird.
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Re: Girl with flys in her mouth went into daughters mirror

Post by Starfire »

Wow...if that were me, I'd be walking through the whole home room by room and loudly praising the Lord, quoting scripture and pleading the blood of Jesus on every window, doorway, wall. I'd read scripture aloud and stand on the Blood!
Saying something like "I CONFESS THE PROTECTION OF BLOOD OF THE ONE LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST UPON THIS DOORWAY, ROOM, WALL, WINDOW. THROUGH the AUTHORITY and POWER OF HIS SACRIFICIAL BLOOD, ANY SPIRIT OTHER THAN HIS HOLY SPIRIT, I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE NOW, NEVER TO RETURN. YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY HERE. THIS HOME and the LIVES of ALL WHO LIVE HERE BELONG to JESUS and Him ONLY. GO NOW to wherever Jesus sends you. Through the power and authority of my Lord Jesus Christ, I take dominion over every square inch of this home and this property and dedicate it, all contents within it and all it's inhabitants to JESUS CHRIST, it's SOLE OWNER for we have all been paid for by HIS BLOOD." I would then play praise music and praise and thank the Lord for cleansing my home, as well as for protecting myself and my family.

Hope to not scare you, but it sounds to me like serious spiritual warfare & that requires serious concentrated prayer and fasting. God is more powerful than ANYTHING (READ ROMANS 8 ALOUD).
Remember that and praise His Holy Name. Evil has been defeated on the cross. It has NO AUTHORITY in the believer's life.

ALL WHO READ THIS, KINDLY PRAY IN AGREEMENT FOR the protection and release of GINA and her FAMILY.

All other perspectives welcome. This is serious. We need to stand together in prayer for the Lord's angelic hedge of supernatural protection to surround her, her family, her home.
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Re: Girl with flys in her mouth went into daughters mirror

Post by PastorJKG »

Flies rime with lies witch fly out of the mouth. The mirror could speak of self perception. The girl was walking loudly up the stairs as if to draw attention to herself. Does the daughter struggle with self confidence or spiritual identity? The dream definitely seems to speak of spiritual warfare but may also tell us how the warfare will come. We usually obtain our sense of identity from our relationships with the people around us and the words they speak over us. Sometimes that is obvious and sometimes the things are very subtle and deceptive. Three flies made me think of the false trinity. The beast, false prophet and satan. The system of antichrist. "Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit". The dream may have been given to the boyfriend because he has a lot to do with how she perceives herself. Do the daughter and boyfriend have a relationship with Jesus?

Hope this helps
Pastor JKG
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Re: Girl with flys in her mouth went into daughters mirror

Post by ginasings4him »

Thank you both for your responses. Yes, this dream disturbed me greatly and I immediately explained the significance of the dream to both of them that very same morning they awoke from the dream. I rebuked the evil spirits and commanded them to leave in the name of Jesus and I plead the blood of Jesus over my household, over my daughter, her boyfriend, my family, and I pointed to the mirror and I rebuked all lies of the enemy and that when my daughter looks in that mirror she will see a daughter of the most high God and will not believe any lies from the enemy. I told them to plead the blood of Jesus out loud over their lives and to speak out loud and rebuke all evil spirits and command them to go to the pit and never return. I hope they did that. My daughter is a believer but has slipped away from her faith and is no longer going to church, she has let some of the ideologies of the world slip in a bit but she has that Christian foundation I raised her with so pray she will return to her faith and serve God, she used to sing with me on the worship team, her boyfriend (whom she is now living with which I'm not happy about) he has been dabbling in the Mormon religion - he wanted her to go with him recently and she said no. I told her to invite him to our church. I hope they will both come.

I have been battling intense warfare over my kids, especially my daughters. I have my oldest daughter who is 26 and still lives at home now looking at stuff on the internet about Gnosticism, new age, Christ consciousnesses stuff and now saying she doesn't' believe in hell or that she thinks that the God in the Old testament is not the same God as the New testament because she is having a hard time with God's judgment, especially in the old testament. I'm trying to explain the reason God has judgment is because of Adam and Eve and Satan tempting them in the garden, that there is evil in the world, and we are all born into sin. That we have a free will to choose. God never intended us to know evil, but when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they then knew the knowledge of good and evil and you know the rest of the story. I don't know if you know who Shawn Bolz is but he prophesied a word for my oldest daughter (she wasn't there but he gave it to me for her) he knew our names, her name, and our last name. He said God knew we have been praying for direction for her and that she is about to come into the direction that God has for her and she is upon a season of self discovery. I am wondering if this is what he was speaking about as far as her questioning and doubting certain things in the bible, etc. I pray that God will enlighten her to the true knowledge of who he is and that the bible is the true word of God, all of it.

My son just broke it off with his wonderful christian girlfriend of 16 months - I loved her so. She will be going to college, and he is a senior in high school so I guess they need some time, I pray he will continue to keep his faith during the challenging years of young adulthood.

I am struggling in my marriage, my husband has been taking methadone, and it appears as though he will never get off it, he was on it for addiction to pain pills, but uses it also for chronic pain in his back so says he probably will have to be on it forever, although I have caught him snorting pills still, we have no intimacy anymore and we live day to day like roommates. I've prayed about this for so long, I don't know what else to do. I don't doubt God can do miracles, but I wonder if I need to leave or separate to get his attention. I really don't think he will do anything unless I do.

So yes, I have extreme warfare going on, I'm a worship leader so the battle has always been intense and sometimes I get weary. I do need to fast and pray - God has been telling me this. I need to be obedient and do it. I appreciate all prayers from you wonderful people, you bless my heart!