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Finding money

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 3:22 pm
by lisaray
Greetings fellow laborers,
I had a dream the other night that I need help understanding. I pray the Lord will give an answer if peace.
I was walking to the store and as I approached a building, I was at the front porch. There was an older gentleman coming out of the building. As he stepped off of the porch I noticed money drop out of his pocket. Although I needed money, I realized that this was his money and the right thing to do was to make sure he got it. I got his attention by saying, "excuse me sir, you dropped your money." ANd he picked up the large bills and put them back in his pocket, he thanked me and was amazed that there were still honest people in the world. At the same time his nephew was coming out of the building and was concerned as to what was going on. All he saw was his uncle picking up money and me standing there making sure he got it all and that nobody came up to attack him. (But the nephew didn't know that). His uncle told him that I told him about all of his money falling out of his pocket and how grateful he was that I let him know. He picked it all up, counting to make sure it was all there and it was. As they began to walk off, I saw another bigger wad of money under the porch. I thought it to be in the thousands. As I was picking it up, the nephew turned around and asked his uncle was that some more of his money. His uncle said, no I have all of mine. She found it and there's no one else around to claim it so it's hers. So they left. I picked up the money and put it in my purse or coat pocket. As I walked a little further I saw a little girl about 12 years old and there was a group of men trying to get her to come with them. Immediately I knew they were going to exploit her into a human trafficking prostitution ring. So I intervened and told her to come with me. She started saying how strict her mother was and how unhappy she was at home. I just told her that the kids nowadays think that because their parents won't let them run wild and do what they want to go, that they are mean and mistreating them I reminded her she was only 12 and these men were going to ruin her life. That she will miss the opportunity to be a kid and grow up at the rate God intended. That they would make her do things that would damage her body, May contract deadly diseases and so forth. After our talk she came with me. And I told her I was taking her to call her mother to come and get her. I walked to the first store but they didn't have the orange soda and honey bun I wanted. So as I crossed to the next store we passed through a mechanic garage and there was someone I knew. The girl was excited about knowing him. I just told her that I knew him and there was really nothing to be that excited about. He was not the type of person she was imagining him to be. She was excited that I knew him, but I told her this was no benefit in any type of way (spiritual or natural). As we began to walk I told her to look across the street and across the street was the business that I owned. I told her the struggles I went through in life, but that if we trust in God and live for Him, these are the types of doors He opens for us. This helped her to understand that God was who she needed to be seeking after. That's all I can remember.
God bless you all and I pray God gives an interpretation.