Living without oxygen, colored semen

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Living without oxygen, colored semen

Post by Hannah »

The dream begins with me driving a car through a lot of snow. There is a car on the side of the road slightly in my way - I think I can get between the car and the snow, but I am not sure. I stop, get out and in a super human way move the other car out of the way.

I get back in and drive the place I live, this is an apartment like building, and not really the home I live. When I get inside the house a friend comes to me. (In real life I haven't seen or talked to this man in 18 months). He is there looking for me and walks over to me - I am feeling anxious, not because he is there, but because I have the feeling someone or something has tried to invade my house. I tell him to come with me and I show him the back door - which is in a shared hallway of the apartment. we focus in on the doorlock and I pull on the key which pulls the lock out of the door and I show him someone was tampering with the lock and bending the key to break in.

He then grabs me and pulls me close. He is much taller than me IRL and in the dream. He looks down on me smiling with a loving gleam in his eye ( this part of the dream becomes so real that when I wake up I feel as though I was really with him) He tells me not to worry because he is there to protect me and as he draws me closer to him I touch his chest....several times because it is hard - rock solid hard, and I say, "Wow you must have been working out a lot!!" Again, this part of the dream is so real as he draws me closer to hold me tighter and with a loving smile says, "No, it's hard because I have living without oxygen because I am refusing to have sex with anyone except you." He goes on to say, "When we are finally able to have sex it will be wonderful and my semen will be colored, blue and pink colored" He tells me this as if I should know that this is a really good thing.

I then wake up - and it takes me a while to realize it was a dream.

Any spirit led thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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Re: Living without oxygen, colored semen

Post by PastorJKG »

I sense that it may be a warning dream. The car partially in the way was something like a closed door forced open. Just like the door at the home. Perhaps the man represents someone else or maybe himself. Time will tell. Living without oxygen seems to be without the Holy Spirit. Not of God. Seductive and entrapping in nature. It feels false and somewhat dark to me. Pray into this and see if the Lord confirms it or not.

Hope this helps
Pastor JKG
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Re: Living without oxygen, colored semen

Post by Hannah »

Thank you Pasotr JGK That's interesting - It didn't feel dark or false, but I can see where you would interpret it this way. I was seeing the moving of the car as something I had been praying out of the way, and that because it would not be in my power to move a vehicle it was the power of the Holy Spirit through my hands - or prayer.

I will definitely pray about this - thanks. Blessings to you.