Wedding & Grandfather Clock Ring

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Wedding & Grandfather Clock Ring

Post by WishingWell3 »

There was a bodybuilder showing me the correct form on a workout machine. I didn't know he liked me at time, but later he grabs my hand and takes me to a place! He instantly drops to one knee and proposed! I'm in shock that it's finally happening! It seems to be televised because a bright light was shinning on me (I remember the light was bright; not sure from it being televised or if it was a light from heaven; just recall the light bright and blinding) He pulls out a big ring and places it on my finger! He then dips me (remember falling backwards in a such a happy mood like a light feather) and he kisses me! Lots of people are watching! He takes me to another room! It's just me and him and I can see a candle lit table for two! The room was big and beautiful! Then I remember seeing my aunt Wendy and uncle mark come in the room! They are so happy for me! Wendy lifts my finger to see the ring! She's in awe that my ring is so big! But when she's looking at it, there seems to be a miniature grandfather clock connected to the ring! Wendy opens the glass case door on front of the grandfather clock! I see my fiancé at business table having a meeting with his business partners! It seems my fiancé is well established! I remember glancing at my ring so happy and not worried that my fiancé was already in a business meeting with all the excitement going on! I embraced the lifestyle!
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Re: Wedding & Grandfather Clock Ring

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe the Bodybuilder could be Jesus. It could be calling you to relationship, or deeper, more devoted relationship. It all seems very symbolic and metaphoric. A clock speaks of time or timing. Perhaps your coming into a season of open doors for deeper spiritual awareness and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. "its finally happening". Sometimes there are things in our lives that hinder us from truly experiencing the depths of Abba's love. Carnal, natural things that keep us from spiritual living. Wendy an Mark, are they devout believers by chance? They may be key to the understanding. Wendy means "White, or pure" and Mark means "Warlike". It could be saying that there is a need to do some warfare in the spirit in order to achieve pureness and freedom from limitations. Sometimes we have to press through somethings in order to be able to press into God.
James 4:7-8
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [8] Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

I am not saying these things to discourage you. We all have to take this journey and fight the good fight of faith. The Christian life is not an easy road but as long as we stay humble and hungry, God will always give us the grace we need to continue.

Hope this helps
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Re: Wedding & Grandfather Clock Ring

Post by WishingWell3 »

I believe your interpretation is very accurate. It really agrees with me. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my dream.